Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 266

The Little Boss himself has the talent, heart, effort, and opportunity to learn the eight cuisines of China in a short period of time, as well as other skills such as pastry and brewing across the border. If it were anyone else who didn't have the qualifications and mindset of Little Boss, even if they had the opportunity of chatting with the group, they would only become an okay chef, not a chef like Little Boss whose cooking was already close to the Tao!

"In Japanese cuisine: the head chef of Far Moon Academy, the devil of food, naginata Senzaemon; the owner of Kouhei restaurant, Shura Kouhei Shiroichiro; the head chef of Far Moon Resort, legendary chef Dojima Gin; the leader of dark cuisine, Tsaiwa Chaoyang; the master of pastry, Higashiwama....

French cuisine: Alain Ducasse, Joe Robuchon, Paul Bocuse, John André....

British cuisine: chef from hell Gordon Ramsay, molecular chef Heston Blumenthal, Nigel Lawson....

Spanish cuisine: the father of molecular cooking, Ferran Adria

Indian cuisine: the legendary chef Vizcaina ...."


"Culinary events: the Bocuse d'Or, the Monaco Cup World Bread Competition, the Wourmet anization food judging competition...."

The Artificial Intelligence Chef God listed out a bunch of information about the profiles of various famous chefs that he had searched for when he had invaded the network before, as well as information about the World Culinary Gastronomy Event Competition.

The more Liu Subaru looked at it, the more excited he became, and he even couldn't wait to go and communicate and learn from these culinary masters.

"Wait, where are the famous chefs from Warsaw? How come there's absolutely no information about the Chinese culinary world?"

After reading for a little while, all I saw was information about the cuisines of other world countries, but none of the famous chefs of the Huaxia Cuisine World.

"A hundred years ago, the last chief imperial chef of the Huaxia Culinary World, Divine Chef Xiao Fu Gui, was involved in a political palace coup struggle, and in the end, the palace coup failed, causing all the famous chefs of the Huaxia Culinary World to be implicated and executed by the three clans, so much so that the major cuisines of the Huaxia Culinary World were cut off from their inheritance. To this day, the Chinese culinary community is trying to restore the major cuisines and recipes, but the progress has been poor.

Nowadays, Chinese cuisine is not universally recognized in the world culinary world or in the world's major culinary competitions, and it is considered to be a braggarde of Chinese cuisine.

Currently, excluding China, only the Szechuan cuisine of the Chinese Cuisine Research Society in the Far Moon Chalet Cuisine School in the country of East Japan is more famous, and the president in charge is Shoki Kuko, who is known as the Chinese Cuisine Out of China Cuisine Research Society."

The artificially intelligent kitchen god will search to show the results, but look at the Liu Subaru star frowned. In particular, to see the kitchen god search showed a variety of Chinese chefs to participate in a variety of world competition rounds, the world's culinary community to mock the photos of Chinese cuisine, the face even more ugly.

By the time he finished reading them, Liu Subaru had regained his composure and only silently pulled off the cloth that covered the special chef badge on his left sleeve.

"Since no one knows about Huaxia cuisine, since no one recognizes it, and since the eight major cuisines of Huaxia's heritage are severed."

"Then let me tell the world what Huaxia cuisine is! I'll make the world recognize Chinese cuisine! I'll continue the legacy of the eight cuisines of Warsaw!"

If Liu Subaru had no specific group world mission objective before, then now Liu Subaru's group world mission objective had been set! From the time he was a Chinese chef, from the time he inherited his mother Abbey Fairy's Szechuan cuisine and studied under the other seven masters, it was already predetermined that Liu Subaru would make this decision upon hearing the news.

Chapter 241: The Moon Festival, Ma Po Tofu

"Kitchen God, help search for my current location, as well as the largest culinary event nearby and the relevant celebrity chef."

"Current location is the country of EGL, the biggest culinary event nearby is the five-day Moon Festival at the Far Moon Tea House Culinary Academy, currently on the third day."

"Looks like the timing is quite coincidental. Chef, see if there are any surveillance cameras nearby, and if there are, help block them."

Liu Subaru, in addition to learning to cook, the usual group drama and the like did not miss, even more often invited to play and cook in Little Bulma's world, so the technological system also knows quite a lot of things. In his pocket, he took out a box, which was custom-made by Dr. Brieve's universal capsule box, with a series of encryption measures such as fingerprint recognition, pupil recognition and password recognition, which only Liu Subaru could open anyway.

From the universal capsule box to find a smart weight-bearing motorcycle capsule, threw it to the ground, a red and white shape motorcycle heavy motorcycle appeared in the alley.

"Kitchen God, you can connect into this heavy motorcycle?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good, then you'll be in charge of controlling the driving next, destination Farmoon Tea House Cooking Academy's Moon Festival!"

With a handsome flip Liu Plei-Sing got into the heavy motorcycle, put on the A.I. Cooks change into a Bluetooth headset, and gripped the handlebars with both hands.

"Let's go!"


A red and white shaped heavy locomotive let out a roar and stormed out of an unknown alley, a beautiful drifting swerve through the streets and alleyways, heading towards the Far Moon Teahouse Cooking School Moon Festival in the distance.


The Far Moon Tea House Cooking Academy Moon Festival.

"Wow, there's really a lot of people, it's really worthy of being the Moon Festival of the Far Moon Chalet Cooking Academy."

Liu Subaru had also heard the Kitchen God explain about the details of the Far Moon Chalet Cooking Academy on the way here, with the naginata Senzaemon as the headmaster of the school, enforcing the strict rules of elimination, it was considered the highest ranked cooking school in EGL. The Moon Festival is one of the biggest events at Togetsu Chaya Ryu Gakuen and is attended by more than half a million visitors from home and abroad, making it a lively event.

After arriving at Far Moon Tea House, Liu Subaru was not in a hurry to carry out his plan to shock the world with his Chinese cuisine. To him the plan was important, but learning to taste other chefs' cuisine was just as important, and the two were not mutually exclusive.

"Blah, blah, blah, this trait pole on the covered rice is good."

"Mmm! Can you still do that with this fishball? What an interesting idea."

"This sushi is pretty interesting too."


Liu Subaru followed the crowd, eating a little here and there with a happy smile on his face. Because there were so many cuisines he hadn't seen before or didn't expect the culinary aspects of his little mind to be reflected in these chefs' dishes. Plus, he was a chef who was close to Taoism, so he could always find the hidden meaning or merit of each chef in each dish.

He doesn't look down on other chefs or other cuisines just because he is a good cook. His culinary philosophy has always been to be tolerant of all kinds of situations, and his constant learning, inheritance, improvement and development are the fundamental reasons for his continuous improvement.

However, it is also fortunate that every group member on the group mission has been specially transformed by the communication group in terms of language and hearing, so that the group member can unmistakably understand the words spoken by others in the group mission world, as well as the words he himself speaks out. Otherwise Liu Pleiuxing's mouthful of Kawakubo versus EGL's Japanese is also very interesting.

As Liu Pleiadesung slowly ate all the way through, though not quickly, he also ate to the central area in the afternoon.

"Kugo Hotel."

Looking at the very Chinese style restaurant in front of him, Liu Subaru-sung's face softened, then turned more serious. If other cuisines he tasted with an appreciative attitude, and only the highlights would pass, then only the dishes made by Kugo Shouji would be tasted with a serious and responsible auditing attitude. It's nothing else, just because he cooks Chinese cuisine, just because he cooks Szechuan cuisine.

The spicy taste of Szechuan food is familiar to me, and once again, Liu Subaru is determined to raise his expectations for Kugo Teraki's Szechuan food.

"Hello, please give me an order of the Ma Po Tofu that Kugo Shouki personally made."

Ma po tofu could be said to be a representative of Szechuan cuisine, and it could be said that how much a Szechuan chef was capable of, depending on how well he made ma po tofu tasted, could basically be determined seventy-eight percent.

Kuzuji was surprised to receive the feedback from the waiter, but it was the Moon Festival's first priority to meet the needs of the customers, and he was one of the chefs who cooked together, so the most he could do was to send over the Ma po tofu that he was cooking.

Soon, a dish of Ma po tofu was delivered to Liu Subaru's table.

Shoki Kugo also followed the waiter to see who specifically ordered his own Ma po tofu, only to find out when he saw the customer that it wasn't Kobayashi Gentian from the second table of Ten Jie, but someone he didn't know, and more importantly, the customer had been frowning since the first bite of Ma po tofu. It was neither shouting that it was spicy nor delicious like the other patrons.

"Mmmm, Mmmm..."

In no time at all, a plate of Mapo Tofu was finished by the youngest dangler, clean and clean, not wasting food was what his mother, Fairy Abel, had taught him and his code.

"Are you the one who has a problem with my Ma Po Tofu?"

As soon as Liu Subaru-sung opened his eyes, he saw Kugo Shouki looking at him with an unhappy face. Among the information that the Kitchen God had gathered, there was a picture of Kugo Shouki, so Liu Subaru recognized Kugo Shouki immediately. Wiping his mouth, he calmly opened his mouth to ask.

"Is that the gist of Sichuan Mapo Tofu?"


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