"Lao Liu, let's introduce the situation to you."

Wang Zhisheng went straight to the theme without a word of nonsense.


Liu Yunfeng straightened up his body and replied.

Although the joint task force of two provinces and four cities was established, the case was mainly led by Liu Yunfeng, the leader of the criminal police branch of Jingbei Public Security Bureau.

The main force of solving the case is the Jingbei city police.

"Let's start with the news from the army According to the confirmation from the army, Kong Zhang joined the army after graduating from high school. He joined the army in 1982. The unit he served in was a certain army unit of Yundu military region At that time, the Yundu military region had not been abolished... "

Yundu is the capital of Tiannan province. In 1982, there were 11 major military regions in China, named after the headquarters of the military region.

At that time, Yundu military region was the only major military area in the country in a state of war.

Although the large-scale southern line war has ended, the small-scale border conflict and the battle for attack and defense in some areas have been unfolding. In the army, this five-year border conflict is called "two peak round war"!

The formal battle between the two peaks was launched in 1984.

But until then, in fact, small-scale conflicts have existed.

Not long after the launch of the two peaks round war, the great men of the second generation officially declared to the world that they would disarm one million. At that time, it shocked everyone.

The Yundu military region was also officially abolished in this round of major military reductions.

It was incorporated into the Southwest Military Region.

"At present, several of Kong Zhang's superiors and comrades in arms still remain in the original army. Kong Zhang's former company commander is now the Deputy captain of a certain unit. However, two of his comrades in arms were admitted to the military academy. Now one is the commander, the other is the director of logistics, and the other is a comrade in arms. They are now volunteers They are all quite impressed with Kong Zhang. "

Liu Yunfeng casually introduced that it was obvious that he was familiar with these situations, and he seldom went to see the information in front of him.

"The old company commander said that he personally went to the recruit company to bring Kong Zhang back. When he went to the company, he immediately took a fancy to Kong Zhang and said that this guy was full of excitement. Although he was not tall, he had good explosive power and was a good scout."

The criminal police elite can't help but nod.

At that time, the front line of the Yundu military region was the war zone, and all the troops of the Yundu military region were ready for war.

The reconnaissance company under the jurisdiction of the Army Field Force Regiment is the real sharp knife force, also known as the special forces. Scouts are well-known special forces.

It is quite different from the reconnaissance company in peacetime.

On the battlefield, that is to see the real chapter, weaker, do not need to brush their own election, the enemy directly help you eliminate!

"Not long after Kong Zhang arrived at the reconnaissance company, the troops went to the front line after more than a year. Two peaks round fight. Kong Zhang and his group fought in front of the mountain... "

Many of the elite criminal police present here are from the army, and they are very clear about the round war between the two peaks.

Although the cruel war has been over for more than ten years, it is still so clear in the veteran's mind, and it has not faded with the passage of time.

It's a hot land red with the blood of martyrs!

After the war, it was generally acknowledged that the front mountain fought harder and more cruelly than the back mountain.

It is known as the "Front Mountain saw fight".

Anyone who has a little knowledge of war will clearly know that the so-called "seesaw war" is the most cruel and bloodiest. Sometimes, just to fight for a stronghold or a high ground, they don't know how many lives of soldiers on both sides of the war have to be filled in.

The people who can survive in such a battlefield, even if you have not made any achievements, can be regarded as great!

"Kong Zhang's comrades in arms said that when he went to the front line, he was in class three, deputy monitor. Originally, according to Kong Zhang's technical and tactical level, he could be the monitor, but Kong Zhang was too isolated and did not like to communicate with others. Most of his comrades in arms in the company had a very general relationship with him. A monitor should not only have excellent skills, but also be able to unite all his comrades in arms and play a collective fighting capacity. Therefore, the superior finally made him the Deputy monitor. "

Anyone who has experience in the Army knows that the position of deputy to a class is not necessary in the army. Sometimes there is only a monitor in a class, but no deputy leader.

On the battlefield, of course, it is necessary to set up the post of deputy monitor.

In fact, he is a sharp sword fighter!

Charge ahead, retreat back!

The monitor is in charge of the overall situation, while the Deputy monitor is in charge of taking the lead.

When he went to the front line, Kong Zhang was appointed as the vice squad leader by his superiors, which was a kind of recognition of his technical and tactical level. You are the best, you are the leader!

"What was Kong Chang's performance on the battlefield?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

The atmosphere in the conference room has become tense, and everyone realizes that what they have to face next is an extremely tough opponent.

This man, really on the battlefield, had a war, in the gunfire survived!Now, he committed a capital crime.

So, you don't have to expect that he'll be caught.

He will fight to the end.

And he has a gun.

The criminal police are about to face such an extremely dangerous situation.

Liu Yunfeng didn't answer the question in a hurry. Instead, he frowned slightly. After a short while, he said, "I have asked the comrades in the army about this question, but different people have different answers The old company commander said that Kong Zhang was very good. He dared to fight and fight in the battle. He touched a stronghold of Anlang people, grabbed two tongues, and killed several enemies... "

"Did he do any good?"

Big guys are also very concerned about this.

It sounds like Kong Zhang was a down-to-earth hero during the war.

"Third class merit."

Liu Yunfeng replied.

Many criminal police immediately looked at each other, as if they felt a little surprised.

Of course, the third class merit of the army is not a joke. If you don't make your due contribution, the army will not give you the general Merit Medal casually. But relatively speaking, in the war years, the third class meritorious service was relatively easy to establish.

Generally speaking, in the case of Kong Zhang, if he performs so well in combat, he should be awarded a higher level of military meritorious medals.

"According to his comrades in arms, this may have something to do with Kong Zhang's character. He seemed to be dissatisfied with the fact that his superiors had not appointed him as monitor. He thought that with his own ability, he would be the monitor before going to the battlefield, but he was still the Deputy monitor. Therefore, in the battle, his cooperation is not so good, and sometimes he has conflicts with the squad leader. " Opinionated by

, his comrade Kong Zhang said that this person, especially self righteous, always has the final say in his own account, and no one else can hear him. When fighting, they like to act without authorization! "

It suddenly dawned on everyone.

On the battlefield, this kind of disease cannot be used to.

If it is more serious, it is almost equal to "battlefield resistance".

This is no joke.

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