Interpol Mission

Chapter 1483

"This case It's really a little strange... "

Cheng junhou soon found out the purpose of Ye Jiu's calling him to come over. He picked up the file and swept it, saying.

"Tell me more about it."

Ye Jiu is full of interest and hands him a cigarette.

"I remember, at that time, it was the sanbuqiao police station that reported the case. The bailichuan company was right next to the police station, and he lived nearby. It is said that in the morning, let went to the police station to do something, but after leaving the police station, he disappeared and disappeared all day. He turned off his cell phone when he called him When his family thought it was wrong, he reported the case to the police station. Because he was also a social celebrity, the police station did not dare to neglect him and immediately reported the case to our sub Bureau. "

Cheng junhou recalled and said.

"Did you handle this case?" asked Ye Jiu


Cheng junhou shook his head.

"I had other cases in hand. However, at the beginning of the case, the bureau did pay attention to this case. This bailichuan is a famous person. Some people joked that he was the richest man in the north of the city... "

"Oh, really? His real estate company is big? "

Even if it is only a joke, it also represents the wealth and strength of bailichuan to a certain extent. If Bailey real estate company is really just a shell, then such a joke, usually can not be passed.

Therefore, at that time, even if bailichuan was not really the richest man in the north of the city, it was at least one of the top "rich" in the north of the city.

The sudden disappearance of such a person caused the attention of Chengbei Branch.

"So at that time, all members of our brigade participated in the analysis meeting on this case."

Ye Jiu's spirit was suddenly refreshed.

This means that Cheng junhou is very familiar with the context of the case.

"At the beginning, we thought that the missing case was very strange, because according to the common sense, bailichuan really did not have the possibility of his own disappearance. At that time, his company was booming and his business was very prosperous. A real estate was selling well. It can be said that it was the glorious moment of his life. How could he be missing himself when he was in high spirits

"Until then, there was no sign at all."

Ye Jiu and Gao Yuan both nodded thoughtfully and agreed with Cheng junhou.

"So what kinds of possibilities did you analyze at that time?"

"At first we thought he might have been kidnapped..."

Well, this analysis makes sense.

Bailichuan such a rich suddenly disappeared, the biggest possibility is indeed kidnapping.

"However, we haven't received any calls for ransom for several days, so the reason of kidnapping is not established."

"That's strange..."

Gao Yuan can't help but say.

"Yes, we were very strange. However, it is a fact that no one wants ransom. Naturally, the theory of kidnapping does not hold water. Therefore, our second analysis is that he was killed. "

This analysis also makes sense.

Just as ye Jiu insists on investigating Mao Xiaogang's social relations, bailichuan is essentially the same kind of person as Mao Xiaogang. Of course, the energy may vary in size.

Because of the relationship between chief Mao, Mao Xiaogang can be called the "top yamen" of Xuefeng City, and his status in Xuefeng's "wealth circle" is comparable to that of Liu Weidong and Chen Daiyue of Xingzhou.

Now ye Jiu is not clear, behind bailichuan, is there a behemoth on the scene just like Mao Xiaogang.

This so-called existence is not formed by postnatal relations, but must be some kind of blood relationship.

At least it has to be Weng son-in-law.

If so, bailichuan's status is almost the same as Mao Xiaogang.

"If he was killed, it would be complicated."

Cheng said.

"But I didn't take part in the investigation afterwards. It's not clear how the ad hoc group did it later. Anyway, the case became a pending case."

Cheng junhou was not a member of the ad hoc group after all, and he did not know much about the follow-up investigation.

"There must be something else, then? For example, his Mercedes Benz, his mobile phone, bank card and other things he carried with him. Did they never appear again? "

Ye Jiu asked curiously.

If bailichuan is really killed and killed, the bodies of him and the driver are easier to deal with. There are many ways to completely destroy the corpse.

But as a big guy like Mercedes Benz, can criminals directly return to the furnace and burn them clean without leaving any trace?

You know, Mercedes Benz such a luxury car, for anyone is a huge attraction.


Cheng junhou said definitely.

"Although I did not directly participate in the case solving of the ad hoc group, I still understand their thinking. In the absence of other clues, the investigation will certainly focus on Mercedes Benz cars and mobile phone bank cards. Strangely enough, these things never appeared again. Like bailichuan, it disappeared completely. ""So the case is in suspense? No one else? "

Asked Gao Yuan.

Cheng junhou gave a bitter smile and said, "instructor, you also know the situation. Which one of our criminal police officers is not a pile of cases? This case is strange, but as long as there is no one to urge, it will be the same... "

"How can no one urge you? Isn't his family noisy? "

Gao Yuan asked curiously.

"The family will certainly make trouble. In a word, bailichuan is also related. One of his uncles may be his cousin It's a big shot in the city... "

Cheng junhou said a name.

Ye Jiu didn't respond. For the time being, he didn't know much about the upper circles of Xuefeng city. After all, he didn't come to office for a long time. His main energy was on the case and the formation and training of the special police brigade. To be honest, comrade Ye Jiu was not interested in learning about the upper circles in the city.

But Gao Yuan was obviously surprised. It was obvious that the man Cheng junhou said in his mouth was really a big man, and he was one with real power.

"It's him..."

Ye Jiu frowned and said, "in this case, there is no reason not to continue to investigate..."

"No clue..."

Cheng Jun Hou spread his hands and said helplessly.

"This case is also strange. Two living people and a Mercedes Benz car disappeared completely, as if they were captured by aliens after they came out of the police station that day From then on, you can't see people alive, you can't see dead bodies. "

Cheng junhou made a joke.

Ye Jiu snorted and said, "I'm afraid it's not necessarily captured by aliens. If they are kidnapped and killed by their enemies, the same will happen. "

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