Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 162

"Well, there won't be any scars left!"

As she stood up, she reached out and pulled the three girls up with a smile.

"Do you think you can save them, Zinghuan?"

Zou Yu pointed at Hu Yige, Liu Fei'er and the others below and asked, although they were pinned to the ground before, it didn't mean that they had lost consciousness, they had heard what they should have heard.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for them just now, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to wait for you to arrive and hang up."

Joffie helped to speak up as well, she had just been pinned to the ground, but she had seen this world's self holding a sword and pushing away all the scum that tried to cut a piece of flesh off of her.

"Do your best to rejoice."

Kuretong didn't say much, but the meaning in her eyes was clear as well.


Gu Zinghuan lightly responded, then pulled out a talisman from her own pocket and tore it open. The faint, vibrant green light turned into a rain of light and fell towards the injured star masses who were previously on the side of Zou Yu's three women. The talisman was very effective and healed quickly, but within minutes, the wounds on the masses bathed in the rain of light were recovering and healing at a rate visible to the naked eye! In the end, there was likewise not a single wound or scar on his body other than a mess as well as weakness.



Du Tao you didn't even finish your words, you were slapped by Gu Qihuan through the air and flew into the wall mosaic, although you are not dead now, but all five limbs are broken and have internal injuries, you can't live for more than a few days.

"If you dare to disturb me one more time, I guarantee that you won't be able to wait for the judgment of the Yan Xia Kingdom's laws outside."

Gu Zhuanhuan's icy voice resounded throughout the arena, yet no one felt that there was anything wrong with it. Just before those scum had dared to choose to make a move against Wu Tong's three men, honestly Gu Zhuanhuan wouldn't feel any problem even if they all slapped these scum to death now, and they might even applaud. And now that Gu was still strong enough to hold back, it was the Yan Xia Kingdom bearers outside who felt that the Exotic Enlightenment Empire was good, still willing to abide by the rules even if they were supernatural.

"Mr. Gu, Colonel Wu, Colonel Zou, and Colonel Qiao, rest assured that the Yan Xia Country will never let go of anyone who has violated the righteousness of the human race and the laws of the Yan Xia Country, and will definitely try these people in a fair and open manner! They must be made to pay the price they deserve!"

Shen Shenxing, the Yan Xia Country's carrying representative, gave a direct and firm reply through the venue's speakers.

After being polite, everyone's attention was directed towards the giant bird that had been smashed unconscious in the pit.

"Do your best to rejoice, is the bird dead yet?"

Joffie poked Gu's arm and looked at the giant bird and asked.

"Not yet, just knocked out."

Gu laughed and slowly floated down to the ground with the three girls, walking towards the giant bird. The others made their way out of the way. Reaching the pit, Gu jumped down, and then everyone saw the giant bird fly out, well, fling fly.


There was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground again, but this time it woke the giant bird up.

"Who, who just attacked me from behind!"

The giant bird tossed its bird's head, its eyes full of anger! After waking up, it first remembered that it had just been attacked.

It slowly walked up from the pit where the giant bird had just been lying, without speaking, but the expression that looked like it was me that did it completely infuriated the giant bird.

"Damn human race, I'm going to tear you apart!"

The giant bird fiercely fluttered its wings and raised its wings, bringing up huge waves of wind.

In the next instant, Gu Gu's entire body had disappeared. Then in the next instant, suddenly appearing above the giant bird's head to the left, two huge palms formed by the Yuan Qi of Heaven and Earth condensed, one left and one right respectively grabbed the wings of the two birds, and then the same Yuan Qi of Heaven and Earth condensed and grew long legs like a whip ruthlessly landed at the intersection of the giant bird's neck. The violent impact directly kicked the giant bird flying in the sky back to the ground again, and the two bird wings were directly forced to be torn alive under this kick because they had been held by Gu Qihuan.


Well, the ground was once again smashed into a deep pit by the wingless bird demon.

The two bird wings were casually tossed aside by Gu Zhuanhuan, who then put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked to the edge of the pit, looking down at the bird demon in a calm manner. This scene, in the eyes of the crowd, only had the feeling that this big brother called Gu Zhuanhuan was a real big brother, who had written the word calm as domineering.

At this moment the giant bird howled and cowered as it looked at the man standing by the pit, and when it finally saw the other party slowly raise a hand and press it calmly, it was plunged into complete darkness.

The bird demon that had messed with over two thousand people was killed in front of everyone, just like that, three times in a row.

Looking at Gu Zhuanghuan's back, for some reason, Wu Tong felt as if some changes had occurred this time when she saw Gu Zhuanghuan again, but she couldn't tell which changes they were. In the end, she could only keep it in her heart for the time being and spoke up, "Jie Huan, can we close this foreign overlap area now?"

"Now we can, but there's no point in closing it now."

Nodding his head, he shook his head again.

"Why? Haven't you already suppressed the bird demon?" Zou Yu asked in confusion, the others also looked at Gu Zhuanhuanhuan.

Especially the remaining stars inside the venue, the ones who were on Zou Yu's side before were fine, at least Gu Zhuanhuan had helped them treat their injuries before and were fine. But those stars who were on the opposite side of Zou Yu and the others, at the moment, it was really one more second of delay, and they might die due to excessive blood loss. For them, they would really rather go out and be judged by the Yan Xia Kingdom's law right now than continue to stay here.

"Because there's a big guy running this way, even if I temporarily close it now, with its strength it can just as well force it open and come through, it'll be even more troublesome then, so I might as well just wait here for it to come."

Gu looked up at the distance with a wisp of breeze gently blowing his temples, his face somewhat heavy.

"The big guy?" Zou Yu recited two sentences then his face changed dramatically and asked urgently, "Is another very powerful demon race heading this way?"

"Well, in terms of strength, it's much stronger than this half-witted fool, according to the division of Li Forgetting Immortal's and their system, it's probably about the same as me now, both belong to the half-step Earth Immortal, and at full strength, it should be comparable to the Earth Immortal in terms of battle power.

In addition, the world that is now connected should be the world before Li Forgetting Immortal and the others, the world where the demon race dominates the world."

As soon as this was said, everyone inside and outside the venue changed their faces. The destructive power shown by this silly bird now alone was already no different from a natural disaster. If it wasn't for Gu Zhuanghuan in time, I'm afraid everyone here would be dead. If another demon with more power than that giant bird came along, I'm afraid there would be only one way to go, "nuclear leveling"!

"Don't worry, I'm still confident." Gu Zhanghuan relieved the crowd for a couple of sentences, then looked at the remaining stars that had previously stood on Zou Yu's side of the three, and thought, his own violent momentum under his control instantly rushed up into the air and then exploded horizontally, all the bird demons that had been skimmed by this momentum one by one dropped to the ground like dumplings, pointing at those bird demons.

"You guys helped Zouyu and the others before, I've remembered this favor, and I don't want to owe anyone a favor, so in return, you can kill as many of these bird demons as you can, and it's best if you can finish them within fifteen minutes.

The world fusion is imminent, and the Infinite World Terminal of your world is probably going to appear soon. Although the World Will is not visible right now, it doesn't mean that there will be no record of everything you guys do in the World Will. Our mission is to suppress the Overlap Region of the Otherworld, and although we are the ones who accept the mission, and the reward for the world mission after completion is also ours, it doesn't mean that your participation in it will be meaningless.

Although you won't be rewarded now, when the Infinite World Terminal appears, if there is a world mission released, those of you who have had the experience of killing exotic monsters will be chosen by the World Will first under the same conditions. And sometimes one step is first, one step is first, that's how it works."

After hearing Gu's words, Hu Yige, Liu Fei'er and the others brightened up. Especially Liu Fei'er, Yang Xiaomei, and Tong Liya, seeing the terrifying skills of their other world self, it would be a lie to say that they didn't desire or envy it. And now they also had this chance to become as strong as they were, and possibly even stronger! As soon as they thought of this, the stars who were previously on Zou Yu's trio's side picked up iron rods, hammers, and other kinds of messy things as weapons from the ground, and then they were killing the bird demons on the ground who were fluttering their wings but didn't dare to fly.

The rest of the stars who were previously on the opposite side of Zou Yu and the others have been watching with envy and jealousy, but they don't dare to move under the intimidation of Gu Qihuan, Du Tao this will still be dipped in the wall did not come down!

Fifteen minutes quickly ended, and the seven to eight hundred Bird Demons were basically killed. There were as many as twelve or thirteen killed by Hu Yige, and as few as four or five killed as well. After all, these bird demons were only deterred by Gu Zhuanghuan's fear to fly just, not will struggle, and the flesh of the demon beast itself is also tougher, just these stars to kill so few bird demons has also been tired of panting.

When the time was up, the remaining bird demons that didn't die were directly shaken to death by Gu Qihuan with a big wave of his hand. "Sister, let me send you out first. It will be impossible to take care of you guys when the fight starts later."

"Well, you take care of your own safety, don't worry about us!" Wu Tong was very straightforward to follow, they knew that their strength was very different from that of Gu, and staying would only be a distraction and a burden to him.

"Hello, the people in charge of this world's Yanxia country, please keep the outside police officers or helicopters away so that they won't be mistakenly injured." Gu walked up to a wall and was about to raise his hand, then as if he remembered something to remind him.

"No problem, I'll arrange for them to disperse now." The Yan Xia Kingdom's bearers replied very simply.

When all the police officers and helicopters had dispersed, Gu stepped forward and bowed his fist! The red fist formed a fist the size of a ten foot fist, directly blowing an exit through the wall and the black mist outside.

"Let's go, if we don't leave, it'll be too late later."

All the stars who heard this all pulled their legs out and ran away, acting as if they wished their parents would give them more legs. Previously, they just didn't leave because they didn't leave when they heard Zou Yu's three people say that, and as a result, the entire venue had over 3,000 people, and by now there were only two to three hundred people left dead, and half of them were going to be judged by the law after they went out, so it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that not even one out of ten would survive. With this kind of precedent, how could they dare to ignore this statement again.

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