Interpol Mission

Chapter 1540

With Ouyang Sheng's confession, the whole picture of a criminal gang with serious crimes and heinous behaviors gradually appears in front of the police.

The gang was first formed, dating back to six years ago.

Shulongcheng gathered Ouyang Sheng, Han cosmos, Ma Yingxiong, Chen yuou and others together to discuss how to do great things.

Because shulongcheng used to work in the police station before, and he was quite generous. He had a certain "prestige" in this small Gang, so he naturally became the leader of the gang. People gave him the nickname "commander Shu"!

In the beginning, these people just get together to play cards, drink, play and so on. They don't commit crimes.

Ouyang Sheng said that Shu Longcheng was very high-spirited and despised "doing little things". In shulongcheng's eyes, he was just worthless.

It's just a lousy little punk who can do that kind of shit.

Shulongcheng absolutely disdains to touch, no one is laughed at.

What's the difference between commander Shu and a little ALFY?

If you want to do it, do it big.

Because of this, these people have not been dealt with by the public security, so there is no case to investigate. Therefore, they committed crimes one after another, and the public security organs have never investigated them.

Four years ago, the robbery and murder of Wu Qingqing was their first crime.

The reason why Wu Qingqing is set as the first criminal target is very simple. Wu Qingqing's family is rich and usually goes in and out with gold and silver, which is very generous. In addition to driving an Audi 100, it's also a good car. The second-hand car market is worth tens of thousands at least. If it's done well, it can sell for 100000.

Shu Longcheng had contact with Wu Qingqing when he was a joint defense team member in the police station before. He knew that she was a woman with no idea. She lived in a greenhouse and knew nothing about the dangers of society.

It's a good target.

Later, facts proved that shulongcheng's speculation was very reasonable. The kidnapping of Wu Qingqing was almost effortless.

After Wu Qingqing was kidnapped by the gang, they got Chen yuou's orchard. Shulongcheng became a beast and was the first to rape Wu Qingqing. Later, Ouyang Sheng, Han cosmos and others successively carried out gang rape on Wu Qingqing. Then he killed Wu Qingqing cruelly and destroyed his body.

"Why don't you have a ransom and kill directly?"

Ye Jiu interrupts Ouyang Sheng's confession and asks.

Ouyang Sheng blinked the dead fish's eyes and said, "at that time, we also said that we wanted a ransom. The woman's family was rich, and her husband and father were both in business. It was no problem for the big boss to ask for several hundred thousand yuan. But commander Shu Shulongcheng refused. He said the ransom was easy to expose, and the police didn't have a dry meal. It's better to kill them directly. Anyway, we also searched her for more than 2000 cash, mobile phones, gold jewelry and other things. With that car, it was worth a hundred thousand. As long as we don't expose it, we can have more money in the future. There is no need to take such a big risk... "

"What about the car? What did you do with it?"

Ye Jiu stares at and asks.

Cash, mobile phones, gold and silver jewelry are easy to handle, but it's not so convenient to sell stolen cars. There must be channels.

"I don't know. It's all handled by shulongcheng. He has a way. We don't care Officer, I, I'm an accomplice... "

What's more, these bastards are all virtuous. They are extremely ferocious when they commit crimes. Once they are caught, they will try their best to shirk their responsibilities and try their best to pretend to be miserable, hoping to survive.


Ye Jiu scolded rudely.

"Are you still an accomplice? Then why do you gang rape the victim? You are the mastermind

"Robbery, gang rape, murder!"

"Which is not a felony? Either is enough to shoot you! "

"Ouyang Sheng, if you don't make atonement, I'll tell you, you're dead!"

Ouyang Sheng was shaking all over at once. His face was pale and shaky. He was almost unable to sit still. He could slip out to the ground at any time.

Lang Zheng and others looked at Ouyang Sheng with anger and disgust.

These guys are really heinous and deserve to die!

"To be honest, who sold that Audi?"

Ye Jiu beat the iron while it was hot.

The trial was presided over by the judge himself. Lang Kuo, Dong Ju and Lu Zhi all acquiesced to this point.

In fact, the current case can be solved to this extent, all in accordance with Ye Jiu's ideas.

That is to say, ye Jiu is the most familiar with the thoughts of these criminals.

It is natural that he should be the main investigator of this case.

This time, Lu Zhi automatically and consciously cooperated with Ye Jiu to handle the case.

"I, I don't know Shu Longcheng is very strict. If he doesn't let us ask questions, we don't dare to ask How cruel he is However, I heard that he seems to know a man surnamed Tan who has a way to sell used cars... "Ouyang Sheng, sweating and thirsty, stammered.

It's up to the conscience of heaven and earth. Ouyang Sheng really didn't intend to fight against the police. He just wanted to cooperate well and rack his brains. He wanted to explain more "heavy" materials so as to make atonement and save his own dog's life!


Ye Jiu raised her eyebrows slightly.

"What's your name and what's your name?"

Almost immediately, the appearance of Mr. Tan's sharp tongued face appeared in front of Ye Jiu.

"No, I don't know. I don't know..."

Ouyang Sheng almost cried.

"The surname is tan, but Tan bin of the honest pawnshop sells second-hand cars."

Lu Zhi said in a deep voice.

Leaf nine corners of the mouth a pull, emerge a faint smile.

It's true that heroes think alike.

However, out of some consideration, ye Jiu did not directly say Tan Bin's name. Now, it would be better to say this name from Lu Zhi's mouth.

Next, the investigation of honest pawnshops can be justified.

"In this case, it is necessary to investigate the credit pawnshop!"

Ye Jiu pushes his boat along the river and looks at Lang Zheng and Dong Huaiyuan.

In order to investigate the credit pawnbroker, ye Jiuhe and the special police brigade need to obtain the official authorization from the Bureau leaders, which can be said to be the best opportunity.


Without waiting for Dong Huaiyuan to declare his position, Lang Zheng made the decision directly.

"We are engaged in the investigation of this series of cases with you

"Yes, chief!"

Ye Jiu stood upright and saluted.

That's what you want.

From this moment on, ye Jiu is no longer the "outside staff" of the criminal police detachment. Not only himself, but also the entire special police brigade can naturally participate in the investigation of this series of cases.

As for who is the main one, we should coordinate with Lu Zhi.

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