Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 367

From the moment I opened my eyes, I appeared in a pile of monkeys.

Why was I there?

What am I there for?

What am I?

I didn't know all of these questions until later when I did, and I'd rather I hadn't known.

I followed the monkeys every day, jumping over and over in the forest, picking peaches, eating wild bananas, and drinking from the springs. I was just like all the other monkeys, cycling through the same cycle, every day. Until then, I don't know which day, I suddenly got tired of it. Maybe from this moment on, I became different from these monkeys.

I didn't know what I could do until one day I got to the top of the mountain and I saw the sunset, the sunset. For the first time I felt an unspeakable beauty, and that time I stood so stunned at the summit that I forgot to pick the peach for my hunger.

I stood quietly all night, and when I came back from my immersion, it was the next morning. My stomach growled and I was about to go pick pecans for my hunger when I saw the sunrise and the sunset again. I felt another unspeakable beauty for the second time, so I forgot to pick the pecans again.

By the time I regained consciousness from the sunset that followed the morning sun, I had been starving for two days and it almost killed me. Although I didn't know it at the time, I wasn't actually starving to death.

But since then, I've had an additional habit different from that of a monkey. Every day I would climb to the top of the mountain to see the sunrise and sunset, and sometimes I would even pick some mountain peaches and bring them to the top of the mountain so I could see the sunset from sunrise to sunset without having to go down the mountain or worry about being hungry.

The sunrise morning sunset sunset sunset, really is the most beautiful thing I have seen. Even better than the watery, red, big peach tree that bears the seventeenth big peach on the southern slope of that peach grove!

As I watched and watched, I suddenly wanted to tell the other monkeys, wanted to share this beauty with them, preferably with monkeys who could watch the morning and evening sunset with me.

But when I did, it turned out that the sound I was making wasn't the same as the sound they were making, and they didn't understand what I was saying! I then realized that I never understood what they were saying either! I can just understand the general meaning of their movements, the general meaning of the sounds they make trying to convey. I could just understand them, but I never really understood their words.

When I realized this, I didn't know what was wrong with me, and I stayed in a nest of trees that day and for days afterwards, not wanting to move, not even to look at the sunrise or sunset.

I was told later that it was called loneliness, that it was called loss."

Chapter 371: If you don't have it, how can you talk about loss.

Although Mount Huaguo was a thousand feet high and had thick fruit trees, it was only a mound compared to those ten thousand feet that I saw later. Even compared to the other peaks of the surrounding islands, it was only in the middle and lower reaches. Only later, I couldn't find such a flower and fruit mountain anymore.

That emotion came and went quickly. After all, I was a monkey, and after a few days, I went on to start climbing to the top of my flower and fruit mountain to watch my sunrise and sunset, my sunset and sunset, my waves turning over to snow and thrashing.

Only I stayed in my tree nest and didn't go to see the sunrise and sunset more and more often.

Until one day, there were two demons suddenly passing over Mount Huaguo in the course of a fight, but the calamity affected me who was watching the sunset, and knocked me flying from the top of Mount Huaguo. I flew from the top of Flower Fruit Mountain, which was a thousand feet high, and fell down to the halfway point of Flower Fruit Mountain, where I saw her.

Boom! I hit the ground heavily, not knowing what I had broken. As I was lying on the ground screaming ouchily, there was the sound of tramping footsteps not far away, and then I heard a very nice voice ringing in my ear.


Su Ashen looked at the monkey that smashed the ceiling of her kitchen, feeling a bit of a headache, this ceiling she had built for a long time to build. But then she saw the blood on the ground and frowned slightly.

"Little monkey, are you hurt?"

"Monkeys? I'm a monkey?"

I froze, I never knew what I was, and I never thought about it.

"Yes, you're a monkey. Come quickly, I'll clean and bandage your wounds."

Su Shallow looked at the stupid monkey on the ground and couldn't help coaxing a light laugh.

"You, understand my words? I can understand you too!"

I bounced up from the ground in excitement and shouted with joy as I bounced around Suasa who had just talked to me and told me I was a monkey.

"You understand me! I'm a monkey!"

"Hahaha, I can understand you! I'm a monkey!"

In the meantime, Su Shallow looked at the monkey who was completely oblivious to the wounds on his back and only cared about the crazy jumping and shouting on the side, and got slightly angry.

"No more bouncing!"

When I heard that for some reason I just stood still and stopped jumping and shouting. Then I realized that the words implied anger, and I didn't want to make Suasa angry.

When I looked at the monkey, who had his hands on his thighs and was not moving, but had only one pair of big black eyes, I couldn't help but giggle and say.

"All right, come over to the well and I'll clean and bandage your wounds. No bouncing! Come along slowly, or your back will split again."


That day, I realized that I was a monkey, and that I was speaking human words; that Su Shallow was not a monkey, but a mortal woman.


There was a banging sound, and Suasa looked up to see a monkey hanging upside down in front of her kitchen window, holding four or five large, watery red peaches in her arms, grinning at her with a wide grin.

"You're here again?"

Suasa sounded a little happy, since the last time he saved the talking monkey, he used to come over with a pile of pecans or a handful of bananas to look at himself and talk to him.

"What are you doing?"

I looked at Suasa's hand rubbing something that was constantly morphing and asked curiously.

"Buns, I'm making buns, today, I'll treat you to buns."

Suasa smiled gently as she kneaded the dough.

"Hoo, hot, hot, hoo..."

I washed my hands early and waited, and when I saw the buns that had just steamed out of the oven, I couldn't help but reach over at the first opportunity, and as a result, the buns were so hot that I threw my left hand to my right and my right hand to my left.

Su Shallow on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but cover her mouth with a shallow smile.

"You treat me to a bun, I'll treat you to watch the sunset at the top of Mount Flower and Fruit, it's especially beautiful!"

I looked at Su Shallow expectantly, I wanted to share the best of everything I had with her.

Su Shallow's heart was moved, but then she was helpless.

"The top of Flower Fruit Mountain is too high for me to get up there."

"I'll carry you up!"

I immediately patted my chest, and even compared the muscles on my arms.

Su Shallow looked at the monkey's strange appearance, lightly nodded and agreed.

In the afternoon, I estimated the time before sunset, early to pick up Su Shallow's thatched cottage. But I found that Su shallow was different from the morning, changed a black clothes, and held a black coarse linen belt in her hand.

Looking at my inquiring eyes, Su Shallow blushed slightly and said.

"I'm afraid of falling off."

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