When the police car drove into the detention center, the detention center was already very busy.

All kinds of cars and police cars were parked in the detention center's yard, which was not small. There were several police cars parked on the road outside. Ye Jiu's car couldn't drive in at all.

Big Liu was waiting for him at the door. As soon as he saw Ye Jiu, he immediately said, "hurry up, ye team, this side..."

The three trotted all the way towards the office building of the detention house.

It's three floors. It's already cordoned off.

Armed police soldiers stand guard with guns and live ammunition. If no one is standing upstairs to say hello to them, they have to check Ye Jiu's certificate.

The detention house also has a conference room on the second floor.

Relatively speaking, the city is a large unit with a large number of policemen and staff.

The No.1 detention center of Xingzhou Public Security Bureau is the largest detention center in the province, with nearly 100 prisons. Theoretically, it can detain up to 1000 criminal suspects awaiting trial.

This is unimaginable in the public security bureaus of other cities and counties.

Rao is so, the prison is still not enough, Xingzhou Municipal Bureau has been building a second detention center.

The conference room is already full of people.

The leaders of Xingzhou Municipal Bureau have come.


Ye Jiu stood at attention at the door of the meeting room.

"Come in."

It's Lang Zheng's voice.

When ye Jiu entered the room, there were more than 20 people in the conference room. In addition to the leaders of the Municipal Bureau and the ad hoc group, there were also several officers, of whom the highest rank was a major.

Ye Jiu knew him and was the captain of the armed police brigade in charge of the detention house.

Generally speaking, a squadron of armed police soldiers will be arranged near the detention center to guard the suspects. If it is a detention center of the County-level Public Security Bureau, the police force will not be too much.

However, the situation in Xingzhou city is very special. There are hundreds of suspects in custody. The armed police force has arranged a large team here to take on the task of guarding.

To his surprise, the leader of Hedong branch and Xiao Zhigang are also there.

It is estimated that they happened to come here to interrogate Li Cha and Peng Xuefei today, but this happened to them. Naturally, they were invited to the conference room to discuss countermeasures.


Xiao Zhigang is not a senior official, but he is very famous in the public security system of Xingzhou city.

Of course, his title of double Bachelor of criminal investigation and law is too dazzling.

Ye Jiu raised his hand to Lang Zheng.

"Secretary Lang!"

Although there are many leaders here, Lang Zhengcai is his direct leader.

Lang Zheng nodded his head seriously and said, "here we are, sit down first..."

With that, he pointed to a position not far away from him.

There were people on both sides of the seat, apparently reserved for him. Originally, ye Jiu's qualifications and position would not normally enjoy this kind of treatment. At this time, the exception was naturally because Li Anlin wanted to talk to him by name.

Although the incident happened suddenly, the conference room was not in a mess. Everyone sat around the table and seemed very well-trained.

Who are these people here who have been through the storm?

No matter how urgent the situation is, it will not scare them!

"Do you understand everything?"

Ye Jiuyi sat down and Lang Zheng immediately asked.

He believed that ye Jiu was not idle on the way over.

Ye Jiuting chest replied: "basically understand, but what is the specific situation of No. 14 cell, I don't know."

Prison No. 14 is the one where Li Anlin was held. It is located in the middle and is easy to take care of. They are far away from the prison where Deng Zihao was detained, and they are not the same group to let them collude in confessions.

The situation in the detention house is different from that of the prison and the reform through labor force.

Our country implements the policy of reform through labor. For prisoners in custody, through the way of labor reform, they can make their own living and reform. Therefore, prisoners in prisons and reform through labor teams usually have certain space for activities, and their life is relatively normal and regular.

However, the suspects in the detention center are usually held in small cells, with only 10 to 20 minutes of release time every day.

Let them walk around outdoors, bask in the sun, breathe the fresh air outside, and exercise their muscles and bones, so as not to have problems.

It is easy to produce depression and other psychological and physiological diseases in a closed small environment for too long.

However, the conditions of the detention center are very limited. The so-called wind release room is actually a slightly larger space, surrounded by high concrete walls, but without a roof, it can be exposed to the sun.

In case of rainy weather, the only 20 minutes of wind blowing every day will be cancelled.

Because the number of ventilation rooms is limited, suspects in different prisons may meet in two adjacent ventilation chambers in the same period of time. There has been a case of suspects shouting and confessing across the concrete wall.Of course, this has not happened in Deng Zihao's gang.

There are too many gang members. It's useless for you to collude with some confessions. Other suspects will also disclose the real situation.

"Now the other nine suspects are trapped in cell 14. Ang Lin killed two of them and took one of them, hiding in a corner and fighting in a corner," Lang said

"The wounded two, are they serious?"

Lang Zheng shook his head, frowned and said, "it's not clear yet. We can't talk to the other suspects in the cell. They seem to be afraid of Ang Lee."

Ye Jiu's eyebrows frowned.

They will, of course, be afraid.

Although they are all suspects in custody, the suspects and suspects are very different. Ang Lin Lee is one of the most ferocious outlaws with at least several lives on his back.

The ferocity and cruelty of this kind of person is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In particular, he had weapons in his hand, and even the number of inmates in prison was too large to resist him at all.

According to Li Anlin's skill, ye Jiu estimates that if he is suddenly in a dilemma and no one else is prepared, he can kill more than half of the nine suspects in the same prison with a pair of scissors.

It's possible to kill them all.

The nickname of "Shuangdao" Li Anlin is not called in vain.

"What kind of weapon is Li Anlin's hand?"

Ye Jiu asked again.

"Surgical scissors..."

Someone answered this question instead of Lang Zheng.

Ye Jiu took a breath.

This is the last answer he wants to hear.

The sharpness of the surgical scissors is much higher than that of ordinary household scissors. If it is split in two and a half, it is not much different from a real dagger in the hands of people like Li Anlin.

"Did he offer any conditions?"

"No. His only condition is to talk to you, and he only gives us 30 minutes. If more than 30 minutes, he will kill another co suspect! "

Lang said in a deep voice.

Ye Jiu stands up and salutes with a solemn face.

"Secretary Lang, I beg to see him now."

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