Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 114

And in order to create a compelling impression of the Observer's big brother, Gu Qihuan will have to spend points to create this effect.

The guide: "There's no need to ask, it's all just because you were sitting with the Observer and were influenced by it. The observer's essence itself is above Infinity Twelve, and the difference between it and you guys is a world away. Even if he shrinks his power as much as possible and comes to be only an incarnation, he is still the origin of the Dao in the final analysis, and gazing at him is gazing at the Dao. To share a room with him would be a divine change for a pig, let alone for you."

Jiang Nan Flowery House: "When it's unbelievable!"

Ever since the healing of his eyes, Hua Man Lou has become more tolerant, yet curious, of everything in the world. Not only has his mind's eye not disappeared with the restoration of his physical eyes, but it has gone even further, in order to be more aware of the observer's majestic, lofty mien!

Reaper Blue Dye obscura: "But it's more fun, isn't it? The infinite diversity of the worlds, the infinite ten to twelve steps, this is truly something to look forward to!"

The only captain's office left in the Fivefold Team was Blue Dye's eyes, which were frighteningly bright, which was what he did when he was extremely excited. Compared to the throne of heaven long ago destined to be in his palm, where are the unknown worlds of the heavens more interesting! At this moment, his eyes were no longer on the District's Quiet Spirit Court, or the Spirit King.

Probe Lee Seeker: "Lord Administrator, are the videos of the remaining group members ready to be uploaded? Recently Shi Yin has been urging me to see if there are any other new dramas to watch Bitter Smile."

Since watching his own world line, Li Xunhuan made a quick decision to propose marriage to his cousin's family, and also finally got married to Shiyin's cousin recently. And after Li Xun Huan joined the group, and then watch the original world for a long time will naturally feel bored, so in order to pass the time, found an offline iPad in the group, and then the group videos are downloaded into it to watch with his own cousin, the two together live a happy day of house chasing drama!

And for a drama lover, not having a new drama was undoubtedly the most painful thing, so Shi Yin had already hounded Lee several times about whether or not he had a new drama.

Cue: "Hahahaha, I'll upload it."

Group prompt: "Administrator uploading medium sized group video Blue Pussy and Green always had to tell stories.

Admin uploading a medium group video of how death's blue dye turned the boat around.

Administrators uploading small group videos of Steel Don't Call Me Douche.

Administrators upload large group video of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf's feuding past;"

Guide: "Well, let me show you another Nopi Nobita's Worldline."

Group prompt: "Admin uploading large group video of my fat blue Doraemon."

Demon Coil: "Wow, I'm so happy, it's been a long time since I've been able to catch up on drama again!"

Coil is also a hidden drama fanatic, so she can't. Ancient life is boring. Looking at the pile of group videos on it, Coil decided to slow down the pace of the recent conquest of the world for a while, allowing Li Valve and Cixi Jingzhai to struggle for a while. It just so happened that the good seed of Sage Yuan that they had redeemed from the group before hadn't fully promoted the world yet, so let's promote the world first and then earn a wave of prestige.

If Li Valve knew that they could actually have a breather because of this, they wouldn't know whether they should cry or laugh.

Chapter 105: The Great Era of Change for All People's Transcendence

Six months had passed since Gu Qihuan had transformed into the World Will Spokesman, Su Dust, and manifested himself in front of people to inform the Enlightenment crowd of the causes and consequences.

Six months had passed, especially in the Enlightenment Empire where almost one day had changed.

The Enlightenment Empire, which had stood in the East for thousands of years and was reborn after the end of the Ming Dynasty, had dominated the world for four hundred and forty-seven years! When it came time to get really serious, to raise the nation and go all out to do something, as long as the success rate wasn't zero percent, and as long as the scope of this thing was still within the Enlightenment, then no one could stop this powerful empire!

Can't stop it from wanting to implement it!

There's no stopping it from going through with it!

There's no stopping it from being destined for success!

Three million engineering soldiers were deployed together, and three thousand engineering lines were started together. No matter if it's a thousand-meter high mountain or a ten-thousand-meter deep sea within the land of Enlightenment; as long as it's related to the Two Worlds Two Instrument Formation, there's bound to be Enlightenment Engineering Soldiers!

At the same time the opening of the era of cultivation, for the Enlightened Empire, for the world, and the changes brought about therein involve even more of society! In the face of this tremendous change of the times, it took forty-two days before and after, and went through more than a thousand meetings of various sizes. In the end, four unshakable principles were established: one to slow down reform, one to promote it, and one to believe in it.

Agriculture remains intact, and it must be ensured that there is enough food left to feed the people of the Reich, and indeed the world, for the next five years!

The social system and the rule of law do not waver, and the social system, social attitudes, and even the social environment to this day are the result of the struggles of the past generations to achieve progress through blood and tears, and the prosperous scenes of the empire today, where the people live in peace and contentment, also show that the present social system and the rule of law are correct.

That is why the empire will never allow the "backtracking of history" and a return to the old Ming and old times, when the law of the jungle and the bullying of the strong were the rule of the strong; all men are created equal and all men are strong!

Science does not falter, and the advent of the Age of Transcendence does not mean the end of the Age of Science, but rather the advent of the Age of Transcendence will promote the advancement of the Age of Science, and the advancement of the Age of Science will likewise promote the advancement of the Age of Transcendence, and the two are mutually reinforcing!

The basic mysteries of cultivation are being thoroughly studied and improved by the Academy of Sciences for better cultivation as the research progresses, while the improvement in the thinking of transcendental human beings after cultivation greatly facilitates scientific research.

Education remains intact, the century-old plan is based on education.

The age of science requires the multitude to study, sky, geography, history, language, mathematics.... In the age of universal cultivation of the supernatural also needs the multitudes to learn, it will only be a change in the proportion of each subject, not a complete abolition. Knowledge is always useful, and if it is not useful for the time being, it is only that it has not found a use for that knowledge.

The slow reformation of industry, the coming of a new era, means that there is bound to be a tremendous impact on the old trades and industries.

Throughout the past history, the agricultural age, the industrial age, the information age, no matter which era comes, all walks of life in the new era will find their own methods of transformation, the road, and this is not a quick fix. So now the professionals, do not panic, spare time to think about, but do not think on the brain after a hot to go brute force, patience, this new era has just begun!

The three sons of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism hold daily nationwide live broadcasts to explain the key points of basic practice, and the Imperial Academy of Sciences allocates 80% of its resources to the study of practice. The Academy strives to complete the translation of the basic cultivation in the shortest possible time, so that the basic cultivation texts are as simple and clear as textbooks for elementary and middle school students.

For thousands of years, the land of Enlightenment has experienced various natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, flash floods, blizzards, and torrential rains, and each of these disasters has caused us to pay an unspeakably painful price. However, no matter which natural calamities we have experienced, none of them has defeated us. No matter what difficulties or disasters we have faced, the people of Qiming have never yielded or wavered, but have risen to the challenge and worked together to overcome them.

This time we are confident that there will be no exceptions, and we ask the people of the Empire to believe that so what if the worlds merge, there is no end in sight! The solution we have, then all that's left is to get it done 100 percent, 100 percent, 100 percent!

Go tell this day and this land that we, the sons and daughters of Enlightenment, have the right to stand tall on this land of Enlightenment! "

After suing the people of Enlightenment, the Four Not Three book came out, the people of Enlightenment Empire were suddenly all united, although still fearful of the natural disasters that suddenly appeared from time to time, but more than anything, they were holding their breath and doing their part to fight this world merging natural disaster!

Besides, the empire doesn't ask much from us people, they just tell us to practice hard, strive to attain transformation as soon as possible, and do our part to establish the Humanist Empire in the future! This kind of thing didn't need to be said by the Empire, it would be executed properly by itself, and everyone knew that as long as they could get through this, the future era would certainly be one of cultivation!

If it wasn't for the knowledge that each person was now suitable for a maximum of two hours of cultivation per day, overdoing it would backfire on them. It's possible that the people of the empire would be in isolation one by one now, not leaving until the transformation! But even so, the people of the empire now spent their time either trying to cultivate or working on how to cultivate more efficiently and quickly, in addition to their daily necessities.

When the Enlightenment Empire's multitudes were united in a common endeavor towards the same goal. In the void invisible to the naked eye, a humanistic qi number coalesced together and blessed the Enlightenment Empire.

When the Enlightenment Empire encountered difficulties, someone might have a sudden idea to solve the problem. Or perhaps the people of Enlightenment might accidentally step into a metamorphosis when they were cultivating.

Within the origin space, Gu Ji Huan looked at the humane qi numbers that had already been gathered and the Enlightenment State Luck that had taken shape and nodded slightly. In fact at this point, one could already attempt to start building a Humanity Empire, only the Humanity Empire that was built this way was weak. The greatness of the Humanist Empire came from the people of the empire, and if the people of the empire were strong, then the Humanist Empire was strong, simple as that.

But there was still time to be rich, there was no hurry, he was now thinking about some other issues.

If the reason why he had passed down the Humanity Town Luck Technique in the beginning was because it was really what Gu Zhuanhuan had thought of that could be used to ease the pressure brought about by the fusion of the two realms, and smoothly transition into the New World New Age method.

Then after Gu Zhuanhuan himself had gone further and further on the path of absolute truth, by now Gu Zhuanhuan was already quite confident that he could control the smooth fusion of the two worlds, and even if the Observer, the Creator and Gu Zhuanhuan worked together at the same time, then it would be possible for the smooth fusion between the two planets to be completed now.

It just didn't do so out of Gu Qihuan's own consideration.

Because the future development of the world would inevitably intersect with other worlds and other races, and if one didn't take the opportunity now to first change their mindset, change their consciousness, and unite together; then when the future really intersected or even warred with other races of other worlds, they would definitely lose a lot of money. It was even not impossible if they were forced to exterminate their race if they did not make a move in the absence of Gu Gu.

Based on the above considerations, so for the later fusion of the two realms, unless it really developed to the point of being irreversible. Otherwise, Gu was all set to sit back and let the humans and the Enlightenment Empire do their bidding. The fusion of the two realms was indeed a viable option anyway, depending on which step they could take.

What he was thinking about now was more about the future of the world individually and collectively as a nation.

On the one hand, he wanted to strengthen the official strength of the Enlightenment Empire, so that the ordinary people in the new world could have a relatively peaceful and orderly world, and avoid the situation where the heroes pull out their swords once and it's another ten years of disaster.

But this is not easy to solve, when the individual is strong, there is bound to be a desire to challenge the collective, and when the collective is strong, there is bound to be a desire to suppress those who want to challenge the collective and override the others. The two are in conflict and are not compatible.

"Let me think about how the other bigwigs of the Infinite Diverse World deal with the relationship between nations and individuals."

Gu Gu braced his chin and recalled what he knew of the Infinite Multiverse World's big brothers. After thinking about it carefully, the result was either an arrangement where the individual overrode the collective, or the collective suppressed the individual's development.

"Sometimes, it's not good to think too much."

At some point, the observer had appeared to the right in front of Gu, clear and cold.

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