Interpol Mission

Chapter 1530

"They don't resist. There are two possibilities..."

Ye Jiu analyzes calmly.

Everyone is staring at him. Now, no matter Xuefeng Public Security Bureau or Dingyuan County Public Security Bureau, no one dares to look down on this special police captain because of his age.

As we all know, this one has real ability.

For the analysis and reasoning of the case, often can directly attack the truth.

, "the first possibility is that they do not realize resistance, that is, the suspects are completely harmless to them, and they are unprepared."

"It's not likely."

It was Lao Guo, frowning and shaking his head.

"None of the golden rats in the Qilong River are so vigilant. When someone stopped the car on the way, he couldn't have been vigilant at all. "

After years of criminal investigation in the Public Security Bureau of Dingyuan County, Lao Guo knew the characteristics of the poachers in the Qilong River Basin.

In this kind of place, "innocent" has long been dead!

"Even if you meet an acquaintance, you will not be unprepared."

Ye Jiu nodded slightly and agreed with Lao Guo's analysis.

"The second possibility is that they dare not resist."

"What does it mean to dare not resist?"

This time, even Lang Zheng showed great interest.

It's strange that the golden rats of Qilong River are so bold that they dare not resist.

Director ye Jiuchao nodded and said: "there are two situations. The first is that the strength of the other side is much stronger than them. There are many people and guns. There is no chance of winning the resistance. However, this possibility is not big. If the suspect wants to be overwhelmingly dominant to Li Erxi and Chen Xiaobing, three people must have at least four or five guns, and all have to be a standard firearm to frighten them completely against it. But the emergence of such a huge armed force in the Qilong river basin is impossible without causing a stir. "

If this is the case, a mini war can be launched. No matter how chaotic the Qilong river is, there will not be such a powerful force. Is it really a powerful organ of the state?

Moreover, as ye Jiu said, such a "large force" is too eye-catching and easy to be found.

"In the second case, Li Erxi felt that the price of resistance was too high, and if they did not resist, the consequences would not be so serious as to be fatal, so they would choose to cooperate."

"Give an example."

Lang Zhengyan asked briefly.

"Police inspection, for example."

Ye Jiu's answer is also very concise.

"Police inspection?"

There was a big crash in the meeting room. Everyone looked at each other and didn't understand what captain Ye meant.

Is it really the police who rob and kill?

How could that be!

"Not the real police, of course."

Ye Jiu answered their questions in time.

"Maybe it was just a cop. The suspects were disguised as police officers and checked by cars. Li Erxi would not choose to resist for the first time, but would like to make a decision before he knew the situation. It's too serious to draw a gun directly against the police, and no one will do so unless it is absolutely necessary. "

Someone couldn't help nodding.

Although the golden mouse in Qilong river is very arrogant, he still has a natural fear of the police. When he encounters a policeman on the road, his first reaction is to muddle through, rather than to draw a gun and shoot.

If you kill a police officer, you are looking for death on your own. The police will never give up.

But if the gang is a fake police, then Li Erxi's tragedy is very normal. Although they dare not shoot at the police, they never dream that the police will shoot them without warning.

Don't the police have a set rules for handling affairs?

"It's just a hypothesis."

Lang Zheng did not comment.

But judging from the calm to unquestioning tone of director Lang, at least he has believed 60% in his heart.

"What about the body?"

This is another point.

If, according to Ye Jiu's reasoning, criminals pretend to be policemen and stop cars to rob, it is basically impossible to leave alive. Otherwise, if this situation is spread out, the police of Xuefeng city will go out to chase and stop them. Even if they are good at it, it will be a dead end.

"They took the body."

Ye Jiu's tone is very firm ground says.

"Take the body? Why take the body? "

Guo asked in surprise.

It is hard to understand that the criminals abandoned Li Erxi's pickup truck but took away three bodies. If the pickup truck is old and shabby, how much is it worth? What are the three corpses for?

Isn't it possible to find a hiding place and lose everything?

In the Qilong River Basin, there should not be too many places to hide corpses!

"Ballistic detection!"Ye Jiu still answered him in a very short language.

"The bullets were left in the bodies, and they were worried that ballistic testing would expose the guns they were using."

"How could it be?"

"Ballistic detection can only detect the recorded standard weapons, other guns can not..."

Lao Guo did not finish a word, but suddenly opened his mouth, no voice, but his eyes were wide and round, as if he suddenly remembered something particularly important.

Ye Jiu nods gently.

He knew that Lao Guo must have understood what he meant.

What if the gun used by the gangster is a standard weapon? What about the 64 pistol that was once locked by the police?

The pioneer

Although Lao Guo is not a member of the ad hoc group on the murder of Mao Xiaogang and Lu Jia, he knows everything about the case.

People in the whole Xuefeng public security system are very clear.

Such a "simple and clear" case is impossible to keep secret, OK?

The best evidence that directly locked Zhang Kaifa to death is that the bullet that killed Mao Xiaogang and Lu Jia was shot from the gun chamber of Zhang Kaifa's application.

Zhang Kaifeng claimed to have been stolen with a gun, but he was not accepted by investigators.

Now, if the pistol came out of the other place and shot other people with bullets, it would be the most powerful evidence of exoneration.

There is no doubt that the criminals are also aware of this, so they will not bother to take the body away.

Although there is a cartridge case left on the scene, only one shell case can not be used for ballistic detection.

"In the past, the missing cases of bailichuan, Wu Qingqing and Sui Lin were all dead and alive. If it is committed by the same group of criminals, it shows that destroying the dead has become their habitual operation. "

Ye Jiu added a few more explanations.

Lao Guo nodded involuntarily.

As a senior criminal police officer, Lao Guo of course knows that in homicide cases, whether the victim's body can be found is also a crucial link in the detection.

A lot of clues are left on the body.

"These guys are so cunning..."

Some people can't help but hate to say.

Ye Jiu smiles gently.

"No matter how cunning they are, the fox's tail has been revealed!"

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