Chapter 176 is joining assembly

At this circle of the Justice League, as long as a small flash quiet, it is really normal.

Everyone chatted very openly, Xiao Shan, the shy man, only responded introverted to everyone’s conversation like an ordinary young man.

We have been talking to eight, drink a full bottle Conexant thirty channels, breakfast does not mean to stop.

Heisenberg really satisfies the curiosity of the little reporter, Louise, and Louise’s questions didn’t make him feel tired.

As a person who has won a Nobel Prize in journalism such as the Pulitzer Prize, Louise is persistent, but she is not bad at communicating with others.

Under the progressive inquiries of this girl, Heisenberg almost introduced the system of Krypton, his own past, and the customs of Krypton.

There were many things in Heisenberg’s memory that even Clark hadn’t heard of, which really satisfied the curiosity of everyone present.

If it is not an emergency, I am afraid this pleasant breakfast will last until noon!

At about half past eight, Heisenberg was out control energy force field, like everyone on the show when Erni Er God’s image hammer and hammer by his fingerprints Niechu wonderful.

The dome of the spacecraft suddenly opened.

Since the dome in the direction of the apron was opened, the rooms of Heisenberg and others could not be seen there.

Although Heisenberg and Clark saw it, they didn’t care about it. People have been coming and going here recently, right?

As for the other Victor who saw all that…

As a newcomer, he prefers to talk less and listen more.

In the direction of the tarmac, Bruce walked off the plane with a calm face, and then took Arthur along with the guidance of the little robot, and walked in the direction where everyone had breakfast.

As he walked, he also introduced to Arthur.

“This is our base, that is, the original Krypton spacecraft. The current place is still a bit desolate, but we are repairing it.

You can also participate, personally built here will give us more of a sense of belonging.

Now I will take you to meet everyone. They are all serious people. Looking at the direction the robot is leading the way, they should be decorating the Kryptonian planning area of ​​the spacecraft.

After a while to see Heisenberg, repressed your bad temper.

In terms of pure fighting, I may not be your opponent, but those of my friends, whether Clark or Heisenberg, you are not an opponent! ”

Having said that, Bruce sighed and said.

“But I didn’t expect that they actually worked so early today. I’m afraid Heisenberg was busy with work, so it took time to use Bifrost to pick us up.”

When the voice fell, Bruce and Arthur walked for a while, and when the last door in front of them opened automatically, they saw the scene inside the house.

Look at Heisenberg, who is talking about Tianer with a beer bottle at At the moment, and then look at the members who listen carefully around Heisenberg…….

Arthur’s lips, which were covered by the beard, trembled twice.

He turned his head and asked softly towards Bruce.

“This is your job too?”

Bruce didn’t answer him at all, but he speeded up quietly and came all the way behind Heisenberg.

“We’re back!”

“That’s good. Seriously, I just thought about when you can come back!”

Heisenberg laughed and teased, and then waved the control particles to form a chair for Bruce.

Bruce sat down at the same time, Heisenberg nature of distant Arthur waved.

“Arthur Curry?

If I remember correctly, you are not that name? ”


Arthur frowned and replied, while at the same time he leaned in, while on the Heisenberg asked loudly.

“How about you, you’re the sun god?”

“Otherwise, what, you think I would be the Moon God?”

While Heisenberg was talking, he threw a bottle of beer casually, and the wine floated toward Arthur in the air, and came into Arthur’s hand in a blink of an eye.

Arthur blunt, and took the drinks, a right hand slightly move.

The wine in the bottle suddenly surging by itself, opening the beer bottle cap.

Then he sat on the chair prepared for him, went to sit down beside Bruce, and raised the bottle to everyone.

“If the bat said earlier that we work like this, I’m afraid I can come a few hours earlier!”

After speaking, he drank dry beer in one gulp, and then hiccuped in satisfaction.

Putting down the wine bottle, he fetched new wine while grinning at Heisenberg.

“You are the boss of this right, Tell me, I spend three million to hire this guy, who you want to play?”

“three million?!!!!”

Xiao Shan roared in surprise. This number made him feel a little inferior. After all, Heisenberg recruited him only for the burgers and pizza that Eva bought…

As for Victor.

He smiled disdainfully.

As Cyborg covered in mysterious metal, he has more than three million parts per piece, ha ha…

Aside, Heisenberg had a funny smile on his face after hearing Arthur’s words.

He picked up the bottle and touched Arthur, then said softly.

“With your words, the first batch of personnel we currently expect is only Mera and Diana away!

Let’s clean up first, and then I summon the two of them. ”

“So, we are to be held our first meeting it?”

Bruce asked softly, then looked at Heisenberg seriously.

“If so, I should think of you first food and wine on the table to clean up.”

“Yes, just clean up our breakfast!” Heisenberg said affirmatively.

Later, Heisenberg cleaned up the interior of the room.

After everyone sits down again…

Bruce asked blankly, looking at Heisenberg.

“Wait, is this…?””This is the new table, can’t let them eat our leftovers, right?”

Yuehua Jian, a small flash Heisenberg pat on the shoulder.

“Barry, I guess I’m relying on you again for the food and beverages. Make a table within a minute, is there a problem?”

“no problem!”

Barry chuckled, happily took the money from Clark, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

For him, as long as there is something to do, he will not continue to be embarrassed among a group of people.

In the next moment, four boxes of beer appeared beside Heisenberg.

While Xiao Shan disappeared again, Heisenberg slapped Arthur, and the two drunks directly put the wine on the table first.

Clark continued to take all kinds of food brought back by The Flash and put them on the table in different categories.

Victor recorded the dishes on the sidelines, he wanted to figure out what flavors his Heisenberg Sansai likes.

Match up but even robots have acquired skills.

And Louise took the camera is skilled, prepared for everyone to be a simple record …….

Definitely, her plan was stopped by her husband.

Clark arranged the dishes, took the time to turn off the camera, and put the thing back into Louise’s bag, he still shook his head to his lover.

When the sluggish Batman came to his senses, the sumptuous reception was ready again. Seeing the hot scene in front of him, Bruce shook his head uncomfortably.

“Are you sure this is going to a meeting?”

“Definitely, if you don’t talk about business at the wine table, aren’t they all hooligans?”

Heisenberg joked, then closed his eyes, his thinking continued to spread with the biological force field.

The force field that almost enveloped the entire earth found Mera and Diana in an instant.

Paradise Island, Diana was bathing, ear suddenly sounded Heisenberg’s voice.

“Diana, there are many newcomers from the Justice League, so I might as well come back and have a look.”

“Hmm, so you can find me and talk to me even so far away?”

Diana asked with a frown, and at the same time rolled over gently in the pool, changing her position from lying down to lying on her stomach.

Diana heard the question, Heisenberg smiled.

“Even farther you can find, so after trouble, may wish to call out my name!”

After Heisenberg’s voice fell, Diana nodded and asked softly.

“Wait a minute, I’ll clean up and go there, are you waiting for me?”

“Call me when you are ready, and I will use Bifrost to bring you over!”

“Wow, Bifrost!”

Diana blinked curiously.

“I haven’t seen this kind of power. Is it your unique power?”

“You can learn, I find time to teach you!”

“That’s great, thank you!”

When Diana heard the words, she got up excitedly, took a silk scarf from the side and put it on her body, and then put on her battle suit nearby.

On the other side, Mera was being held in her room by her father.

When she was sent back to the sea by Bifrost’s light, the turbulent energy response immediately attracted the attention of the Atlanteans.

The King Nereus of the Zebel Kingdom, Mera’s father, immediately banned his daughter who had fled to land.

Once, it was not a serious crime for the Atlanteans to go to land. Who has never sneaked past.

But after the former Princess of Atlana fled, all the countries of Atlantis were put on the line.

Once upon a time, the whole Atlantis, who is not that the story of Atlantis Princess as a lesson!

“If you go down to the land run, Atlantis will be like that princess who was arrested and terrestrial children !!!”

Like this, even Mera didn’t listen less when she was a child….

So, who is Princess Atlanta?

She is the mother of Arthur Curry.

So, what to look for land that her daughter to the gods, and even she found …… really.

Knowing this news, Mera was imprisoned on the spot….

But she’s not a little girl who is willing to be restrained obediently.

After just a night’s sleep, Mera had her escape plan in her dream and implemented it as soon as she woke up.

The first tray maid turned up, and then thrown on the bed put into their own posture during sleep.

Looking at the comatose maid on the bed, Mera suddenly felt a little shy.

She never noticed that her sleeping face was so embarrassing….

Cough! ! !

Mera looked straight, put on the maid’s costume, picked up the tray, and planned to fish out of the room in troubled waters.

But she just went to the door guards around, when the guards soon expose her, she was stunned.

“This is the Mera right, the first phase of the members of the Justice League has been gathered, if I can, I want to send over you!”

“Definitely, you can take me away now!!!”

Mera was overjoyed, it seemed that she didn’t need to think about how to escape.

And her words also shocked the guards at the door.

“Princess, go back to your room. You are still in the ban. King Nereus has not announced the lifting of your ban!”

“Who are you talking to, has anyone invaded?”

“Attention, there are intruders!”

“All units attention !!!”

A group of guards surrounded Mera with stern eyes, but their expressions were smiling. Who didn’t know that this princess was the pearl in King Nereus’ heart.

No one would really do anything with her.

But at the next moment, the rainbow light suddenly fell from the guards, and the light directly dragged Mera away.

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