Gu Xiaoxiao knew that he must have met someone like Liu Fan and Cai Ming.

Supernatural events!

Can conceal the perception of normal people!

In fact, the reason why Gu Xiaoxiao can wake up so early is due to the fact that she lived in Liu Fan's home for so few days.

Liu Fan's own vegetables are rich in aura. In addition, every time Liu Fan adds the powder of Qiangshen Jiangu pills to his meals, ordinary people will live longer, while martial arts like Gu Xiaoxiao can definitely improve their physique!

Just now that middle-aged man gave her a fan of Yao, met Gu Xiaoxiao this constitution, the effect immediately discounted.

However, no matter how powerful she is, she is still a little confused in the face of this young and old.

"The little girl is pretty good. It's not easy to pretend to sleep till now."

The old man said with a smile.

Gu Xiaoxiao is now sober up and wants to run away.

However, as soon as I stepped forward, I felt my head hit an invisible wall.

She suddenly felt dizzy.

"How could that be..."

Gu Xiaoxiao was surprised and found that there was something in front of him that could not be seen clearly.

Fortunately, she is also a person who has seen the magic reality. As soon as she bites, she turns to look at the old and young.

"What do you want?"

Although Gu Xiaoxiao was afraid, he was not willing to give in.

The old man shook his head and said, "I won't hurt you, so you have to go back with me and be my servant."


Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that the ugly old man had just said that he was suitable for making a cauldron. He became angry.

She has also read novels. How can she not understand the old man's meaning.

"If you want to do something like that with me, I won't die!"

Gu Xiaoxiao's knees slightly bent, waiting for the opportunity to start.

Now she can understand why passers-by can't see the situation here. It must be that these two people have done something to blur the sight of passers-by.

Thinking of this, she suddenly regretted that she had run out.

These days, she wanders outside by herself, trying to find psychological comfort, only to find that she seems to be the happiest to ride the magic broom with Liu Xiaodie.

She missed the vegetables in Liu Fan's home, Liu Xiaodie's mother's enthusiasm, that's a home.

But such a home does not belong to her.

Now that she is in danger and wants to go to the yellow spring, does she see her brother?

The youth blueprint stepped forward and said with a simple smile: "how honored it is to be the servant of Laozu. Why resist?"

After that, he hit the middle-aged man's car.


The car suddenly split in half from the middle!

This terrible scene made Gu Xiaoxiao feel cold at the bottom of his heart!

This is not the power that human beings can possess!

"Stop fighting and come with us."

The blueprint clearly finished the violence, but the eyes were very soft and the tone was very gentle.

"Where to?"

Gu Xiaoxiao asked in a trembling voice.

Blueprint laughs, "go to a place where there is no pain. I know you, Gu Xiaoxiao, are deeply in the pain of losing your family. Come to our mire cave."

"Mire cave?"

Gu Xiaoxiao stares at the two pupils of the blueprint, which are like the abyss, and gradually loses his vigilance.

There seems to be a magic in the eyes of the blueprint.

"Can I see my brother?"

Gu Xiaoxiao asked, and she began to step closer to the blueprint.

"Yes, as long as it's what you want, Miro Grottoes can achieve it for you."

Step by step, the blueprint lures us.

The old man beside him has been slightly squinting, the old God in.

"Well, I want to see my brother. As long as I can see him, I'll go with you."

Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes have lost their look. Unconsciously, they have obeyed the blueprint.

Blueprint simple and honest face also a little more satisfied with the smile.

He stretched out his hands and grasped Gu Xiaoxiao's arms.

The old man nodded, this trip to Tiannan, and more unexpected harvest.

Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Gu Xiaoxiao's direction.

"Get out of the way!"

The old man yelled, but he was still a step late!

The two arms of the blueprint freeze at this moment, and even spread to the chest along the arms!


The old man hit his stick on both arms of the blueprint.

The blue print Temple jumps wildly, the corners of his mouth are overflowing with blood, and his arms are broken like glass

The old man was very decisive. He took the blueprint with his crutch and flew backward three feet to get away from Gu Xiaoxiao.Looking at Xiaoxiao again, a graceful figure gradually appeared in front of her.

Her red dress, long hair like waterfall, crystal clear skin like jade, peerless face like an immortal, but no one dares to look at her!

"You, you are Li Xuanji!"

The old man's face was distorted, his eyes were shocked, and his voice seemed crazy!

Since the last time Cai Yiling brought back the news of Li Xuanji to Cai's family, the news of Li Xuanji's life spread like wildfire.

This naturally caused many forces to be ready to move.

And the old man is one of them. He can recognize Li Xuanji all of a sudden, of course, because the people who participated in the suppression of Changsheng gate a hundred years ago also have his share!

"She is Li Xuanji?"

Blueprints took a cool breath, but his face was still as simple as his clothes.

Gu Xiaoxiao did not have the temptation of blueprint, but also gradually recovered from the daze.

She looked up and found that the figure in front of her was familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"You Wei, sister?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was stunned. She didn't say a few words to Li Youwei at Liu Fan's home, but she was very impressed with Li Youwei.

There's no other reason, but it's beautiful!

She lived so much that she had never seen such a perfect woman.

It is said that Li Youwei is Liu Fan's elder martial sister, studying traditional Chinese medicine, which Gu Xiaoxiao has always been skeptical.

She even suspected that Liu Fan's family were not ordinary people.

But why is Li Youwei here?

Li Youwei turned around and said, "it's really a worrying child."

It felt like the words of people who had lived for hundreds of years.

Gu Xiaoxiao snorted and said goodbye.

Li Youwei shook his head with a bitter smile. In fact, she didn't come here for Gu Xiaoxiao, but felt that there were powerful practitioners coming here.

It was an accident to save Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Miaojiang mire cave, I didn't expect that you would be the first one to dare to come here."

Li Youwei put his hands around him and said contemptuously.

At this time, the old man had put away his startled look and said with a smile, "I've met Li Daoyou in the Miao area."

The ancestor of Wanfa in mire grottoes, whose voice shakes the Miao area, is proficient in magic and the art of nourishing yin and Yang. This is his method of longevity.

Of course, I don't know much about it. A hundred years later, I've become an old bone.

During the period when Li Youwei came back to life, he often wandered around the heaven, and he knew almost all about today's practice world.

In the past few years, Wanfa's cultivation of evil skills has harmed many innocent girls, but there is no way in the world to take him.

This time, I'm also here for Li Youwei.

"Oh, you, a thief, deserve to be my friend?"

Li Youwei is most disgusted with the old man in front of him.

"I dare to insult my ancestors and seek death!"

Blueprint heard a roar, kick the general body of the car to Li Youwei.


The wreckage of the car came with great strength, but it stopped in front of Li Youwei!

Ice crystals attach to the rest of the car, and freeze into huge pieces of ice in the blink of an eye!

Li Youwei blew a breath gently, and the next second the ice was disintegrated and fell one after another.

There's nothing left but ice crystal powder all over the floor.

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