Interpol Mission

Chapter 1534

After being kicked to fly, the fierce dog didn't get up again, but fell on the ground, convulsed, and made a dying whimper. It was obvious that he had been hit.

At the same time, on the other side came the sound of fighting and the barking of the dog.

More than one dog was attacked by the police. His reaction speed is not as quick as Lu Zhi, there is no first time to shoot, suddenly there is no dog entangled.

In an instant, he was bitten by a vicious dog and made several wounds.

Lu Zhi didn't want to be exposed at this time, so he lit up his flashlight, rushed to the front and kicked him. This fierce dog madness, by Lu Zhi attack, immediately let go of the previous entanglement of the criminal police, turned to Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi was not used to the problem, and he raised his hand and shot again.

In the middle of the dog's head, he immediately fell to the ground without a word and died.

Although the stopping effect of the June 4th Movement has always been criticized, a shot in the head, no matter how fierce the watchdog is, is also vulnerable.

"Come on, rush in!"

At the same time, Lu Zhi didn't have time to examine his companion's injuries. He waved his pistol and cried in a deep voice. He took the lead in rushing to a row of lighted bungalows.

However, Lu Zhi is very cautious, before the impact to the bungalow, the torch in his left hand slightly offset to the left for a distance.

It has been proved that no matter how cautious you are when you go to the battlefield.

This side just rushed less than 10 meters, "bang" a sound, the huge gunshot rang up, deafening.

In the roaring sound of breaking through the air, the bullet flew a few meters to the left of Luzhi, making a big noise.

Lu Zhi immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

According to experience, Lu Zhi immediately judged that this was a large caliber lead bullet fired by a double barreled shotgun.

The range and accuracy of muskets and muskets are not good enough. However, in a short distance, the lethality of lead bullets of large caliber shotguns is far from that of 64 pistols.

As long as they are hit, they will be fatal in an instant, or at least lose their combat effectiveness immediately.

In the dark, the criminals in the room can only locate by light. If Lu Zhi puts his flashlight in front of him, maybe the two shotgun bullets will go straight to his chest and abdomen.

Lu Zhi immediately put out the flashlight and flashed to the right to hide behind a pear tree.

"People in the room, listen, we are the police. You are surrounded. Put down your arms and surrender immediately. If you dare to fight in a desperate situation, you will be killed on the spot

The next moment, Lu Zhi launched a psychological offensive.

The other two policemen use the obstacles outside the house to quickly approach the bungalow.

At the same time, three comrades in arms of the second team are performing the same action.

In the thick night, we can't communicate with each other by hand, but the tacit understanding cultivated by many times of fighting side by side is played incisively and vividly at this moment.

In a moment, the pear garden on a row of bungalows formed a semi surrounded situation.

"Bang" "bang"!

Two more big shots came from the window of a bungalow.

This is the second shot of a shotgun and a homemade musket.

The self-made muskets without muzzle flame eliminator have dazzling fire and amazing momentum when they are launched. It looks more powerful than standard guns.

But that's all about the lethality.

The police immediately fired back.

The firing speed of the 64th pistol is far higher than that of the double barreled shotgun and the homemade musketgun. In a short period of time, Lu Zhi and others can shoot and attack forward.

The double barreled shotgun needs to be reloaded after each shot, and the self-made muskets can be launched more slowly. Taking advantage of this gap, fast approaching is the most correct tactical way.

In fact, there was no gunfire coming out of the bungalow again, but there was a very busy footstep.

These guys want to run!

In an instant, Lu Zhi made a judgment.

No doubt, Lu Zhi's judgment is very accurate. In the face of the police's sudden attack, the criminals in the bungalow must be flustered and have no courage to "fight to the end" with the police.

This is also a kind of inborn "blood suppression". After all, there are still very few criminals who dare to fight the state machine to the end.

"Don't move, hands up!"

Lu Zhi kicked open the wooden door of the bungalow and let out a big drink.

The bright light of the flashlight shot into the room.

But only to see a few panic to another room to escape the back.

"Stop! Don't run!"

Lu Zhi raised his hand and shot into the sky.

After all, this is a police action, not a military operation. In the case that the criminals did not continue to shoot and resist, Lu Zhi also wanted to capture them alive as much as possible.

But the gang clearly knew what would happen if they were caught. Instead of stopping, they ran faster."Chase!"

Lu Zhi rushed forward without saying a word.

In a completely strange environment, in the face of the gunman, to be honest, Lu Zhi's action is extremely brave. If he is not careful, he may be shot and injured, or even die bravely.

Normal operation should be to protect their own safety, at the same time, to suppress the gangsters with fire, and to call large forces for assistance at the first time.

However, Lu Zhi is obviously not a "conventional" person.

The leader of the criminal police branch is "protecting the short" and "rebellious" is also really "rebellious", but the crucial moment is not ambiguous and does not fall off the chain.

Without some excellent skills, why does Lu Zhi serve the public in the criminal police detachment?


In the bustle, the criminal police who have been following Lu Zhi suddenly called out, while the flashlight was shining to the side of the bungalow.

On the side of the wall, there are two earthen stoves. There is a big fire in the stove. On top of the stove, there are two big iron pans. The soup in the pot has already been boiling and rolling, bubbling with bubbles. A strong smell of meat fills the room.

What is this operation?

In the middle of the night, these guys don't sleep and they stew broth in the house?

And stew these two big pots.

Even if it's a night snack, it doesn't take much

For a while, Lu Zhi didn't understand.

did not see eye to eye. The broth in the two big pot and the pot was obviously not the focus of attention. Lu only glanced at it, and went back to the direction of the suspect's escape.

"Stop, don't move!"

"Run again and shoot..."

The next moment, outside the bungalow, the police burst out.

The second team just came around from the other direction and blocked the exit of the bungalow.

Then there was the sound of gunfire, accompanied by a scream.

Lu Zhi's heart was suddenly tight, but he did not care about the danger, so he rushed ove

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