Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 362

Kou Zhong hesitated for a moment, but he passed slowly.

Song looked at Kou Zhong's slow touch and said coldly.

"Come here, I'm not going to cut you!"

Hearing this, Kou Zhong read in his mind, "Then who was the one who just wielded the sword to cut me?" It was just that the words didn't dare to be spoken, and if they really were, it might mean that Song Ji would come back with another set of Twelve Heavenly Blades.

Looking at Kou Zhong who walked in front of him, Song Ji looked him up and down, while Kou Zhong was being woolly in his heart. Song Ji took out an invitation from his bosom and handed it to Kou Zhong.

"I've decided to shatter and ascend, and the only thing I'm worried about is Yuzhi. In order to give Yu Zhi something to fall back on for the rest of her life, I've already promised her to someone else, and Yu Zhi is fine with that. This is the wedding invitation. The wedding date is in three days. I don't like to make a big deal of it either, so you can just come over for a wedding banquet with all the other islanders then."

After saying that, Song Ji flew below to distribute the wedding invitation to the other onlookers eating melons.

"Yu Zhi is getting married?"

The mid-air Kou Zhong held the invitation in his hand and muttered to himself. Returning to his senses after a long while, his feet stepped on the void and instantly flew towards the guest's residence on the island.

Song took a glance at the direction Kou Zhong was flying in, and it was precisely Yu Zhi's residence, and shook his head with a smile.

Yulan Villa, because Yuzhi is Kou Zhong's "good friend", so Song Yuzhi also has a separate house of her own on the floating island.

Coil knows that Song Yuzhi is Kou Zhong's daughter-in-law, and she thinks Song Yuzhi belongs to her. If it were anyone else, even an old generation deep-rooted strong man like Shi Zhixuan or Xiang Yutian would be able to stay in the cooler, and wouldn't be able to set foot on the floating island without Coil's permission.

As soon as Kou Zhong stepped into Yulan's separate courtyard, he saw Song Yuzhi tidying up her fiery red wedding dress.

"Hey, hey, you're not really getting married, are you?"

"Why haven't I heard you say that before?"

"Do you know anything about who the other person is?"

"Do you know each other's character? "

"What if the other guy is one of those rotten people who eats, drinks, and smokes? "

"Did Old Man Song force you to do this? I'll refuse Song's arrangement for you! "


Kou Zhong crackled a lot upon seeing Yu Zhi, but he didn't see the smirk on the corner of Yu Zhi's mouth as she lowered her head to tidy up her wedding dress.

Soon, however, Song Yuzhi restrained her smile and pretended to look at Kou Zhong with a flat face.

"When a man is old enough to marry, a woman is old enough to marry."

"I'm three hundred and twenty-three years old this year, no longer twenty-three! At my age, there's a whole lot of great-great-great-grandchildren on other people. It's not so strange that I'm getting married now, right?"

"Also, he's my father, don't allow you to call him Old Man Song so rudely, and if you dare to call my father Old Man Song again, I'll turn against you!"

"Besides, my father's deadline is almost up, if he doesn't shatter and ascend to the upper world, he won't make it to the next world promotion."

"I'm the only one he's worried about before his ascension, since that's the case then I'll marry so that he can shatter and ascend at ease, that's the only thing I, as a daughter, can do for him."

"I've also seen the future husband, his looks are magnificent, not inferior to yours; his posture is upright, not shorter than yours; and his poetic and literary talent is even better than yours. The only thing that's not nearly as good is martial arts, in that he's no match for you, but it's no problem to live for a hundred or two hundred years, and by then I'll be almost at the end of my life, just in time to die with him."

Looking at Yu Zhi's earnest reply one sentence at a time, Kou Zhong somehow felt as if a nameless fire had risen in his chest. This if that so-called future husband of Yu Zhi's was now in front of Kou Zhong, it was hard to say that Kou Zhong wouldn't slash the other party with a knife. Kou Zhong exhaled deeply, soothed his emotions, and looked at Yu Zhi.

"No, you've said it all, you're a three hundred and twenty-three year old man, not an old girl, you're at granny level! You're still married to someone on the level of your great-great-great-grandson, what are people going to say about you if this gets out? Aren't you afraid that people will laugh at you?"

Song Yuzhi rolled her eyes and turned to mutter under her breath.

"And don't even think about who made me wait to become a grandmother."

"What did you say?"

Kou Zhong, whose heart was burning brightly, didn't hear Yuzhi's mutterings clearly for a moment.

Song Yuzhi sat on the head of the bed, her small hand shaking and shaking the ribbon by the bed helplessly.

"Scared, but what can I do? All of my contemporaries are dead except for you and Lingshao. I can't go looking for my father's generation, right? Don't tell me that they're all almost dead, and even the ones that aren't are ready to shatter and ascend with my father."

"Or, why don't I go talk to Lingshao? He never got married either, so maybe Lings and I will get along!"

At the end Song Yu Zhi's eyes lit up, as if she had found a perfect candidate.

"Come on, Lingshao he's keeping an eye on Master! Don't even think about it!"

Kou Zhong's angry wave of his hand directly interrupted Song Yuzhi's thoughts.

Inadvertently seemed to hear some great gossip Song Yuzhi, the spirit of gossip in her heart was simply stirring. Just thinking that his matter was still unresolved, he could only hold it down and continue.

"Then there's nothing I can do, if Lingshao isn't suitable, I'll have to go find a great-great-great-grandson level young man to marry me. When the time comes, remember to draw the line with me, so as to save others from laughing at you for having a shameless good buddy! "

"Alas, how did the contemporaries of that year die so quickly, it's good to live longer so I won't be afraid that no one will marry me."

Song Yuzhi sighed as she said, then brought up how well-written and outstanding that young boy was, and how young he was.

One word simply sounded like Kou Zhong's anger, and he directly shouted.

"I marry!"

Song Yuzhi was stunned for a long moment before looking at Kou Zhong dumbfoundedly and asking.

"You, what did you just say?"

"I say, I, Kou Zhong, marry you, Song Yu Zhi! Do you hear me clearly this time!"

Kou Zhong shouted at Song Yu Zhi.

"Are you serious?"


"Not treating me like a good buddy?"

"No, I'm taking you as my wife!"

Song Yuzhi's eyes were red as she looked at Kou Zhong, waiting for three hundred years before she finally waited for this sentence. In the next moment, she jumped up from the bed and directly jumped into Kou Zhong's arms, hugging Kou Zhong's neck.

"Dead Kou Zhong, if you dare to go back on your word, I'll, I'll bite you to death!"

"I know, I, Kou Zhong, will do what I said I would do and marry you!"

"Hehehe, by the way, did you open the invitation my dad gave you?"

"No. As soon as I heard the news that you were getting married, I flew over here in a rage to find you."

"You open it and see."

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