Interpol Mission

Chapter 1480

Soon after, ye Jiu came to the door of Lang Zheng's office.

Director Shen had been waiting for him outside, but he was not in a hurry to let him in. He lowered his voice and said, "wait a minute. The board of directors is inside Report the case of Mao Xiaogang. "

The following sentence is obviously added temporarily.

Undoubtedly, he wants to convey a certain meaning to Ye Jiu.

Moreover, it is obvious that ye Jiu has already understood.

"The director asked him to come?"

"No, he did it himself. According to the ad hoc group, this case is only a last step away. They have organized people to salvage the river. As long as the gun can be found, the case can be closed. "

This is a fact. As long as Zhang Kaifeng's gun can be found in the river, it will prove that Zhang Kaifeng did not lie. It was he who threw the pistol into the river after committing the crime.

Ye Jiu laughed and said, "I'm afraid I may not be able to catch it."

Director Shen looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "in fact, even if we didn't find it, it doesn't matter..."

Well, as a matter of fact, up to now, no one has ever believed in Ye Jiu's judgment except Zhang Sirui and Li Haomin.

Lu Zhi, who offered to provide convenience to Ye Jiu, and Luo, the second watch, did not believe Ye Jiu's judgment. They just held on to some "fluke mentality" and thought that since Ye Jiu wanted to "toss about" himself, let him go and have a look. Maybe they really found some new clues for him?

In any case, it will not hinder the normal handling of cases by the ad hoc group.

If a different clue can be found, it is a turning point.

Anyway, in this case, most people tend to sympathize with Zhang Kaifeng. Before that, he was a complete "victim" - his wife betrayed him, and Mao Xiaogang put a green cap on him.

Even many people still think that Zhang Kaifa killed Mao Xiaogang and Lu Jia with no principle in mind!

Men can't stand this!

Of course, this kind of pure emotional cognition is definitely wrong, which is not allowed by law.

However, as long as Zhang Kaifa can have "a ray of vitality", many comrades are happy to see his success.

A very simple view of right and wrong.

Director Shen's words may not represent his real inner thoughts, but they must represent some kind of high-level "consensus" - this case must be closed as soon as possible, and the city's big people are already tired of it because of Mao Zedong.

Ye Jiu didn't take over.

Director Shen is just passing on a message. If he has any ideas, he can talk to Lang Zheng directly later. There is no need to talk again.

Dong Huaiyuan didn't stay in Lang Zheng's office for a long time. After about 20 minutes, he opened the door and came out. Seeing ye Jiu waiting outside, he smiled and said hello, but he didn't stop to exchange greetings. He went straight away.

Ye Jiu did not directly enter the door, but tidied up his clothes at the door, straightened his back and called out a "report".

In fact, this is what ye Jiu pays attention to.

No matter how close he is to Lang Zheng in private. In public and in office, he has to obey the rules. He can't pull hatred carelessly. As a result, his prestige will be affected.

"Come in..."

Langzheng's voice was tired.

I'm sure I'm upset by this.


Come to the front of the office, salute the table leaf.

"Give me a reason!"

The doctor was looking at him with bright eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"It's not open."

Lang Zheng asked directly, and ye Jiu's answer was more direct.

"By what?"


Ye Jiu's answer became more concise.

As far as the superficial evidence is concerned, this case is indeed irrefutable. As director Shen said, whether or not to find the gun is not the key point, and the case can be decided directly.

No matter what kind of questions Ye Jiu puts forward, the ad hoc group can stop him back.

But intuition is hard to say.

No matter how hard evidence you have, I just don't agree!

"I saw Zhang Kaifa just now. His expression is not fake. I can see it from his eyes. That's an honest man

Mencius has a cloud: the chest is right, then the eye son Yan!

Lang was sneering and said faintly, "how long have you been a criminal policeman?"

"More than four years!"

"Who do you think you can explain this to?"

Ye Jiu smiles and says, "director, I don't have to explain to anyone. The ad hoc group is still investigating. On my side, you should regard me as playing games. If you can't find any other clues, what should the ad hoc group do? Who can force them to fail? "

Lang was suddenly covered with black lines.

Listen to that. Is that right?When you are a three-year-old, can you be so willful?

Brother, you are the captain of the special police force, and you are also the middle-level backbone of the Bureau. You are in charge of more than ten people.

You make fun of such a big case?

What do you make other comrades think?

What do other comrades think of me, Lang Zheng?

"Director, or I'll put it another way, you can make them jump out. At this time, whoever is eager to make a decision or send Zhang Kaifa to the execution ground will be more likely to be suspected! "

"Is it? Now, Mao Xiaogang's father is the most suspect! "

Lang Zheng almost laughed at him.

"He doesn't count. He's a fool!"

Ye Jiu said impertinently.

"He felt that as long as anyone who was suspected was shot, his son's Revenge would be avenged."

"What about Secretary Tao? Is he confused? "

Ye Jiu finally understands why Lang Zheng is in a bad mood today. Tao Shuji is directly involved in this case. It's no wonder langzheng thinks Alexander.

Ye Jiu laughed and said, "director, I'm very interested. I want to know what Secretary Tao said in his original words."

Lang Zheng was also interesting. He took a look at him and said, "Tao Shuji told us to handle the case independently, not to be interfered by any other factors, and to handle this case seriously and quickly."

There is nothing wrong with this statement. It can't be more correct.

However, anyone knows that the four words "from heavy to fast" are the key points.

Seeing what ye Jiu wanted to say, Lang Zheng did not give him a chance. He waved his hand and said bluntly, "Ye Jiu, from now on, you can't see Zhang Kaifa any more. This is an order


Ye Jiu raised his hand in a conditioned reflex salute.

"Obey orders resolutely!"

"All right, you go!"

Lang Zheng once again waved his hand and drove the "disgusting" guy out.

Ye Jiu, equally unambiguous, once again raised his hand to salute. Without saying a word, he turned and left Lang Zheng's office.

However, it is strange that when he was "reprimanded", ye Jiuge's face was wearing a smile, and he could not see any feeling of depression.

Only director Shen shook his head in secret.

After all, director Lang really dotes on Ye Jiu.

Listen, what Lang said is "from now on, you can't see Zhang Kaifa again". As for other aspects, Lang Bureau has not banned it!

The matter of private investigation was not even mentioned by Lang Bureau.

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