Then Boss Liu and the waiter led us to the shelves, where the clerk pointed to the carefully written English paint bucket and said, "That's it. This is the most expensive paint in our store. It's exactly the same color as the one in the photo."

Opening the paint bucket, the guy brought out a white plastic stick, dipped the paint in the bucket, and showed it to us.

How amazing. The paint had dried up as soon as it touched the plastic rod, and there was no smell at all. From the color, it was exactly the same as the one on Romu.

Xu Haoqing filled a small bottle with samples and asked, "How much is a barrel of this paint? How's it for sale?"

Boss Liu asked the shop assistant to find him and sell the records. "You can get ordinary paints for 1800 yuan a barrel from a few dozen yuan. This is the most expensive one in our store. I'm the only agent for this kind of paint in our city …"

"Get to the point."

Oh oh, the price of this barrel of paint is as high as 8000 yuan, but it's not like I'm unscrupulous either, the entire country has a unified price, this amount only amounts to 7000 yuan, "Boss Liu spouted on, after looking at the expressionless Xu Haoqing, he realized that he was being overly long-winded, and immediately said," Such an expensive paint sales definitely aren't good, only a few barrels are sold every month, and only the rich can afford to use it, or the rich companies, groups, and so on, because the colors are special and the prices are expensive, I've only sold a few dozen barrels of this paint from the start until now, and have been able to record every barrel in detail.

Xu Haoqing finally revealed a happy expression. After the three of them looked at each other, they began to look through their family's sales records.

The sales record only stated the name of the buyer or unit. From these names and units, he didn't notice any abnormalities. The names and units in the record seemed very unfamiliar.

Xu Haoqing asked the assistant of Boss Liu to make a backup of the sales records. He put the backup on his body and asked, "Think back to the people who came to buy this paint. Are there any suspicious people?"

After Boss Liu and the shop assistant looked at each other, the two of them frowned and thought for a while before saying, "There's really no impression of this." Boss Liu and the shop assistant looked at each other, then frowned and thought for a while before saying, "There's really no impression of this.

Xu Haoqing: "Don't ask, continue selling the paint, if there are any more customers coming to buy it, continue making the sales record. You guys go ahead. My name is Xu Haoqing, if you think of anything, immediately contact me."

"Roger that!"

Leaving the building materials store, Xu Haoqing said, "It's getting late, the two of you go back and rest. I'll bring this sales record back and have someone check it out. After they find out who the buyers are, I'll contact you guys again."

"Mm, that's fine. Since we've already gotten the sales records, we won't be able to find anything out if we follow them around. Then that's fine. Thank you, Captain Xu, we'll be leaving first."

"How are you going to get back?" I'll send you off. "

"No need, let's take a taxi. You should go back and busy yourself."

"Alright," Xu Haoqing started the car and prepared to leave. After lowering the car window, he looked at both of us and said, "By the way, did you two live together?"


When he returned to the dormitory, Li Fengyun lit up a cigarette with a face full of worry.

"What are you worried about?" I asked.

"I'm thinking about Yao Bin."

"Oh? Didn't you already explain everything about him? "

"Even so, I still find it strange that Yao Bin doesn't cherish his bland life after leaving 'C'. He could have lived happily with Cui Juan, but had instead killed He Jin and ended up in prison. Now, he is facing severe punishment from the law, even if he provides clues to 'C' and 'Enlightenment' and has performed meritorious deeds, he probably won't be sentenced to death."

"Yeah, didn't he say that everyone's experience is different? We can't understand his way of thinking …"

"Not exactly."

"What do you think?"

"Yao Bin, you're courting death."


"My analysis is that he has helped the 'C' organization for many years and grasped some of its secrets. The organization's secrets are of great importance and the only person who can keep them secret is the dead. After Yao Bin left the organization, he became aware that the organization would kill him to silence everyone. Hence, he decided to find an opportunity to commit a murder and directly enter the police station to await his punishment. "

Li Fengyun said, at the same time, he tidied up his messy hair, paused for a bit, and then continued, "He knew that the organization will kill him, so he committed a crime. It is even possible that he has reached an agreement with the organisation that they would not make things difficult for Cui Juan if he were to die, and even secretly help protect Cui Juan.

"That's not right. Then why is he still willing to talk about the organization? Isn't he afraid of the organization's revenge?"

"He's afraid. That's why he made you swear an oath to protect Cui Juan with your life. My guess is that he only gave it his all when he discovered that you were only an experimental semi-finished product and admired your talent."

"Fight over what?"

"If you fight, you can protect Cui Juan and fight against the 'C' organization. That's why he told us those important clues …"

Li Fengyun's words made me silent for a long time.

After careful consideration of what he said, I thought he had a point.

If he did so, not only would he save the effort of the organization, he would also be able to bury his secrets forever. Perhaps it was as Li Fengyun had said, the organization had promised Yao Bin that they would protect Cui Juan once he committed the crime.

But neither Yao Bin nor the organization could have guessed that Li Fengyun and Xu Haoqing had grasped some clues about the organization, and mistook Yao Bin for an experimental semi-finished product. After I told him about the organization and the Superman Project, the attack on his heart worked, and Yao Bin's psychological defenses collapsed. Then, I speculated that Yao Bin was not a semi-finished product, but a follower of the organization, and he finally admitted his identity and told me the secret of the organization.

He was betting his life on us, on Cui Juan's survival in our confrontation with the "C" organization.

He had no choice.

There was, of course, another reason why he hated the "yes" organization.

If it weren't for that evil organization, his life would have gone on a completely different path.

He should have lived like a normal person, lived his life with the help of his own intelligence and hard work to achieve the happiness he deserved, but the "yes" organization changed his life trajectory and made him a member of an organization he could not see. He loved Cui Juan, but he could not stay with her, and in order to get revenge on that powerful organization, he sacrificed his life and provided us with important clues, using this extremely radical method to protect the people he loved and deal with the organization he hated …

Sigh, if he had known Yao Bin earlier, if he had known his identity, he wouldn't have needed to use such a method …

Perhaps, we can become friends to deal with the evil rebellion, the human organization.

It was unfortunate that he was in such a state now.

The "yes" organization probably doesn't know about our secret interrogation of Yao Bin. Even if they did, they wouldn't know that Yao Bin had given up his life to tell us so much important information.

As long as they didn't know, Cui Juan wouldn't be in any danger.

Moreover, Xu Haoqing had already sent out his secret weapon to protect Cui Juan. The current Cui Juan is safer than me and Li Fengyun.

Thinking about Xu Haoqing's secret weapon, I couldn't help but admire this old fogey's scheming. Since the enemy is hiding in the light, he might as well do something so that we won't have to be so passive anymore.

Now, we have a strong backup in the shadows as well as in the forces on the surface. This way, we won't have to be so passive when fighting against the 'yes' organization hiding in the dark.

Talking about Xu Haoqing's arrangement with Li Fengyun, the two of them admired this old fox, Xu Haoqing. Against the "yes" organization, they really couldn't play according to the rules.

He had already found the sales records for the paints. If Xu Haoqing was willing, there would be clues about it tomorrow.

After working hard for the entire day, he lied on the bed with Li Fengyun, feeling drowsy …

"Boss, go take a shower. The smell on your body is a little too strong."

"I'm using a protective mechanism, you don't understand …"


Suddenly, I woke up from my sleep.

The nightmare that happened just now seemed as though it had truly happened …

I dreamt of blood. The blood that covered the sky flooded over me. I was surrounded by broken limbs and chunks of flesh. There seemed to be 'wuwu' sounds coming from afar …

Why did he have this dream?

And the feeling in his dream, why was it so real?

Where was the dream?

In my nightmares, I couldn't see where I was. I could only feel myself swallowed up by blood, see the broken limbs and bits of flesh, hear the distant whine.

I can't tell where I am, but I feel like I've really been there...

My whole body was drenched, and I felt a deep fear. The scene in my dream was both real and illusory, as if it had really happened, but I didn't even know where I was.

Li Fengyun was snoring beside me, so I didn't wake him up.


Sleep again …

When I woke up in the morning, Li Fengyun was already dressed and standing by the window smoking. I also woke up.

"Third Brother, did you not sleep well last night?" "It seems like you are in a bad mental state." Hearing me get up, Li Fengyun looked at me and said.

"Oh, it's nothing, maybe the pressure is a little too much. Tao Zi's wife, Xue Lu, just died, He Jin was killed by Yao Bin, so we got a lot of clues from Yao Bin. Yesterday, we also found some paints to write those words." I didn't tell him about my nightmare. I didn't even know how to describe it.

Li Fengyun nodded his head, "Yes, I understand, I have been used to living a comfortable life, and after coming into contact with so many unimaginable things all of a sudden, I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable, but I hope that you can quickly adjust your condition and recover your former self. Only in that state do you deserve to be an opponent of the 'yes' organization."

Indeed, it's still because my condition isn't too good and my recovery is slow. If it was three years ago, after I learned so many clues and plots from you, I would definitely be extremely excited.

Thinking of this, the childish face of the person in front of him appeared once again …


"Shu Jing, didn't you like challenging things? You came to challenge me, regardless of the aspect."

"Alright, you're the one who said that."

"Un, it is because I also like a challenging life. Otherwise, if my life is too dull, like a pool of stagnant water, what's the point of living?"

At the age of eight or nine, he always spoke such philosophical words …


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