Interpol Mission

Chapter 1503

Finally, Lang Zheng sat back slowly and lit a cigarette. His face was calm.

Although his eyebrows frowned slightly, there was not a trace of anger in his face. He was just meditating.

Director Shen couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "director, are you really not angry?"


Lang Zheng raised his eyelids and looked at him. He was surprised.

"Does anger work?"

Director Shen choked.

Yes, old man Mao's status is there!

Director Shen thought about it for a while, but he still couldn't help but said angrily: "although it's useless to be angry, if I were, I would still be angry by him..."

Lang Zheng once again looked at him, the corner of his mouth slightly pulled, showing a smile.

On the whole, he was quite satisfied with the full-time clerk he had chosen. He was young, able to handle affairs, and knew how to flatter the leader without showing any trace.

Yes, Xiaoshen's words are actually in a different way to praise him, not showing the mountains or dew, but very comfortable. It's much better than that kind of rough stuff that is full of flattery at first.

Lang Zheng is not a person who likes to flatter his subordinates, but this degree of flattery is still within his tolerance.

The office "survival is not easy", Lang Zheng can fully understand, not to mention demanding.

"It seems that ye Jiu is right..."

Lang Zheng withdrew his eyes and said slowly.


This time, director Shen's brain did not turn around for a while.

But the next moment, he immediately understood, and his face changed

Lang Zheng is right. Mao Jun suddenly came to the door today. Of course, he was "used as a gun emissary". At the same time, it also shows that there may be other secrets in this case.

If the murderer is Zhang Kaifeng, and the Public Security Bureau has already controlled him, why should other irrelevant people make such a fuss?

Encouraging Mao Jun to go directly to the Municipal Bureau to "teach" Lang Zheng can only show one thing. Ye Jiu's investigation has already begun to make some people worried, afraid that ye Jiu will continue to investigate.

What are they afraid of if they are not involved in the "Mao Xiaogang case"?

Is Zhang Kaifeng really not the killer? Is there someone else?

However, can Mao's background make him a soldier?

Ordinary people may not even be able to meet the Mao army.

What's more, Mao Jun was just heartbroken about his son's death, which led to abnormal temper, but he was not a "fool". If you can be a regional Commissioner, you don't have to doubt your IQ.

The man who "instructed" him must be very familiar with him, and his words were so important in front of the Mao army that they almost unconditionally believed him.

Such people can be counted with their fingers.

Even, director Shen has several names in mind!

Because of this, director Shen's face changed greatly.

These people, no matter which one, are very important

However, how can they be related to the "Mao Xiaogang case"?

Who can be the guest of Mao's residence, who is not brother to brother with Mao Xiaogang? Although there are some "commercial mutual promotion" factors, but how can not reach that level, need to directly eliminate Mao Xiaogang's body.

What a feud

Moreover, at present, all the evidence points to Zhang Kaifeng, and the materials have been reported to the procuratorate.

Even if one of those people wants to kill Mao Xiaogang, how about Zhang Kaifa's gun?

How did he get a development gun?

"Director, is it possible that someone deliberately informs Zhang Kaifeng?"

Director Shen's brain was in full swing and he couldn't help but blurt out.

It's very strange to say this. It's endless. If you change someone, you'll be confused

But Lang is no one else.

He is a public security bureau chief with an old criminal police background. Once he focuses on the case, his head turns faster than most people, and he immediately understands what director Shen means.

Xiao Shen means that people still open their doors to kill. However, some people deliberately disclosed to Zhang Kaifa that Mao Xiaogang and Lu Jia had a "tryst" in the car.

Zhang Kaifa rushes to the scene, just in time to see his wife and Mao Xiaogang's "ugly behavior". He can't control his emotions. In a rage, he draws a gun and kills people

It should be said that this inference is still reasonable.

But the next moment, Lang Zheng shook his head and said, "the key is motivation."

Yes, the key is the motive.

Although Lang Zheng is now highly suspicious that the people who "directed" Mao Jun behind him are closely related to the "Mao Xiaogang case", if the motive of the crime is not found, all the logical reasoning is just a castle in the air.In view of the special identity of these people, it is not generally difficult to carry out an investigation on these people without having solid evidence.

Even if Lang Zheng, the director of the Municipal Bureau, gives an order in person, the people under him may not carry it out.

"It doesn't make sense..."

Director Shen thought for a moment, and then he began to shake his head again.

He really can't figure out why one of those people should do such a thing. There's no reason

Then, the phone on the desk rang quickly.

Lang Zheng picked up the phone in a hurry.

With the gradual popularity of mobile phones, people who still insist on making landline calls to his office are basically able to count them with their fingers.

The landline telephone number of Lang Zheng's office is not open to the public. Few people know this number.

"Lao Lang!"

Over the phone, came the majestic voice of Tao Shuji.

"Secretary Tao..."

"I heard that Mao has gone to your office?"

"Yes, Secretary Tao, he just left!"

"That old man is very hot tempered..."

Secretary Tao seemed to sigh and say, but Lang Zheng still heard the gloomy meaning hidden in his words.

Anyone who meets the old man's kind of person, can't help but be depressed?

In particular, Secretary Tao, such a high-ranking and powerful person, is rarely "forced to the corner" of the embarrassing moment. It is conceivable that there is also anger in my heart.

But there is still no way

"You didn't contradict him, did you?"

Lang Zheng laughed and said, "how can it be? Secretary Tao, Mao is always an old leader. I respect him very much."

"That's good..."

Tao Shuji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't look at the old man. He looks very good. In fact, he has a lot of problems and his blood pressure is still high Don't make him angry at all Lao Lang, you are wronged

"No injustice, Secretary Tao. When we work in public security, we are always misunderstood."

"Well, that's fine. However, Lao Lang, you should also remind the comrades below that everyone should perform their own duties and should not be involved blindly. Let's close the case as soon as possible! "

"Yes, Secretary Tao. We'll catch up."

Lang Zheng agreed and shook his head gently.

It's a lot of pressure to do a case

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