Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 185

"Daoist Zhang's cultivation, however, has become more and more refined."

Ying Zheng did not display any imperial majesty in front of Zhang Sanfeng, to be precise, neither he nor the other three emperors would deliberately display their imperial majesty in front of the other group members. After all, those who were able to join the exchange group to possess this supreme great opportunity could be said to be equal to a certain extent, and there was no need to cause unpleasantness to others and trouble to their future.

"Fellow Daoist Ying Zheng is courteous, this time I have come with the intention of discussing matters related to this realm with you and the three Daoists, Emperor Wu of Han, Emperor Ming and Emperor Song, I wonder if Fellow Daoist Ying Zheng can contact the other three Daoists?"

After being polite, Zhang Sanfeng directly stated his intention.

"It is self-explanatory, Daoist friend, wait a moment."

Ying Zheng flicked his fingertips and three threads of national luck appeared in front of the two of them, and then the figures of Han Wu Emperor Liu Che, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, and Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin were manifested through the national luck.

When Zhang Sanfeng saw that everyone was here, he immediately told them all the things about the changes in this realm that were inherited from the old ruler.

Although they understood a part of it when they had just stepped into this realm before, when they absorbed the remnants of the Heavenly Court, it was not as clear and detailed as what Zhang Sanfeng knew in the Old Monarch's inheritance.

"I wonder what the four Daoists plan to do?"

Although he had already witnessed these four emperors before in the group video broadcast, when he once again saw with his own eyes the four before him who were either unfathomable, or imperial, or tyrannical and murderous, or inner and outer saints standing together, some in Zhang Sanfeng's heart could not help but sigh. "I'm afraid that after counting all of them, there are only a few that can stand alongside them."

"Since all the gods of this realm have departed, there are only a stream of demons and monsters left. Then there's no need to hide them now, how much of the Heavenly Inheritance is gained, each according to their means." Song Taizu Zhao Kuanyin suggested.

"It's rare for everyone to meet in one realm, so how about a small bet?" Emperor Liu Che of Hanwu's sword eyebrows raised, looking at the three of the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

"What do you want to bet?" Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang did not care to ask, There is no fear in the old Zhu family!

Ying Zheng and Zhao Kuan Yin both also looked at Han Wu Emperor Liu Che to see what he wanted to bet on.

"With this realm as the hunt, the four of us will sit in the imperial capital and not make a move, allowing the civil and military courtiers under our command to conquer the four corners of the country, and the one who gets the most luck from this realm will win!

In the case of a wager, bet one quarter of the Underworld authority each has, and the winner gets the full Underworld authority! How?"

Liu Che, the Han Wudi Emperor, who had just finished the Xiongnu, was very inflated, not afraid of anything at all, and even wanted to pick a fight. A mere quarter of the authority of the three realms is not enough, if you want to bet on the complete authority of one realm!

"But! But, I'll add another ten million World Origin Points as a note!"

Either don't gamble, or gamble big time! This was what Ying Zheng had in mind, and he estimated that each of the four of them should be able to harvest between fifty and eighty million World Origin Points from this trip to the Otherworld. Not to mention, just any complete authority in one of the three realms was worth around thirty million World Origin Points.

Both Ying Zheng and Liu Che looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhao Kuangyin, needless to say Liu Che, this proposal was originally made by him, but at the moment it was just Ying Zheng who raised some bets, he would definitely not wimp out. It was just to see if Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhao Kuanggyin would be wishy-washy, after all, the Underworld authority plus 10 million World Origin points was already almost a third of their harvest from this foreign world.

"I'll bet! In addition, I'll add three more Infinite Fourth Tier wonders!!!"

Then Zhu Yuanzhang turned his head to stare at Zhao Kuang Yin viciously, as if his eyes were saying that if you don't follow, then you will be kicked out of the list of the four emperors!

At this moment, Old Zhu was also heartbroken, as the true poor origin of the four emperors, to put it bluntly, he was born as a beggar and vagrant, boldness he did not lack, but boldness was boldness, and heartache was also true heartache.

"If I lose this time, I don't know how Xiuying will complain about me." Zhu Yuanzhang thought of Empress Ma who was sitting in the original world overseer, and his heart flashed with a trace of helplessness and warmth.

Zhao Kuang Yin smiled bitterly and helplessly, "Then I'll bet too." He really didn't want to gamble so much if he could, a quarter of the authority of one of the three worlds, plus ten million World Origin Points, and finally three Infinite Fourth Order wonders, this was already solidly half of the harvest from this foreign world trip!

But the thought that the winner this time, in addition to gaining one-fourth of the authority of the Heaven and Earth, would also gain an additional complete authority of the Underworld as well as thirty million World Origin Points and nine Infinite Fourth Order wonders with a total value of forty to fifty million Origin Points. Zhao Kuang Yin couldn't help but feel a fire in his heart as well, if he won this wave, it would definitely be greater than the harvest from this trip to the Otherworld!

"So, this battle must not be lost!!!"

Ying Zheng, Liu Che, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhao Kuanggyin were all in awe.

And Zhang Sanfeng who was watching the show on the side of the melon this has already looked dumbfounded, the total value of almost 100 million world origin points, this is what you four call a small bet?!!!! You emperors' small gambling game is really beyond the reach of ordinary people, and if it were other poorer members of the group, they might have lost their fortunes in this game.

After the bet was made, no matter it was the first emperor Ying Zheng, or the Han Dynasty Emperor Liu Che, or the Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, or the Song Dynasty Emperor Zhao Kuangyin, they all played their best.

Great Qin's general camp, Ying Zheng stood on the platform in the center of the barracks, his eyes swept over the crowd of civilians and military generals below: the literati were Guan Zhong, Yan Ying, Sun Shu Ao, Baili Xi, Fan Li, Kong Qiu, Ximen Bao, Zhang Yi, Li Si, Wei Liao.... The warriors were Sun Wu, Wu Qi, Bai Qi, Sun Bin, Li Mu, Wang Jian, Tian Dan, Le Yi, Lian Po, Zhao Qi, Xiang Yu....

Rao, as the First Emperor of Great Qin, couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he looked down at the crowd of civil and military generals whose talents were enough to go down in history, these talents from various periods and countries could be said to be one of his greatest rewards from the last Great Qin series of world group missions! Although all of these people were only from the infinitely small world of one or two orders, again, sometimes it was only the world that was weak, not the people! Spiritually and intellectually powerful and not limited by the world.

It was one of the greatest confidence he had in winning that bet! The Four Saints of Soldier, he's got three of these! There are countless other greats! He's afraid of losing?!!!

As for how to subdue these people, it was simple in their respective worlds, with his help Great Qin unified the world without change! Even though they are near demons in mind, they are just as helpless in the face of this majestic momentum that is completely irresistible. If they did not want to die with their talents, then the best result was to return to Qin.

The first emperor Ying Zheng was broad-minded enough to accommodate them, and also had enough stage to give them, and promised to lead them to a broader world. Based on this, basically all the literati and military generals of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods also submitted to Ying Zheng. Even the famous officials and generals of the Qin dynasty itself were taken away by Ying Zheng, leaving only a few cats and cats of various sizes for the various Qin kings.

In the words of Ying Zheng, "I have pacified the world for your ancestors, so what if I take away a few civil and military generals? If, after leveling the world and having the world strategies left by me, your ancestors are still unable to achieve world domination, then let alone being the king of Qin, I don't think Qin can afford to lose this person!"


"I'm here!"

"I order you to lead an army of 100,000 men, with the capital as the center, to sweep away all demons and monsters in the due east!"


"Wucheng Wait!"

"I'm here!"

"I order you to lead an army of 100,000 men and sweep away all demons and monsters in the south of the capital!"

"I obey!"

"Monty, Monty!"

"I'm at X2!"

"I order you to lead an army of one hundred thousand men, with the capital as the center, to sweep away all demons and monsters from the proper west!"


In the General Army Camp of the Great Han, Liu Che was also standing on the high platform of worship, looking down at the crowd of civil and military generals who were in high spirits.

Wen included: zhang Liang, Xiao He, Chen Ping, Cao Shen, Guo Jia, Jia Jia, Xun Yu, Xun Yao, Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang ....

Martial: Han Xin, Zhou Bo, Zhou Yafu, Li Guang, Wei Qing, Huo Zilong, Ban Chao, Dou Xian, Duan Jiong, Zhang Ying, Duan Huan, Huang Fu, Huang Fu Song, Zhu Shao, Lu Bu, Zhao Zilong, Dian Wei....

If he could only be trapped in the original world, then he definitely wouldn't have the opportunity to recruit so many civil and military generals. After all, his world was really small and it wasn't enough for him to toss himself. But after joining the exchange group, he and Ying Zheng had similarly set their sights on the heavens and the worlds, always ready to conquer the foreign realm one day, like now, wouldn't the opportunity come?!!!!

So of course the more talented people the better, he was never afraid that they would be outstanding beyond his imagination, he was only afraid that they wouldn't be outstanding enough for his imagination!

The first emperor Ying Zheng has some rough guesses as to what cards he has up his sleeve, but when has his Han ever lost to anyone else when it comes to talent and talent? If you say your Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods were fights between the immortals, then his Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty was also full of stars, with thousands of stars competing for glory! Of course, after he went there, there were no more trilogies, there was just Dahan!

Not to mention the cumulative number of historically-recorded civil and military generals that had appeared in the Han over the past four hundred years. He, Ying Zheng, had the confidence to win that bet, and he, Liu Che, had no less confidence to win this bet he had proposed!

"The purpose for which I have summoned you is one that many of you have probably already guessed! This time, you are competing against the sages! It's a man of distinction in every age! The most outstanding civil and military general of all time!"

"Huaiyin Marquis!"

"I'm here!"

Han Xin strode out, saluting respectfully.

"In this battle, you are the general marshal of the army, I have only one request!"

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