Interpol Mission

Chapter 1468

It's easy for ordinary people to pay attention to the sound of a gun. In fact, it's not like that at all.

In peacetime, how many people have really heard of gunfire?

In real life, even if you occasionally hear a shot or two, I'm afraid it's impossible to think in the direction of the shooting and mistakenly think it's other sounds.

"Didn't the scene find any other clues?"

"There are still clues. We found that both victims lost their property."

"What have you lost?"

"Watches, cell phones, bags, maybe rings, jewelry and things like that According to the traces on the wrists of Mao Xiaogang and Lu Jia, they must be wearing watches. At the scene, they did not find watches, mobile phones, wallets and other things. On the middle finger and ring finger of Lu Jia's right hand, there are traces of wearing a ring, but they can't be found... "

"So it's robbery?"

A criminal police officer attending the meeting couldn't help but blurt out, with a slightly uplifting tone.

In homicide cases, the most important thing is to determine the motive first.

If the motive is found, the detection will have a direction.

"This possibility is not ruled out."

He nodded and said.

"But this place of crime..."

Some people raised an objection, but after only half of the speech, they realized what they had said and immediately swallowed all the things behind them.

This is not an ordinary case analysis meeting. So many leaders are there.

Yang Kaitai stares at the establishment: "Xiaocheng, talk about your ideas."

With his age, position and qualifications, the establishment of his forties can only be "Xiaocheng" in front of him.

"I have two ideas. First, robbery and murder. I've got people looking into this direction. Second, we should consider the possibility of vendetta. Mao Xiaogang, a male victim, has a complicated social relationship. In recent years, he has offended many people by doing business... "

It is quite frank to say that it is tenable.

Mao Xiaogang in the business circle of Xuefeng, reputation is not good.

Not only because he is a "yamen", but also because his style is more domineering. Basically, as long as there are businesses he participates in, he will "eat meat" and take the lead.

Given his background, few people dare to argue with him.

Therefore, since Mao Xiaogang resigned and went into business, in just ten years, he has accumulated amazing wealth and become a member of the top wealth circle in Xuefeng city.

His status in Xuefeng business circle and "yamen circle" is basically equal to that of Liu Weidong and Chen Daiyue in Xingzhou.

However, it is far from satisfactory.

Liu Weidong and Chen Daiyue have a good reputation in Xingzhou circle.

If you offend people in business, sometimes it's really a "fight to the death".

"Is it possible that it was originally a vendetta, but disguised as a scene of robbery and murder?"

Someone said.

He was a young criminal policeman from the Criminal Police Brigade of Chengbei sub Bureau. He immediately attracted many strange eyes, as if he had said something important wrong.

I don't understand the young criminal policeman.

It's still younger.

When it comes to Mao Xiaogang's "big man", hate killing is the most headache.

Who knows what more powerful characters will be involved?

Ordinary people, even if they hate Mao Xiaogang deeply, who dares to use this most decisive means to cut off opponents? If you're not careful, you're doomed.

Only people with the same background dare to take the world's public opinion.

He didn't make any comments on this topic?

There is no way to establish it. We must put forward this idea!

Yang Kaitai thought about it and turned to Lu Zhi: "Lao Lu, talk about your opinion!"

Such a major criminal case, it is naturally impossible to leave Lu Zhi, the head of the criminal police detachment, aside.

"I think the key is to investigate the relationship between Mao Xiaogang and Lu Jia first."

Lu Zhi did not have half a word of nonsense, straight to the subject, and the tone is quite firm.

The crowd is Yilin again.

In fact, more than one criminal policeman has already thought of this issue, but no one has taken the lead in raising it. There must be a reason.

Gao Yuan lowered his voice and said to Ye Jiu: "Lu Jia's lover Zhang Kaifeng is also a policeman A look at the police... "


Ye Jiu can't help but blurt out.

Gao Yuan couldn't help looking at him in surprise. He didn't know where the word "bad" came from.

However, there is a meeting going on right now. The leaders are all there. It's not good to be far away. They always bite their ears with Ye Jiu. They will be misunderstood by the leaders.

On the scene, do not respect the leadership, that is a big problem!

"Tell me your reason!"

Yang Kaitai immediately stares at a question.

Obviously, that's the answer he wants to hear."At present, according to our preliminary understanding, Mao Xiaogang and Lu Jia are classmates. Before that, they all worked in the same unit, all in the municipal Material Bureau. Mao Xiaogang was the manager of the labor service company of the material Bureau, while Lu Jia was the deputy chief of the finance department. Later, Mao Xiaogang resigned and started his own company. Not long after that, Lu Jia resigned and joined Mao Xiaogang's company. "

"According to people from Rose Garden real estate company, Lu Jia is very strong in the company. Basically, she can completely represent Mao Xiaogang. Mao Xiaogang has never rejected any decision she makes. It is said that her working time in the company is much longer than that of Mao Xiaogang. Many employees only know that there is Mr. Lu, but not Mr. Mao! "

"Is it? Is she so good? "

Yang Kaitai's eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Then why does Mao Xiaogang trust her so much? Just because of the relationship between classmates and colleagues? "

Lu nodded and said, "what is the relationship between them? We need further investigation, but according to the current investigation, the relationship is not so simple."

"This can also be explained by the scene investigation. Mao Xiaogang and Lu Jia are both in untidy clothes and sitting in the back seat If they just talk about work, they don't seem to need to park in such a remote place. It's basically a blind corner of vision. If the cleaner didn't happen to find them, there would be no one to go to the place... "

The atmosphere of the conference room gradually became a little strange.

Lu Zhi almost said that their relationship was not normal.

At that time, hiding in the car was doing some shady "business".

"What kind of opinion do you have in mind?"

Yang Kaitai fixed his eyes on him and asked.

"I think it is necessary to summon Zhang Kaifeng immediately."

"Zhang Kaifeng?"

Yang Kaitai is a bit stunned.

Who is this?

"Zhang Kaifeng is Lu Jia's husband and a policeman in the first detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. I've just checked with him. Some time ago, in order to hunt down an escaped prisoner, Zhang Kaifeng has a 64 pistol! "

As soon as this remark was made, all the seats were startled.

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