Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 210

"Set up a spot for us near Ren Fa and Uncle Nine's table."

Song Chord spoke up, and beside him was Nie Zilin who was teaming up for a mission together. After clicking to start the world quest, they appeared near Ren's town and asked a number of the town's people, all of whom said that the person with the strongest Dao in the town was Uncle Nine. It just so happened that a fish vendor told them that Master Ren was meeting Uncle Nine for tea, so they sought all the way here.

With the waiter, they sat down at the free table to the right of Uncle Nine. As soon as they sat down, Song Chord and Nie Zilin heard the whispered conversation of their mission target, Uncle Nine's master and disciple.

"Master, black and white, which one to drink first?"

"Let's see how people drink."

Seeing the girl sitting across from Uncle Nine, she first took a sip of pure coffee, then a sip of milk, and finally swallowed a mouthful of white sugar. Looking like she wanted to make a fool of Uncle Nine's apprentice, Song Chord shot a glance at Nie Zilin, then spoke.

"Zirin, how do you usually drink your coffee?"

Song Chord's voice wasn't too loud or too small, just enough to be heard by Uncle Nine and their table.

"Coffee ah, this depends on personal taste. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the actual coffee, and you'll see that it's a little bit bitter. Most people drink coffee by pouring the right amount of milk into the black coffee and stirring it; if you like it sweeter, you can also add a tablespoon or two of granulated sugar to the coffee."

Nie Zilin's spoke quickly, but with clear sentences, finishing just as Uncle Nine was about to go for coffee.

Ren Tingting's face was very red at the moment, if the teasing had succeeded, it would have been fine, at least you could say that you were teasing them, not that you wouldn't be able to drink coffee. But now it's not successful, but instead someone else also said the correct way to drink coffee again, so that their own study abroad back is very embarrassing.

Looking at Ren Tingting's face, coupled with the voice from behind just now, Uncle Nine was old and smart, how could he not know that the person behind just now was right, and moreover knew that the reason why Ren Tingting wanted to tease her master and disciple was probably because her own disciple had just offended someone by being rude.

Is with a foot to step on a foot before, indicating that its do not speak, as if nothing happened. Then according to the person behind the person's words, he poured some milk into the black coffee, added a tablespoon of sugar, and then gently stirred, feeling almost done. Lifted the cup again and took a gentle sip. Not quite used to it, but it was manageable.

As soon as she saw her father, Ren Fa, return, Ren Tingting couldn't sit still and simply made an excuse to go buy rouge and left in a hurry.

The next time you eat an egg tart, you don't have to be a smart aleck, and you can eat the egg tart directly, without adding any sugar or milk to it.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that. The first thing you need to do is to find out where you can find the best way to get the most out of your money.

It wasn't until around noon that Song String and Nie Zilin came to visit with their gifts.

"Master, Master, there are two good-looking men and women outside looking for you."

It was only when they were ushered to the lobby of the house and took seats relative to each other. Only then did Uncle Nine have the chance to see what his disciple meant by a very good-looking man and woman.

At first glance, the feeling Song Chord and Nie Zilin gave Uncle Nine was peculiar.

Peculiar clothing, a suit that resembled Western clothing and yet looked and felt much better than Western clothing! Clean and neat and very close to the body, will be slender body completely show, carefully look at the clothing material is not ordinary clothing material, at least than the morning he had seen Master Ren's daughter wear clothing material is even better.

The man's short hair looks a little messy, but feels harmonious and nice, of course, if the song string knows, will certainly tell the Ninth Uncle this is lazy style fluffy broken bangs; the woman's long hair straight, but slightly curved at the tip of the hair, if the Ninth Uncle curious to ask, Nie Zilin will certainly tell the Ninth Uncle this is soft small waves.

The atmosphere is also unique, Uncle Nine is also a knowledgeable old Jianghu, not to say that everything has been seen, but what the three religions have also seen many people. But never seen, like the temperament of the two people in front of them, the man is gentle but hidden sharp, the woman is valiant but within the blue heart.

What is more important is the kind of unintended disclosure of the two, but it seems to be carved into the bone marrow of self-esteem confidence and pride. No matter whether they were facing him or his disciples. Both of them were always treated with an equal, respectful yet confident attitude. Compared to the either cowering commoners or domineering rich landowners he had seen, the temperament was really somehow beyond.

Like just seeing Master Ren's daughter Ren Tingting would have some other thoughts, but seeing Nie Zilin, although she was very beautiful, even more beautiful than Ren Tingting, but he was unable to rise any thoughts. Because at a glance, one could tell that the two sides were not of the same world, and someone like himself was simply not worthy of others. The only one who could match her would probably be the young man next to her.

And after years of cultivation, how could he not see that the Qi and blood of these two was too strong, and that this scorching Qi and blood alone could deter ordinary kids, and of course it might also attract the prying eyes of more powerful evil spirits.

A thousand thoughts flashed through his mind, but Ninth Uncle's face did not show the slightest sign of color as he smiled at the two and spoke.

"I wonder what the two of you are here for?"

Song Chord and Nie Zilin looked at each other, then Song Chord spoke up.

"I'm Song Jing, this is Nie Zilin. When I came here earlier, I heard that Ninth Uncle is a noble man who usually kills demons and protects the people. It's even more true today."

"Overpraise, overpraise, the two of you are really overpraised! It's just some propriety work."

Hearing Song Chord's praise of himself, Uncle Nine was busy being modest, but his eyebrows were still raised in delight. After all, to be appraised by these two graceful strangers, who were somewhat good-looking in themselves, he naturally felt very proud of himself.

"Although we have come here to ask for Ninth Uncle's help, but regardless of whether Ninth Uncle agrees or not, these are all part of our intentions, so please don't postpone them. It has nothing to do with anything else, but only because what Ninth Uncle did in the past made us respectful, and it is just a token of our appreciation."

With that, Song Chord pushed over a delicate and elegant rectangular box in front of him.

As soon as Ninth Uncle wanted to refuse, Cai received it with a quick hand, and as soon as he received it, the push lid on top of the box was naturally pushed open. At first glance, Cai's entire body panicked and turned to his master.

"Master, Master, gold, gold bars!!!"

It's not weird to panic, after all, he usually took the most hand is a dozen, dozens of copper, the top of the day is the New Year when the master gave him a few ocean to buy food, it is simply the pinnacle of life. And the gold bars don't say hold in hand, is not even seen with their own eyes.

Ninth uncle received only hand box, just arrived, alone this exquisite box he feels can be sold in the town pawn shop a few foreign currencies. The box was small, and it only contained ten gold bars.

These were special event funds that the empire had prepared for them before they left, specially minted into gold bars and some gold leaves, just to make it easier for them to carry.

"Gentlemen, this is just too expensive for me to accept!"

Uncle Nine immediately handed the box back to Songstring, the gold bars were bright, but a monk loved money and took it.

However, looking at the box that Uncle Nine handed over Songstring did not take it, instead looking at Uncle Nine.

"Ninth Uncle, this is just a little bit of what we want, please don't postpone it yet. Also, what is it that we would like to ask Ninth Uncle to help us with?"

Song Chord said so, but instead, it made Uncle Nine curious about what he said, after all, the opening was ten gold bars smashed over, such a large amount of money are still just the other party admired his salute. So on the one hand, curious about what exactly the other party has to find him, on the other hand, the heart is more vigilant, after all, the heavier the salute, the more difficult things may be. This was something that Ninth Uncle, who had been a veteran for so many years, naturally knew.

Right now, Song Chord briefly spoke about the matter of the overlapping of the Otherworldly Ghost Domain. It was said briefly, but it also basically told the whole story of how they came to be, and there was nothing to hide. After all, these things would naturally be clear if they really went to their world. And the four hundred years of Hall Enlightenment brought them a deep bone marrow of pride and confidence. If I treat people with honesty, it is possible for people to treat me with honesty.

And Song String and Nie Zilin were not foolish, they had asked around about Ninth Uncle's character before noon, they had seen Ninth Uncle with their own eyes and judged him to be a trustworthy and virtuous person to be so honest.

By the time Song Chord finished speaking, the time had also passed from noon to sunset.

And after hearing that, Ninth Uncle was so stunned that he didn't even care if the tea was poured on the ground. Because what Songstring said was just too unbelievable, too unbelievable.

An incomparable other world?

A saint of two worlds with the will of the world?

A magical personal infinite world terminal?

Travel the world in search of a powerful Daoist who can suppress a thousand miles of evil spirits?

These were really hard for Uncle Nine to believe, but after Nie Zilin turned on the portable projector in her hand and projected a scene from their world. Uncle Nine would have to believe it, because even if it was an illusion, it came from the perception in the human mind. In other words, the scene in that projected image couldn't be illusory or imagined if it wasn't someone who had actually experienced it. After all, even if it was some kind of heavenly palace and cloud palace, it was only from the imperial palace on earth and then imagined based on it.

Looking equally dumbfounded before, Uncle Nine snorted coldly and said without good grace.

"Why don't you go buy food, cook and entertain the two distinguished guests!"

"Uh-oh." Hearing the words of Ninth Uncle before dangling and preparing to run out.

"Wait." Seeing that only two steps had just run out, Uncle Nine then called for a halt, and then painstakingly pulled out a dozen or so big yang from his bosom and handed it to Cai, "Go, buy more good food, like New Year!"

"Ohhh, got it, Master."

Only then did he happily receive the ocean and scampered away.

Chapter 183: Do you remember a trick that fell from the sky....

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