Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 422 I'll Take You, Are You Bite Me?

"My bosses, I'm sorry, it's because our service is not attentive. I have kept you waiting for a long time. I'm very sorry..." When the young lady owner of the restaurant knew from Cao Fengyun that there were some big people with a net worth of more than 100 million yuan, she couldn't help but think about it. .

The spending power of these people is much stronger than those of ordinary guests.

These people, a meal, can match the turnover of a restaurant like hers in one day or even several days.If it hadn't been for the good relationship with Cao Fengyun, he would bring some customers from time to time. Her store would have been closed by Zhang Daji.

Now these local tyrants are discussing matters related to Cao Fengyun's future. How can she not get angry in a hurry?

"Everyone, I'm sorry..." Cao Fengyun felt that his decision today was too wrong.

I knew I should take Yun Fei to a better restaurant instead of the cold-business restaurant contracted by my cousin.

"Okay, okay, I will starve to death if I don't serve food..." The depressed atmosphere in the private room disappeared because of the arrival of Cao Fengyun and the lady boss.In order to avoid embarrassment and coldness, Jiang Wanmeng, the landlord who was supposed to be the guest, said to the proprietress who personally poured tea to apologize for them.

"The dishes will be served soon, and they will be served soon..." The lady boss replied to Jiang Wanmeng who was urging the dishes while pouring tea.

I don't know if it was because of the urging of the mayor's secretary, or because of the identity of the two goods opposite, slowly a table of dishes came up quickly.

With Cao Fengyun's existence, everyone was not discussing about Yunfei's shareholding in Wanyan Company, only talking about some irrelevant news.Sun Yansheng talked about American anecdotes, Cao Fengyun talked about the local customs of Fei City, and Yun Fei talked about the beauty of Rongcheng and the cuteness of pandas.

Another thing that is not the surprise of this foodie is that the restaurant in Fei City can actually make authentic Anhui cuisine. The dishes on this table are some authentic Anhui cuisine, such as braised civet, ham stewed bastard, Yangmei balls and other specialties.

Yunfei is an authentic foodie, and is very yearning for food from all over the world.However, because it was not a local tyrant, there are not many local specialties that can be tasted.Moreover, many of the specialties of the dishes have lost their original taste in the big restaurants, and can only be tasted in the countryside where they were born.

And these specialties can only appear when there are celebrations and celebrations in the countryside. The home-cooked dishes of ordinary people do not have many characteristics except for the different tastes of different regions because of the differences in regional culture.

Anhui cuisine is famous all over the world because of the smashing Hui merchants, but Yun Fei has never eaten authentic Anhui cuisine.The reason why these dishes are authentic Anhui dishes is because of the praise of Cao Fengyun and Jiang Wanmeng.

Anhui cuisine is the abbreviation of Huizhou cuisine, which does not mean Anhui cuisine. It does not include the northern Anhui region. It mainly refers to the Hui&zhou region. The "Hui" in the name of the Huizhou cuisine in the Jiangnan region comes from Hui&zhou.It is one of the eight major cuisines in China, which originated in She& County at the foot of Huangshan Mountain.

Mei Shengyu's poem answered "Snowy oxtail raccoon, sandy horseshoe turtle".The oxtail raccoon is the civet cat, also known as the white head.Anhui cuisine is good at cooking, stewing, and steaming, but less cooking and stir-frying, heavy oil, color, and fire power.

Perhaps it was because I grew up in Bashu and was accustomed to the spicy and spicy flavor. For other cuisines, Yunfei felt that he couldn't compare with the top dishes of Sichuan cuisine.

"Bang bang bang..." Just as Yun Fei wanted to behave again to Ni Lishuang in the early morning, there was a knock on the door.

"Why are you here?" Yun Fei, holding his stomach in flames, opened the door and saw Jiang Wanmeng and Sun Yansheng with red eyes appearing in his sight.

Obviously, these two goods did not sleep overnight.

"Boss Yun, yesterday you said you wanted to buy a stake in Wanyan?" As soon as Jiang Wanmeng took a seat, he explained to Yun Fei his two intentions.

Wan Yan's capital chain is about to break. If there is no new capital injection, it is very dangerous.However, the loan to the bank is not clear because of the country’s fiscal policy.Now that Yunfei takes the initiative to come home, how can they ignore it?

In addition, Yunfei is more optimistic about the VCD player market than the two of them. The number of 10 million units makes them unable to sleep at all.

Wan Yan has a lot of problems in her own right, and perhaps letting Yun Fei, a young boss, enter Wan Yan will solve these problems.

Publicity and sales are Wanyan's weakest link.

Wan Yan currently squeezes a large number of products and raw materials in the warehouse. If we can't reduce production costs by a large amount, or sell more products to dilute the cost of research and development and construction of factories, Wan Yan has no road to talk about except bankruptcy.

Yun Fei nodded and stretched out four fingers directly.

"Boss Yun, is your appetite a bit too big?" Jiang Wanmeng's face immediately became ugly when he saw Yun Fei's four fingers.

Sun Yansheng also took a breath.

The young boss actually opened his mouth and wanted 40% of Wanyan's shares.In this way, it is equivalent to seeking a controlling stake in Wan Yan.

Sun Yansheng and Jiang Wanmeng jointly invested in the establishment of Wanyan Company. It was only 51% of Jiang Wanmeng and 49% of Sun Yansheng. With the insertion of Yun Fei, their equity immediately shrank by half. .

Yun Fei just stared at the two with a smile, and did not answer.

However, Sun Yansheng did not have a bad tone like Jiang Wanmeng. He frowned and thought for a while before raising his head and asking Yun Fei, who was looking at the two of them. Equity?"

"Twenty million!" Yun Fei also said his own price without circumstance.

The current Wanyan, 20 million, is enough to solve Wanyan's crisis!

"Why don't you grab it?" Jiang Wanmeng was angry.

Feelings, this young boss is here to entertain the two of them.

Sun Yansheng's brow furrowed even tighter.

The young boss in front of him was too evil. He suddenly invited the two of him to eat at the door, and then gave out the news that he wanted to buy shares and ignored him.They always thought that if Yunfei, the boss from Chengdu, really wanted to buy a stake in Wanyan, he would look for them again.The two people who had been waiting for the big gold master to come and beg them found that after taking three beauties to Huangshan, the bastard wandered around the city full of fat, as if they were here to visit the mountains.I didn't contact them for five days.

With a goal, there is a comparison.

Jiang Wanmeng estimates that the annual sales volume of the market is 2 million units, while Yunfei has given a figure of 10 million units.When they first heard this data, after they calmed down, they didn't believe it, because Yun Fei's performance was likely to be a liar.

Liar, it's the same thing.

From the next day, the two inquired about the young man Yunfei's background through their respective channels.

This inquiries is incredible.

This product is simply a magical character. After entering a mechanical processing factory with less than 100 employees, in just one year, the small factory with a profit of less than one million in that year turned into a large factory with a monthly profit of over one million. At present, because of the good foundation he laid, the monthly profit of that factory has begun to hit tens of millions.

This is not the main thing. This kid’s wholly-owned Jiuyi Heavy Industry is even more amazing. When the scale is not expanding, the monthly profit is tens of millions, and these orders are arranged for several years, and now they are investing with others. 150 million to build a mobile communication equipment factory.

Does the phone know?

A palm-sized thing, the price is indeed tens of thousands, and this thing seems to have a bigger prospect than a VCD.

And this young man also has airlines, materials research plants, private research institutes that don’t know what to do...

After having a preliminary understanding of Yunfei and its industries, the two believed that Yunfei's sales volume of 10 million units a year after a few years was not a boast.

Therefore, when Yunfei, the big benefactor, didn't take the initiative to find them, they instead took the initiative to find Yunfei.

"I just grabbed you, what can you do?" Yun Fei chuckled when he heard Jiang Wanmeng's words and said something that made Jiang Wanmeng collapse.

I just want to grab you.

How domineering this sentence is!

"How much technical content do you think you have in producing this thing? If it weren't for now that you are now in trouble, I will appear here? I must have inquired clearly that I am not a liar. Jiuyizhong, I am just a flower Forty million, and now the net profit in a month exceeds 10 million! Huadu CNC owns 40% of the shares. I didn’t spend a penny. Instead, I got the money from them to engage in ninety one heavy industry. Of course, nine One airline, I spent a lot of money, and I still lose millions of dollars every month. If it is not for the convenience of travel, selling these aircrafts directly will have several times the benefits..." Yun Fei Yi Qiao said to Jiang Wanmeng sinisterly.

It seems that he hasn't spent much money on these enterprises.

After all, in 1991, he was about to starve to death on the street!

Yun Fei didn't like Jiang Wanmeng a little bit.

I don't know why I don't like it, but I simply don't like it anyway. If I have to let Yunfei find a reason, maybe Yunfei will say it is unpleasant.

Yes, it just doesn't pleasing to the eye.

"Boss Yun, we are the only technology in the world. There is no semicolon for this one..." Sun Yansheng had to admit that what Yunfei said was the truth, but Yunfei wanted to spend 20 million to buy them and invest 1,700. Ten thousand U.S. dollars, it is claimed that it has spent 200 million R&D funds, 20 million publicity expenses, and 40% of the shares of the company with a total investment of more than 300 million. How can they agree?

As the young boss himself said, this is really robbing them.

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