Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 374

And then down to the seventh-stage Dagu, this seemingly group also, such as Ying Zheng, Liu Che, Zhao Kuang Yin, Zhu Yuan Zhang after swallowing dozens of worlds all have led the world to promote to the lower level Dagu.

Then Dagu since he can open the shining state that represents hope and become the Shining Dagu, the strength is also at the seventh rank level.

There were also Gurrenza, Atum, and Yang Jian, all three of whom were also at the seventh rank.

Zhang Sanfeng had been heard to have been suppressing his realm cultivation, so he was still at the sixth rank. Lone Survivor was also at the sixth rank, but there was a slight difference between it and Zhang Sanfeng's kind of wanting to break through at any time, at least unless it was kryptonite, it wouldn't be possible to break through in a short period of time.

The other group members such as Flower Full House, Coil, One Step Zen Sky, Black Tiger, Ran Min, Blue Dye, and Nodrine are also sixth-ranked, and the rest are fifth-ranked such as Luffy, Six Dao Mingsuke, Hong Washing Elephant, and L. The others are either not yet grown to sixth-ranked.

The others either hadn't grown to fifth rank by now, or were now no longer considered combatants and could be left out.

However, in such a comparison, their group, excluding the ninth-ranked big shots, the current strongest seventh-ranked group members were only able to fight with those Heavenly Massive Gods and Buddhist Bodhisattvas.

But the problem was that such Heavenly Massive Gods and Buddhist Bodhisattvas that side of the world added up to almost a thousand! Even if the big brothers in the group are able to fight, the bottom is deep, each one can do a fight dozens, but a fight a hundred, really only a few below the same class in the group can do not be killed.

The road to cultivation, the higher you go, the more difficult it is to do the same class invincible, not to mention the same class a dozen hundred. Usually, those who dared to do so would usually be killed by those hundred in a group. Just like the members of the group all have a world of resources at their disposal, the real big brother who does not have a world or two to live in.

Like the 36 heavens of the heavens are the 36 middle thousand worlds ah, among them, the four heavens of Tai Qing Realm Great Chi Tian, Upper Qing Realm Yu Yu Tian, Yu Qing Realm Qing Wei Tian, and Da Luo Tian are even the top middle thousand worlds!

Likewise for Buddhism.

Previously they had only thought that the Buddha Rudra and the Heavenly Jade Emperor were strong just by watching the group video, and they didn't have too deep a knowledge of the other aspects. But now that Gu had listed the data in its entirety, they each compared it in their hearts and realized the huge difference!

The gap was so big that even if they had the exchange group bug, unless they could hire an administrator or legendary vice-group master to take action, they alone couldn't level that world of Sun Wukong. After all, they still needed more time to grow up. It was no wonder that old man Zhang Sanfeng had politely said that he wanted the administrators to take action.

Chapter 378: Gu Qihuan's Thoughts

The Divine Tomb World, Lone Defeat Sky's appearance had been in a state of shock since he joined the exchange group. Especially after just watching the video of Sun Wukong's world line, the spatial storms within the Gods and Demons Taiji Tu had barely stopped, and the Sun Wukong World was definitely as good as their side of the top grand worlds!

From the comparison of battle power on all levels, it seemed like they were all that little bit stronger than their own world. Of course if the Heavenly Dao of one's own world hadn't mutated and wanted to go extinct, it should have developed over the years to be similar to the current side of the world, rather than being a little worse than it is now.

Another thing that made Lone Defeat Sky care was that from the content of those group members' conversations just now, it seemed like they all thought that if they could invite the administrators to take action, even if the other side was such a prosperous side of the top big world, they could just as well settle the other side! And if it could level that side of Sun Wukong's world, it should be able to level the Evil Heavenly Dao of his own world as well. Although the Evil Heavenly Dao of his own world was strong, it should be just as strong as each other with that side of the top thousand worlds combined.

With that thought, Lone Defeat decided to dive a little deeper and see how they planned to settle Sun Wukong's side of the world. If possible, after settling Sun Wukong's side of the world, he would then invite the other party over at the same price to settle the Evil Heavenly Dao of his own world.

Demon Seeking World, for some reason, Su Ming felt a strong sense of disgust in his heart after watching the video of Sun Wukong's world line! Very much loathed, even hated, the gods and goddesses who were above the fray and manipulated to arrange the future of others' fates!

"I wish I could make that roaming god Buddha disappear in smoke."

Su Ming unconsciously sighed, but the whole person suddenly flinched. He was just a little guy who had just clotted his blood, and the difference between him and the God Buddha in Sun Wukong's Future Worldline video was so great that it would be considered a lift to him to describe it as a world of difference.

After sighing in his heart, Su Ming decided to continue diving, anyway, he couldn't help even if he wanted to with his small arms and legs right now.

Lu Yuan crossed his hand with the Raising the Unmoved Sword and sighed helplessly. The current him couldn't hack these Immortal Gods and Goddesses ah, it was better to continue diving.

Shi Hao, well, the two-week-old baby Shi Hao was temporarily shielded from crying, no comment.

Exchange group.

The first time I was in the room was when I was in the room. Yet apart from Jiang Li'er, no one felt there was a problem. Or even if they could see that there was a problem, no one dared to speak out. Jiang Li'er did see it and dared to say it. But in the end, reason was not as strong as strength, and his own strength was even less strong than that of the other immortal gods and goddesses of the three realms, and could not change that world.

In the end, he can only be sober and in pain, unwilling and helpless."

Hong Washing elephant slightly sighed, every world, every era, there will always be those individuals who have eyes far beyond the current era, everyone is drunk and I am awake. Seeing the sickness of the current world and wanting to work hard to try and change him. But in the end, the result is often end up either although millions of people, I go forward, attempting to arouse the blood of resistance in people's hearts with one of their own deaths; or is depressed, depression and death!

Dragon Ball Bulma: "How about I pull a vote for Monkey King, Super Four Vegeta, and Super Four Gohitta and run away with a big wave in the past?"

Bulma in the garden was very serious in advising that the martial artists in the twelve universes and various parallel worlds of Dragon Ball, except for the world martial practice in which she was, which would promote the evolution of the essence of life, the other Dragon Ball parallel worlds were still mortal in nature at the end of the day, although they were extremely aggressive.

Such as Super Four Vegeta and Super Four Gohitta were not even inferior to the 36 Heavenly Lords of the Monkey King World or the 35 Buddhas in the Buddha Sect in terms of extreme destructive power. But once the opponent uses an ability that targets the soul aspect, another hundred Super Four Veget and Super Four Gohitta would be a gift.

To put it bluntly, the Saiyans' Sun Wukong are pure warriors, with physical attacks and physical defenses almost full, but magic resistance is almost zero, and they can only dodge by dodging, and once they can't dodge, it's game over.

So Super 4 Vegeta and Super 4 Gohitta like this are only suitable for surprise and attack. So Bulma's idea is to gather a good group of Sun Gohangs, then open the World Gate, determine the direction, and let all the Sun Gohangs work together to open a big one, and then collectively run away after that. Dozens of times this way, as long as it was safe, Bulma felt that it should be possible to fuck with whatever gods and Buddhas were out there.

Gu Zinghuan looked at the group of members talking in seven different ways and didn't open his mouth.

In fact, Gu didn't expect the world where the Monkey King was located to be such a flourishing top level world, with everything from the top experts of the ninth rank, to the middle elite of the sixth and seventh ranks, to the extraordinary miscellaneous soldiers. But this is also a normal world development, unless it is the hanging kind, otherwise a growth to the top of the top of the thousands of worlds such as there is no shortage of experts at all levels.

What Gu was thinking about now was in the end, what about the side of the world where he led the team to level the Monkey King? Or is it left for the group to slowly eat away at as food for growth?

If you were to lead the team by yourself, there was no need to say much, pulling in Kulolid and Generation Desolate Heavenly Emperor from the Diversified Void Sea Interest Study Group, then pulling in Lin Wasteland from the exchange group, and finally adding yourself, a party of four was already enough to press and beat the Three Qings, Hao Tian, Sakyamuni and Dou Shufu of that side of the world.

Other than that, one Othering Self-Defeating Great Law from the Desolate Heavenly Emperor was enough to pick a group of them by himself.

One could also beat a group of them two by two if they themselves pulled in Observers and Creators.

In the end, coupled with Kurolid and Lin Wasteland, they basically had the battle power to guarantee a solid win against one and a problematic fight against two. If so many people ganged up together, it would be basically no problem to defeat the Three Qing, Hao Tian, Sakyamuni, and Dou Shufu of that side of the world!

The only thing that made Gu Qianyi unsure was that if he and the others were besieged, would the originals of the Three Pure Ones, Hao Tian, and Sakyamuni, who had long ago proven to be absolutely true for countless eras, intervene or not?

Normally, in a fight under Absolute Reality, the big brother above Absolute Reality would not interfere. But that was just the normal situation, and now the situation was that you wanted to team up and lead a group of people to fight those big brother's billet, or an information concept. It would be hard to determine this situation. Even if the other party didn't personally intervene, just dropping a wisp of consciousness would mess up the original going to hang them would be pressed and beaten by those bigots instead!

After all, if it was a big brother of the general proof of absolute reality, with these few of them either already starting to prove or already involved in the absolute reality realm, they would still be able to carry it. But if it was replaced by the Three Qing, Hao Tian, and Sakyamuni, the big brothers among the Absolute Realm, the overlords among the Infinite Diverse Void Sea! Even Gu Zinghuan didn't have the confidence, and it would be embarrassing in case he was beaten instead.

Another point to consider was that Gu Zhuanhuan could already feel that the time to prove his Dao was coming soon. And he could feel that as the time to prove his dao was approaching, the danger that came with it was also approaching.

In case he failed to prove his dao, it was hard to say what would happen to him, but I'm afraid the best outcome would be to come back after thousands of years. So Gu Zhuanhuan wanted to leave something for the members of the group, such as Sun Wukong's world, if a member of the group could swallow Sun Wukong's world, not to mention other things, at least they would be qualified to prove the Dao.

When the time comes, even if the group member is lucky enough to succeed, the other party may even be able to look at the fate of the past and get a piece of Gu Qihuan. This is one of the arrangements Gu Zhuanhuan is making for the future, and it's not the best thing to use. But it was better than having nothing when you needed to use it.

Chapter 379: Dao Inheritance and Legacy

As he took a look at the heated discussion exchange group, a gradual thought came to his mind, and he casually edited Lu Yuan, Lone Defeat Sky, and Su Ming.

Guide: "Huashan North Peak Lu Yuan, Taikoo Taboo Lone Defeat Sky, and Wu Shan Department Su Ming, would you like to see your original Future Worldline video? If needed, I'll upload it all together."

Lone Defeated Sky, Su Ming, and Lu Yuan all looked dignified when they saw the administrator's direct Aether message, but the matter regarding the future did attract interest. Especially for Lone Defeated Sky, desperately wanting to know whether or not the Ancient Layout of himself and the others had taken out the Evil Heavenly Dao.

Ancient Taboo Lone Defeated Sky: "So much for bothering the administrator!"

Wu Shan Department Su Ming: "Thank you admin, I also want to take a look."

Huashan North Peak Lu Yuan: "Then I'll come along too."

Group prompt: "Administrator uploaded group video Love Drinking Beast Milk Little Dot, God's Tomb Ten Thousand Ancient to kill the sky, How Many Reincarnations Lesser One Su Ming, Sword Dao Ming Lu Yuan."

While the group members were watching a few other newly uploaded Future Worldline videos, Gu was ready to gradually separate the exchange group's original, inseparable connection with himself.

At his current level, the exchange group was practically useless to him, the only use it had was for cultivating seeds up to his level like he had spoken to Kurolid before.

Plus, Gu Zhuanhuan, the creator, and the observer had a premonition in their meditations that perhaps it wouldn't be long before the three of them themselves should start proving themselves. And due to the three of them meditating on the Trinity, once they testify, it would be the three of them testifying at the same time! For normal people the danger of proving the Dao might be one, then when it came to him it directly soared to one hundred.

This was probably the downside of the trinity method of proving dao, although the advantage of the trinity was that it allowed Gu to turn one into three and greatly speed up the accumulation of strength, the downside was that it was far more dangerous than normal people when taking the final step.

So for Gu Zhuanhuan, if he succeeded in proving the Dao, that was the best; but if he failed in proving the Dao, then Gu Zhuanhuanhuan would want to leave something behind. Let those who were lucky enough to come after him have the hope and opportunity to continue on to his current level, and then continue to take that final crucial step.

As the saying goes, Dao inherits the legacy and the fire is passed down from one generation to the next, nothing more than that.

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