Huang Yongqiang was surprised. He looked up and said, "brother fan, why are you here?"

It was Liu fan who came. He pedaled his tricycle slowly and came near.

Tian Xiaoxiao is also very surprised, "Liu fan, when did you come back?"

She and Liu fan, Huang Yongqiang are small, a good relationship.

Liu Fan gave her a smile and said, "Xiaoxiao, long time no see."

Tian Xiaoxiao smiles happily, but he laughs reluctantly, obviously with a heavy heart.

"Brother fan, you are very chic. Where did you get it? How could you be so like a rag collector?"

Huang Yongqiang joked, but then squinted.

Because he also saw the big horn on the handlebar. Isn't this special equipment?

"That's right. You, brother fan, what I do is to pick up junk. It's not idle. It's a hobby to go out for a walk."

Liu Fan explained casually.

Huang Yongqiang is a bit sour after hearing this. He takes picking up garbage as his hobby. This idea is really wonderful.

If he hadn't seen the Mercedes Benz in front of Liu Fan's house, he might have thought that Liu Fan was poor enough to collect rags.

"Qiangzi, I saw a lot of dead chickens on my way back. What's the matter with the dead chickens on the ground?"

Liu Fan noticed a dozen dead chickens on the ground and wondered.

Huang Yongqiang and Tian Xiaoxiao look at each other and see each other's helplessness.

See two people sigh but don't speak, Liu Fan got out of the car to check up.

Golden pupil observed carefully, and he soon found that these dead chickens had strange teeth marks on their necks, as if they had been bitten to death by something.

"Qiangzi, did you suffer from a weasel in your family?"

Liu Fan guessed that he played in the chicken shed when he was a child, and there were weasels stealing chickens at night at that time.

After all, not far from their village is the mountain, where weasels are common.

"Ah, brother fan, since you asked, I won't hide it from you."

Huang Yongqiang sighed and told Liu Fan the truth.

It turns out that half a month ago, a weasel once came in his chicken shed, but its size is very small, and his rooster is very fierce, so this weasel can't steal chicken. Instead, it exposes itself and is seen by Tian Xiaoxiao.

saw that his chickens were nearly killed in the weasel's hands. Where Tian Xiaoxiao could bear it, a shovel killed it directly.

I thought the chicken shed would be peaceful from now on, but I didn't expect that this was the beginning of the nightmare.

From the day after the death of the weasel, Huang Yongqiang and Tian Xiaoxiao would hear the scream of the chicken every night. They ran in and saw nothing.

And every morning, more than a dozen chickens are killed and injured in the chicken shed, all of them are killed by biting!

You don't have to guess when you look at the bite marks. You know it's the weasel!

To this end, they installed a monitoring system and hired the previous hunters in the village, but it still didn't work.

This weasel is much more powerful than the last one, so it can sneak into the chicken shed without knowing it!

"Brother fan, the older generation in the village said that we have provoked Huang Daxian. The weasel killed by Xiaoxiao is the descendant of Huang Daxian. That's why he won't give up on us. Up to now, more than 1000 chickens in my family are dying, one third of them are dead, alas!"

Huang Yongqiang said everything and frowned. This is the most evil thing he has encountered since he raised chickens for many years.

"Qiangzi, if it's too big for us to raise chickens, we can do something else."

Tian Xiaoxiao has been scared.

Liu Fan felt his chin and thought about it. According to what they said, is this weasel a virtuous man?

"Or I'll meet it."

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