Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 298

From this moment onwards, the entire spacetime river of the Supreme Truth Realm was controlled by the three of Gu Zhuanhuan and formed a spacetime circle. At this moment, Gu Zhuanhuan truly had the strength to dare to confront all those who had not yet proven themselves in the Absolute Realm. For example, a certain Lacking Dredo, such as the Great Demon God Lin Wilderness.

Now one on one, or even one on many, Gu Zhuanhuanhuan can definitely hammer away at them. Not to mention, starting off with a great hammer of 138.2 billion years of accumulation. If you can catch it, then stack another past one moment of yourself to a 138.2 billion years x 2 Great Bank Power, and if you can still catch it, then keep stacking it until you can't!

That's good, but it's not without limits. For example, every moment of past and future "self" is consumable, and after stacking, it will be gone, requiring Gu Qihuan to regenerate it, and then replace it.

Therefore, Gu Qihuan is very good at fighting, but one of the embarrassing things at this stage is that after a fight, Gu Qihuan needs to take a long time to recover. However, if he had the World Origin as firewood, he could recover quickly.

Another thing is, although theoretically there are countless past, present and future time selves, but only the present self has 138.2 billion years of great strength, the "self" in each other time selves does not have 138.2 billion years of great strength, and all you have to do is to keep replacing the "self" in other time selves with the present self.

Theoretically, when the time starts from the creator and ends from the observer, in the middle period of infinite time, every "self" of every moment is replaced by Gu Qihuan into 138.2 billion years of the great shore strength of his own self, honestly, Gu Qihuan can try to gather infinite moment of time of his own 138.2 billion years of the great shore strength directly to prove the way, hammer burst relative reality and absolute reality of the dividing line, based on the absolute reality.

But this road is also only a theoretical road, the substance is still a dead end. Just as a bamboo keeps folding in half, as long as you have the ability, you can keep folding in half forever. The time in a person's life is also like this, so this road is just a means for Gu Qihuan to "discuss" with others.

Chapter 282: Becoming Stronger: For the sake of Waves, of course!

"I think it's time for a big one."

Ever since anchoring the Supreme Truth Realm's three time origin points of past, present, and future, Gu Zing Huan felt a lot more inflated. Strength aside, Gu Zhuanghuan felt like he could beat ten peerless powerhouses! Even if he was surrounded by eleven people of his level, Gu Quanhuan said there was no need to be afraid, he was super strong at surviving! Unless the other party was able to instantly obliterate the entire spacetime river of the Supreme True Realm, he would still emerge full of blood.

For the above two reasons, Gu Qihuan said that he finally didn't have to shrink and wimp this and that. He wanted to get into trouble and make big things happen.

The observer and creator had no intention of stopping Gu Zhuanhuan's thoughts. Under the Absolute Reality, there might be existences that could fuck over the three of them together, but there were absolutely no existences that could take them out, and no matter how badly they couldn't fight, they could still run away. It's not like you're going to intervene in a child's house. If that's the case, then what's the point of wimping out and making trouble, making trouble!

With an umbrella in hand, the observer stepped out and appeared in the Infinite Multiverse Void Sea Origin.

The creator was holding a large halberd, and the halberd was downward, directly fixing the Supreme True World, preventing it from wavering and deflecting in the next move.

The observer within the Infinite Multiverse Void Sea Origin was on top, and the creator within the Will Space of the World of the Supreme Truth was on the bottom. And in the middle of this up and down, Gu Zhuanhuan took a horse stance, his left fist tucked into his waist, his right fist slowly retracted, and he gently yawned.

Behind Gu Zhuanhuan, the past, the future, one after another Gu Zhuan figure located in the previous or next moment of time emerged, then merged into one with the current Gu Zhuan figure.

Until the ninety-nine Gu Chih Huan derived from the past and future all fused into one with the present Gu Chih Huan, Gu Chih Huan gave a light shout and threw out a fist!

There were no waves in front of Gu Qihuan, but in front of the observer in the Infinite Multiverse Void Sea Origin, which was separated by infinite space-time dimensions, an immense and magnificent fist seal suddenly appeared, directly blasting into the Infinite Multiverse Void Sea Origin, knocking a tiny tributary of it into splashing into the sky, and every drop of water in these splashes represented a world of the number of Ganges Sand.

In just this moment alone, an unknown number of worlds were pierced through the world barrier by Gu Gu, making them connect to the world dimension of the Supreme Truth. And the remnants of the punch were still spreading out to the other worlds on this tributary, and there was no telling how many worlds would be affected in the future.

"Whew, finish the fight and call it a day!"

Gu Gu breathed a light breath that wasn't there.

"Suddenly I feel like you're drawing a bit like the invincible bald cape man ah, one punch is invincible, and only one punch is invincible. If you can't dry your opponent with one punch, you should run away."

The creator stepped forward from the ancient past and stepped in front of Gu and laughed.

"It's just that your head isn't bald, I think you should consider balding your head, maybe your battle strength can go up by three points!"

The observer similarly stepped down from the Infinite Multiverse Void Sea Origin, walked up to Gu and the creator and made a suggestion.

"Get lost, I can get just as strong without turning bald!"

Gu Gu didn't look at the two of them in a good mood, even if they were handsome, they would at most hod be able to hold the plate inch look, and in exchange for the bald look, the handsome ones coming would have to kneel.

"However, after this, the Supreme Truth will be welcoming a lot of people from different realms ah."

The creator looked at the Supreme Truth Realm at the moment, like a sieve with countless holes broken in it, except that these holes were made by Gu Qihuan himself, and behind each one of them corresponded to a different world.

It was possible that someone from a different world would come to the Supreme Truth Realm through these world hollows, or it was possible that someone from the Supreme Truth Realm would discover these world hollows and end up going to a different world.

"Some people might think they've crossed over by then, and it's even possible that they'll cross over several more times if they're unlucky, or the lucky kind."

The observer smiled, "The locations where these world hollows appear are random. And the two ends of the world cavity exit, except for the exit of the Supreme True World this end will not randomly go inside the personal residence, the exit of the other end of the alien world that is really random, it is possible that some alien world person's own backyard door, basement door, bathroom door and other kinds of messy location is the exit of the other end of the world cavity, through these portals will be able to come to the Supreme True World.

"There might even be people who do two worlds upside down, selling items from both worlds back and forth through the World Hollow, making a small profit to achieve a small goal in life."

Gu looked down at the Supreme Truth Realm Void below with a faint mockery on his lips. Although everything had only just begun, since the three of them had taken charge of the Supreme Truth Realm's long river of time and space, the various possible world lines of the Supreme Truth Realm's future could already be seen seventy-eight percent by the three of them now at a glance.

Although it wasn't 100% certain, because the world variables that Gu Qihuan three had just introduced were too many. But if there was no particularly large impact from outside forces, what the three of them were seeing now was basically what would happen in the future.

In the world line that Gu Zhuanhuan just swept past, he saw an otherworldly person whose bedroom bathroom door had become the carrier of one of the world's voids, and he could come to the Supreme Realm through the bathroom door. Thinking that he had picked up a great opportunity, he was about to go to the pinnacle of his life and become the protagonist of the world.

He even started a technology company, ambitiously preparing to build his own commercial technology empire. He is ambitious and ready to create his own commercial science and technology empire. He just hasn't waited until he is bigger and stronger to realize his dream of becoming the leader of the science and technology empire. Another person in the Supreme Truth Realm had received the task of merging this world and had already crossed over.

Regardless of whether it was someone from a different realm or from the Supreme True Realm, as long as they passed through the world void, they would receive a world mission from the Supreme True Realm to guide the world to fuse.

The one who chose to be a two world inverter naturally also received this prompt, but the other party preferred to be a chicken's head rather than a phoenix's tail, not wanting to guide the original world to merge into the Supreme Truth Realm, only thinking of using the Supreme Truth Realm's technology resources that far exceeded the original world's to build their own original world's commercial technology empire.

Of course, the other party may even have the intention of using the technological resources of the Supreme True World to unify the original world, and then counterattack the Supreme True World after becoming the original world's master! If the other party had read a lot of middle-aged novels, there was no doubt that they would have such a mind.

The only thing the other party didn't know was that if he didn't pick up and execute it within a month, then the Supreme True World Will would view it as automatically abandoning the world mission, and then announce it to the Supreme True World Terminal task bar for others to pick up and execute.

And he wasn't the main protagonist of Heavenly Determination, that task of guiding the world fusion wasn't a must for him. It could only be said that the other party was lucky, but lucky but didn't seize the opportunity, and that would be that.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Three: The Nobita Nobita in Gen Shizuka's Eyes


The creator, Gu Zhuanhuan, and the observer who were watching the Supreme True World suddenly froze, and at the same time turned their heads to look at the world projections of the various group members in the Infinite World Communication Group, or to be precise, at the world projection of Nobita Nobi in the Infinite World Communication Group.

"Shall we begin?"

With a raised eyebrow, Nobita Nobita's world timeline was specifically set to remind the three of them, and would naturally remind them once they approached a certain point in time.

Because out of all the group members, there was no doubt that Nobita Nobi was also the most feared as of now! Even Forest Wilderness, who holds the sins of all the beings of the Three Thousand Realms, is not as good as Nobita! Whether it was the current elementary school student Nobita Nobita, or the future Nobita Nobita who had grown beyond his limits and even touched the Absolute Realm.

To Gu Qihuan, Nobita Nobita was a valuable reference group member, helping Gu Qihuan to observe and even explore the Absolute Realm.

That's why early on, Gu had set reminders on the Nobe Nobita World timeline, wanting to see what choices the current Nobe Nobita would make.

Nobe Nobita World.

"Ringing bell."

The bell rang at the end of class and everyone was packing up their textbooks and carrying their backpacks to go home.

"That, Shizuka, can we go back together later?"

Nobita-san packed up his bag and looked at Gen Shizuka opening his mouth somewhat restlessly, no matter what he became and how many magical props he could invent, he would always be the one without the strength and courage in front of Gen Shizuka.

"Of course you can, Nobita-kun."

Gen Shizuka turned around at the words and looked at Nobita Nobita with a sweet smile.

"Oh ho, Nobita's going back with Shizuka!"

"Hahaha, it looks like Fat Tiger is only me and you back together."

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