Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 358

And next to the four giants, Dika, Carmilla, Dharam, and Hitra, there was an additional human who was as small as an ant, but wrapped inside a shining glow. It was the same Dagoo who had withdrawn from the body of the Dicca Ultraman and returned it back to the original consciousness of the Dicca Ultraman thirty million years ago!

Now Dagoo, or as one might call him, Shining Dagoo, is just Dagoo, not Ottoman-Dagoo!

I don't know what exactly Dejah said to Carmilla, as well as Dharam and Hitara, but it only took a short time after Dejah's original consciousness returned for Dejah to gently pull Carmilla into his arms, and Carmilla only slightly pretended to hammer Dejah's chest with her small fist a few times before she didn't struggle anymore and snuggled into Dejah's arms with a sweet look on her face.

"Thank you, Dagoo!"

Carmilla's grateful voice sounded in Dagu's heart.

"Farewell, my dear friend!"

"Hopefully we'll have another chance to meet again, and then we'll fight again!"

Dharam and Hitra's cheerful voices likewise rang out in Dagoo's heart.

"Dagoo, I Dika remember you!"

The voice of Dika's original self also sounded in the heart of the Great Ancient, but the Great Ancient always seemed to feel a little strange listening to it.

The four giants of light, together nodded towards the Shining Great Ancient before they transformed into four particles of light and flew towards the hometown of Dija, billions of light years away.

In the end, only Shining Dagoo remained in the South Pacific, and all the humans around the world were staring intently at this shining golden glowing human through television or the internet.

The light that represented the hope of mankind and told everyone what he wanted to say through heart to heart.

"Even if you despair, never give up on hope and the future, even if the darkness within the human heart cannot disappear, I still believe that humans, by their own power, can become light. Believe in yourself, you too can become light!"

All humans listen to the words that ring in their hearts, and their eyes grow steadfast, brave, fearless, and full of hope!

tpc refuge point, Dagoo turned around and hugged Lena, reached out and wiped the tears from Lena's eyes, and softly whispered in Lena's ear.

"Everything, it's over."

Chapter 359: Resurrection

Yang Jian World, the place of endless sins of the Three Realms. Originally, all the karmic sins that had been accumulated for hundreds of millions of years in the Three Realms had been swallowed whole as a snack by the last time Lin Wasteland had sent a parting red packet over, and now this place was no longer much different from any other place except that it was located at the bottom of the Three Realms, where there was no day or night and only pitch darkness all year round.

In the center of the Three Realms Endless Sin Land, there was a dim candle flame, flickering faintly, illuminating the surrounding 10-square meter quiet room that had been condensed with great magic power. The entire quiet room was very crude, with only a stone bed, a stone table, a stone stool and a bronze mirror on the table, but nothing else.

Yang Jian, on the other hand, rarely sat on the stone bench and watched the daily life of his sister Yang Chan's family through the bronze mirror on the table. Instead, he stood at the edge of the quiet room, looking at a chaos-colored seal in his hand with a long river flowing on it.

After selling all of the memorized Three Realms technique books in his mind, the rewards from his last group quest, and the quest rewards from Nobita Nobi's quest, and smashing them all, he had finally raised the money to buy this Time Long River Rune, as well as other items needed for resurrection.

Through this Time Long River Talisman, he temporarily copied and mapped out a time long river identical to this world, then from this copied time long river, he preserved the true spirits of Yao Ji, Yang Tianyou, and Yang Jiao; finally, he resurrected Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao through the advanced resurrection version of the Seven Dragonballs with the preserved three true spirits. This neither changed the past, nor resurrected the three.


The Time Long River Symbol was torn open, and a clear, colorless long river slowly appeared around Yang Jiao, its source and end phantom peeking into the void. In a short time, this reduced version of the river gradually became colored, and the multitudes of beings in this realm appeared in a single wave. From the beginning of the world in this realm, it progressed until Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou met, got married, and had children, until the Heavenly Court attacked.

Finally, when Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao stayed behind to resist the death of the heavenly soldiers, Yang Jian Jian quickly reached into the long river of time like finding a moon in water and took out the true spirits of Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao who died at that moment. After that, when it came to the scene where Yao Ji was punished by heaven, Yang Jian similarly took Yao Ji's true spirit out as quickly as lightning.

Yang Jian smiled like a spring breeze as he watched the three groups of true spirits chasing each other in his palm. Then, restraining his smile, he waved his hand and a pile of large and small Resurrection Seven Dragon Pearls floated in the void before him.

"Come out, Divine Dragon!"

As Yang Jian's words fell, the Dragon Pearl in front of him suddenly blossomed with millions of golden lights illuminating all directions, only that this astounding vision was eventually locked in this sinful place and could not be leaked out at all, which was the reason why Yang Jian chose to resurrect his loved ones here without having to worry about being discovered by the outside world. After all, his identity was too sensitive, so sensitive that if the people of the three realms knew that he was still alive, it would set off shock waves.

Then the golden light faded away six divine dragons entwined around each other, two dragons several times the size of the other four residing in the center, the other four dragons were located two by two to the left and right. The six huge dragon heads slowly lowered, their red dragon eyes staring at Yang Jian.

"Toa who have purchased the seven Dragon Balls na, please tell me your wishes, as long as they are related to resurrection, I can grant them for you! x6"

"Resurrect the three of them most perfectly to the utmost degree you can!"

Yang Jian held out his hand for the divine dragon to see the three streams of true light swimming in his palm and said seriously.

"This wish is simple! x6"

The six divine dragons spoke together, and the three true spirits in Yang Jian's hand slowly flew towards the direction of the divine dragons and were wrapped in a huge cloud of crimson flowing light. The crimson flowing light then split into three, and three human silhouettes could be faintly seen in the flowing light.

With a snap of his fingers, Yang Jian put on a pair of brocade clothes for the three people before the flowing light dispersed.

The red streaming light dispersed, Yao Ji, Yang Tianyou, and Yang Jiao lay quietly in the void, and it was fortunate that this place of three sins had now become a place that didn't live up to its name, no other karmic sins existed except for Black. Otherwise the three of them would have just been resurrected, and I'm afraid that they would have to die again.

With a stroke of Yang Jian's outstretched hand, he gently dragged the three Yao Ji to lie on the stone bed. Listening to the shallow breathing of the three of them and Yang Jiao's snoring, somehow Yang Jian's eyes suddenly turned a little red. Just quietly watching the three of them sleeping like this, just like the scene he had dreamed of many years ago.

"Mm, mm..."

Not long after, Yao Ji was the first to wake up.

"Mother, you're awake, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort anywhere."

Yang Jian eagerly went forward to help Yao Ji up and asked with care.

Yao Ji looked at Yang Jian's red eyes and subconsciously reached out her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Yang Jian's eyes, but her consciousness seemed to be stuck in the last moment when Yang Jian split the mountain to save her. It took half a moment to clear her mind and confirm that she didn't seem to have died under the Heavenly Punishment, but instead was still alive and well, so she couldn't help but look at Yang Jian with some doubts.

"Jian'er, didn't I lose my soul under heavenly punishment? How are you still alive?"

"Mother, wait a minute, I'll share with you when father and big brother and the two of them wake up. Are you hungry and thirsty now? Would you like something to eat, something to drink, I have a friend here who cooks a delicious meal! It's better than the Heavenly Cook's! It's just a little bit worse than what my mother did."

At this moment, Yang Jian was facing Yao Ji like a child who hadn't grown up and just got a little bit of good stuff and couldn't help but share it with his parents, completely lacking the stable appearance of a judicial true ruler.

As Yang Jian said that, he waved his robe, and the stone table was covered with all kinds of dishes made by the little boss.

And then Yao Ji also heard what Yang Jian had just said, looked down and saw Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao lying next to her.

"Husband, Jiao'er!"

Ever since the Heavenly Soldiers descended to the earth, they have never seen Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao with their own eyes, except for those days when they were suppressed in Peach Mountain and dreamed of them from time to time.

Under Yao Ji's shout, the sleeping Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao both gradually woke up.



Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao both woke up and were simply overjoyed to see Yao Ji. Then they saw Yang Jian, who was sitting beside them, and were not too sure.

"Xiao Jian? x2"

Looking at the living Yao Ji, Yang Tianyou, and Yang Jiao in front of them, Yang Jian could no longer hold back his bitterness and cried indiscriminately in front of the three of them.

"Father, mother, big brother..."

At this moment, the thousands of years of longing, regret, and self-reproach in Yang Jian's heart were finally relieved.

Although Yao Ji, Yang Tianyou, and Yang Jiao didn't know what had happened before, why they and the others had been resurrected from the dead. But the moment they saw Yang Jian, all three of them knew that Yang Jian must have suffered much, much, much to resurrect them.

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