For Ma Ji, Yun Fei was too impressed.

From the time he proposed the simple four-axis project, when he first came into contact with the military, Ma Ji followed Zhao Xingbang. When Ma Ji planned to win over Yunfei, this product began to target Yunfei, and finally did not know what happened. , Was thrown by Zhao Xingbang to the Ninth Hospital Base as the director of Factory 9327.

If this is the case, perhaps Yun Fei has forgotten him now.

This product has not been in the Ninth Hospital for a long time, but it has caused complaints from the employees in the 9327 Factory. What is even more excessive is that the large number of large bed castings that have been produced in the 9327 Factory for more than ten years or even decades are scrapped. The price of iron is sold!Most of this money went into his pocket.

After a long time of natural aging of the machine tool structure, the value is simply incalculable.

How can Yunfei not be impressed by this product?

"Captain Ma, why are you here?" For Ma Ji, Section Chief Rong didn't know him before, and only this time because he was sent to assist in the investigation. What kind of past Ma Ji has, He did not know.

At this moment, in line with my own principles, I wanted to communicate with Yun Fei, who was only assisting in the investigation. It was only just beginning, and this horse season appeared in the dark.

"I heard that you arrested the most important personnel in this case. As the leader of the task force, how can I just come and have a look?" Ma Ji's brow jumped when he heard Rong Hui's unwelcome attitude.

"I'm getting information from Boss Yun at the moment..." Although his position is higher than Ma Ji, who is only a temporary task force leader, now I am transferred from the top to work with Ma Ji.

Ma Ji is still very satisfied with Rong Hui's attitude.

In his mind, he had encountered such a thing as a low position pressing a high position, and he also had a deep understanding in his heart. It is not bad to be able to achieve his level.

"Is he able to explain? This kid is a stingy man. If he doesn't perform punishment on him, I guess it will be difficult for him to explain what we need..." Looking at Yun Fei who was staring at him with a sneer, Ma Ji The same sneer in his heart.

Boy, if you commit a crime in my hands, you will have to peel off if you are not dead!

Tell you to contradict me back then!

I asked you to send Lao Tzu to Heiwowotou for a few months!

As soon as Yun Fei heard Ma Ji's arrival, he made Rong Hui pay attention to him, and he was immediately angry.

"My surname is Ma, Xiaoye is not a criminal suspect, you dare to try to torture Laozi..." Although you are sure that your willpower is comparable to ***, no one is willing to suffer from the disaster of innocence.

Especially the pain of flesh and blood!

"Boy Yun, honestly explained how you colluded with Zhao Xingbang and how to embezzle state-owned assets. I was satisfied and saved your skin and flesh. Otherwise, hehe..." Ma Ji didn't care about the honor of one side. Hui's face had become iron blue, and he smiled at Yun Fei's face.


"Major Zhang, what do you think about this matter? My nephew has been arrested for embezzling national assets because of the cooperation project with your military. The cooperation project we are currently carrying out can only be completely terminated..." Jiang Jianxing said to Zhang Bin, a stunned colonel in front of him with a serious face.

There are more and more research projects cooperating with the military in the Jiuyi Research Institute, and it is becoming more and more important in many scientific research institutes in the country. After Yun Fei’s consent was obtained, the military sent a large colonel of two cents to four. The purpose of permanent residence is to fully communicate with the management of Jiuyi Research Institute and to review the technology used by Yunfei, a young private boss, to put into production.

After coming to the Jiuyi Research Institute, Zhang Bin did not have a lot of time to deal with Yunfei, China's youngest private boss. After all, among the many projects of the Jiuyi Research Institute, only the digital communication project has been completed and put into production.The project proposed by Yunfei to use satellite communication to deliver pictures, videos, and face-to-face video and sound communication is too difficult to be marketed in a short time.

As for computer projects, because they have not developed their own operating systems, they have always been studying hardware.The most important thing for the current computer project is to provide services for the single-chip microcomputer that has always been produced on a small scale and has not been fully introduced to the market!

Many things in the institute are in charge of Jiang Jianxing, vice president of sales and purchasing of Jiuyi Heavy Industry, and Yunfei’s little girlfriend Ni Lishuang, and his personal assistant Mao Yadong. For these people who often deal with, Zhang Bin is still very familiar.

He did not expect that as soon as Jiang Jianxing entered his office today, he asked himself with a serious face to terminate the research cooperation!

God, if this cooperation really ends, many of the military's research projects will be completely paralyzed!

Yun Fei was arrested, for Zhang Bin, it was a bolt from the blue!

You must know that these military-related projects in the Jiuyi Research Institute that Yunfei holds in his hands play a very important role in the modernization of the Chinese military!Many of the military's current researches are based on comprehensive research and upgrades based on these military-civilian cooperation research projects of the September 1st Research Institute!

Among other things, the chip project alone has the most obvious effect.

Many times, some people in the military propose to stop cooperating with the private boss of Yunfei. After all, the most critical and core thing in the September 1st Research Institute is the research on high-performance chips. People who are not able to intervene at all, they are all the Soviets doing it!

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, Mr. Yun was arrested. Is it just a crime like this?" Zhang Bin's thoughts turned. Maybe Yun Fei was arrested for committing other things, and his uncle was holding the army. Fang, threatened the military to come forward to protect people by terminating research cooperation!

"Isn't this crime not serious? Zhang, how did your military cooperate with our September 1st Research Institute? What is the basis of cooperation? I think you know better than me?" Jiang Jianxing saw Zhang Bin's expression , How can I not understand what he is thinking in my heart!

My nephew knows where to commit anything?

Involved in black?It's a joke.

Engaging in research and manufacturing in the field of high-end technology, if gang involvement can solve the problem and solve the technical threshold, it is estimated that the country has long become the largest rogue team!In the high-end field, that is the pain in the hearts of the entire Chinese people!

Murder and arson?This thing is even more impossible.

If it were put in the 1980s, it might be possible to convict of unscrupulous lifestyle, or even convict him of hooliganism. After all, Yunfei and Ye Beichun had children without marriage.And Ni Lishuang and Ni Lishuang lived together when they were not married.

"Don't those who grasp the cloud know that the complete privatization of the 9327 factory is meant by the country's highest leadership and operated by the military commission?" Jiang Jianxing's words made Zhang Bin a little confused.

"I have to ask your military for this! The agreement signed by General Li Zhongwei and Xiaoyun at the time involved confidentiality, so few people know it!" Regarding Zhang Bin, Jiang Jianxing did not intend to embarrass him, anyway, this matter, Zhang Bin in the middle is just a function of passing messages.

Yunfei was caught by the investigation department from the capital. Only through Zhang Bin's intervention by the high-level military can he protect Yunfei.

"Misappropriation of national assets, a big crime! When Zhang and Xiaoyun were arrested, they have already said that if this matter cannot be solved perfectly, whether it is the September 1st Heavy Industry or the September 1st Research Institute, it will still be relocated until now. Hong Kong in the United Kingdom..." I have to go to the Rongcheng government and the Bashu provincial government. Jiang Jianxing does not intend to talk nonsense with Zhang Bin here.

"Are you threatening us?" Zhang Bin's face suddenly became gloomy when he heard Jiang Jianxing's words.

Such a small private enterprise actually threatens the military!

"If you are willing to see it as a threat, then you can treat it as if our Jiuyi Heavy Industry and Jiuyi Research Institute are threatening the military!" Now, for the sake of his nephew not to suffer, even Li Zhongwei, General of the Military Commission and Jiang Jianxing. Will issue their own threats without hesitation.

Of course, if Jiuyi Heavy Industry and Jiuyi Research Institute really plan to relocate abroad, it will be impossible without the permission of the state.

However, in that case, whether Jiuyi Heavy Industry or Jiuyi Research Institute, the relationship with the country will be reduced to a freezing point.

Jiuyi Heavy Industry Research is about CNC machining centers and heavy-duty lathes. Anyone with a little brain can know how important it is to China's defense industry.

Although many military researchers have joined some of the technologies in the September 1st Research Institute, the core technologies are all in the hands of technicians from the Soviet Union.The researchers in the military just lay hands and do some basic research!

More importantly, if the news of Jiuyi Heavy Industry's all-round evil with the country and the military is revealed to the world, China's image of respecting knowledge, respecting science, and respecting the market that has been established after reform and opening up will be completely destroyed.

Many foreign capitals that are on the sidelines because of the country's macro-control will never enter the mainland again.Even those foreign investors that have been here for a long time will withdraw from China!

There are few brushes that can be assigned to the September 1st Research Institute.

"Mr. Jiang, don't be impulsive about this matter. I will report to my superiors first, and then understand the situation. This matter is likely to be a misunderstanding..." Zhang Bin saw that Jiang Jianxing, who has always been honest and duty-bound, is so strong. Anxious.

He had already thought of countless consequences.

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