"Well, now let's talk about Xu Caiyun's disappearance."

Ye Jiu seems to lead the topic carelessly.

Zhang Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although the movements are quite subtle, they can't hide Ye Jiu's eyes.

"When did Xu Caiyun disappear?"

"Two years ago..."

"When exactly?"

Ye Jiu glared at him and asked.

"I don't know when it's too specific. She doesn't stay with me often."

Zhang Jiu's answer is that there is no leakage.

"What's the approximate time?"

"The year before last, September and October, I can't remember the exact time If Xu Feng hadn't come to me, I didn't know she was gone! "

Zhang Jiu had a sincere look on his face.

Ye Jiu smiles, a little meaningful.

"At that time, were you already with CAI Wenhua?"

This time, Zhang Jiu hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "um".

"When were you with CAI Wenhua? Do you remember that clearly? "

In Ye Jiu's tone, there is a trace of irony.

"I It seems like a few months Captain ye, I'm in business. I can't do business every day. I really don't have the heart to remember these things That's what happened, you know. I don't have a good relationship with Xu Caiyun. She steals people outside. I can't help her... "

"So you're going to steal one too. Is it even?"

Yu Fei couldn't help interrupting.

Zhang Jiu's face changed slightly, and he said in a bit of anger: "officer Yu, it's not like this. Wenhua and I sincerely want to live together, which is different from Xu Caiyun. She's fooling around with people

Yu Fei nodded gently, and did not contradict him.

"Where do you think Xu Caiyun has gone

"Who knows? She often goes out with men. Sometimes I don't go home for months... "

"It's not the same this time."

Ye Jiu said.

"This time it's two years. She doesn't go home for two years, and she doesn't ask you for money? "

Zhang Jiu snorted and said, "she takes hundreds of thousands of yuan at a time, and still needs to ask me for money?"

"Hundreds of thousands?"

"How much is it?"

"Three hundred thousand? Four hundred thousand? Or 500000? "

"Well, four hundred thousand..."

"Did she take it directly or from you?"

"She took it directly, and the passbook was in her own hands..."

"Zhang Jiu, you are not honest!"

Yu Fei suddenly broke out, slapped heavily on the table and yelled.

Zhang Jiu was startled and looked at him in a little panic.

Ye Jiu laughed and whispered, "Zhang Jiu, you are not in the right attitude. You lie to us about such an important thing? Is it interesting? "

"I, I didn't lie..."

Zhang Jiu finally began not to calm down and muttered.

"Not lying? Then you use Xu Caiyun's ID card and your marriage certificate to report the loss of Xu Caiyun's passbook in the bank, and make up for it yourself. What's the matter? Let me remind you that the time is September 20th, 2000. The location is in Huimin Banking Office of ICBC. "

Ye Jiu said slowly.

Zhang Jiu stares at him with big eyes and doesn't speak. Sweat has been oozing from his forehead.

"When you reported the loss of the passbook, how much money was left in the passbook? You should remember that? "

"I, I don't remember, such a long time..."

Zhang Jiu tried to resist, muttered.

"You lie!"

Yu Fei patted the table again.

Ye Jiu and he did not discuss in advance, not too fly, very understanding of cooperation, ye Jiu is too young, but also fresh face, lack of awe, this red face, he should sing.

He is an old police officer in the police station. Xu Caiyun disappeared at that time, and he was also the police officer he received. He went to see Zhang Jiu, and Zhang Jiu had an impression on him. Moreover, he was older and had a more rigid appearance, which made him more frightening to the criminal suspect.

Although it was the first time that he and ye Jiu worked together on a case, the old criminal police's tacit understanding was not a joke. At the critical moment, he knew exactly what role he should play.

"So much money, and you took it all out, don't you remember?"

"Say it

"How much did you withdraw from Xu Caiyun's passbook?"

When Yu Fei had such an attack, Zhang Jiu couldn't hold his breath any more. After hesitating for a while, he reluctantly said, "four or four hundred thousand, as if, I really don't remember..."

"Didn't Xu Caiyun look for you later?"

"No, I haven't looked for it...""You lied again!"

Yu Fei almost roared.

"So much money, how could she not look for you? Since you said she was going to elope with Jiang Zhifei, how could she not withdraw money? You took all the money in your passbook. How could she not look for you? "

"Who are you lying to?"

"She just didn't look for me!"

Zhang Jiu gradually regained consciousness and suddenly sat up straight, biting his teeth.

This is the plan to carry it to the end.

Anyway, I haven't looked for me. I haven't seen her. There's no proof.

Ye Jiu laughed, staring at him like a knife in his eyes, and slowly said, "Zhang Jiu, such a big thing, if you don't say it clearly, you can't get through it. Are we police stupid? I asked you, after Xu Caiyun went to see you, did you give her the money? "

"Here, here..."

Zhang Jiu began to mess up and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

In the end, he still has no experience. After all, he has never been to a police station before, and has not had a confrontation with the criminal police. This kind of suspect, generally speaking, is very difficult to be the opponent of senior criminal police.

As a matter of fact, if he had carried it to the end just now, he would have never met Xu Caiyun. Without other clues, the investigators would not have handled him so easily.

"Did you say you haven't seen Xu Caiyun just now?"

"I, I don't remember..."

Zhang Jiu had to use this sentence to resist!

"Well, how much did you give her after Xu Caiyun found you?"

"Four, four hundred thousand, all given to her. Originally, it was also the money in her bankbook..."

Ye Jiu laughed and said, "Zhang Jiu, you can't even lie. Your level is too poor!"

"I, I didn't lie..."

"You're not lying? How did you buy the crystal garden house? The building area plus the shared area of the house is 1670 square meters, with 1020 yuan per square meter. The one-time payment is 170000 yuan. And then there is decoration, which is more than 100000... "

"Well, this is your purchase contract and invoice, as well as the testimony of the owner of the decoration company. They are all here. Do you want to see it yourself?"

Said, leaf nine from the volume in front of, took out several documents, erect to Zhang Jiu to see.

Ye team is not busy in the past few days. The evidence has been collected fully!

"Explain to me, where does the money come from?"

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