That's what happened at the scene, and the forensic and technical staff are still busy trying to find more clues. The elite criminal police of the ad hoc group, however, have already formed a circle around Wang Zhisheng's side, and the location is just over the dining room, vaguely showing the posture of holding an on-site case analysis meeting.

"Lao Guo, you are the first to go to the police and tell us everything from the beginning to the end."

After asking Wang Zhisheng with his eyes, Liu Yunfeng looked at Lao Guo and said.

"OK, Liu Zhi, this is the situation..."

According to Lao Guo's account, the whole case began to be clearly displayed in front of the public.

"We received the call to the police at 8:12, which was transferred directly from 110. We immediately went to the police and arrived here at 8:26..."

Lao Guo's statement is very precise and accurate.

This is also the basic skill of senior criminal police.

The facts of the case are basically similar to what you know, and soon began to analyze.

"Let's talk about your opinions."

Wang Zhisheng looked around and said in a deep voice.

"I think it is very likely that Kong Zhang did this case."

Liu Yunfeng was the first to speak. All of us are very conscious, mainly comrades of Jingbei Municipal Bureau.


"Because Kong Zhang and the victim Peng Xianfa have a feud."

"Six years ago, Kong Zhang's brother attacked the Ancheng Family Planning Commission. At that time, Peng Xianfa was the director of the Ancheng Family Planning Commission. Kong Zhang probably remembers this all the time... "

"In addition, judging from the situation at the scene of the crime, the murderer is obviously very experienced. The two victims were all killed with one knife, and both were caused by three edged wounds and five or six bayonets. Only those who are used to this kind of bayonet can do so cleanly

"Kong Zhang went to the battlefield, fought the two peak round battle, and the five six bayonets were the standard equipment of the army field troops in that period Those who have not killed many people will not be so cruel! "

It's a proper killing technique. It doesn't carry any moisture.

"However, this is not up to the style of Kong Zhang Gang in the past..."

As soon as Liu Yunfeng's voice fell, someone immediately raised a question.

Everyone's eyes swept in the past, and Wang Zhisheng gave him an encouraging look.

In the case analysis meeting, everyone is encouraged to speak, and each kind of different thinking and analysis is encouraged. As soon as any case comes up, the thinking of the investigators is highly unified, which may not necessarily be a good thing.

Sometimes it is easy to "take a deviation", once the direction is wrong, it will get into a dead end.

There is not even one person who can correct mistakes.

"Judging from the current situation, Kong Zhang is very careful in his work. He has not left any trace of his crimes in the past..."

Someone couldn't help nodding.

It is.

This time, ye Jiu did not start with Su's Taijiquan moves. This case is still a fog.

"And they used to commit crimes and kill people with guns. After Han Wujun knocked down the Jindian security guard, he also shot and killed people. The victim died of mechanical asphyxia and strangled by rope. It can be seen that Kong Zhang did not like to kill people with bayonets. Therefore, we should not conclude that this case was done by Kong Zhang just because he had been a soldier and could skillfully use the five or six type bayonets. "

"If this case was really done by Kong Zhang, why did he go out of his way this time and leave such obvious clues?"

The room suddenly became silent, and there was a look of contemplation on everyone's faces.

I have to say that this question is very reasonable.

It is necessary for a person who has always been cautious and careful to let out such obvious flaws all of a sudden!

Without a good reason, this case can't be investigated together with other series of robbery, kidnapping and homicide cases. Once the case is combined and investigated, it means that Kong Zhang and his accomplices will be listed as the first suspects in this case, and the suspects of others will be automatically excluded.

If there is a mistake, then the real murderer may get away with it and have enough time to destroy the evidence and even escape.

When we find that we have made a mistake and then turn back, we have missed the best detection time.

"I support Liu Zhi's opinion."

At the moment when everyone is in deep meditation, ye Jiu suddenly opens his mouth and says.

"Oh, tell me why."

Wang Zhisheng looked at him with interest and said.

In addition to the arrest of Han Wujun at the beginning of the case, ye Jiu has been silent since then, so many people almost forget that there is such a number one figure in the ad hoc group.

It is no wonder that in front of such a large number of elite criminal police, comrade Ye Jiu is a down-to-earth little character generation.

Of course, we should abide by the rules and see more and talk less.

But now has arrived the critical moment, leaf nine also can't continue to keep silent."Kong Zhang's sudden change of style is understandable. He knows that he has been exposed, so this case is the last time he has finished his wish before he fled. "

"In my opinion, he and Han Wujun said that in the near future, the selected target is Peng Xianfa. However, in my opinion, his original plan was not to kill people directly. He should still kidnap and extort ransom as before. When the ransom is in hand, kill and tear up the ticket. "

"This is also the crime habit of the gang."

"However, the victims of this case are not the same as their targets in the previous two kidnappings..."

When ye Jiu said this, some people immediately put forward different views.

"In the past two kidnappings, the object of kidnapping was a rich businessman. The amount of extortion is also very large... "

Ye Jiu shook his head and said, "this involves a positioning problem. In the eyes of ordinary people, the deputy director of the municipal family planning commission is a rich man For the first time, Kong Zhang Gang kidnapped and ransomed 2 million yuan. This shows that their appetite is like this Maybe they think that Peng Xianfa's family can get two million cash! "

"What's more, because the purpose of his crime is not pure, it's not just to extort ransom, but also to" revenge "for his brother that year, so it doesn't matter that the amount of ransom can be less. In their opinion, as long as they are careful enough, the police can't find him. Even if the ransom is less this time, the problem is not big. We can make up for it next time. "

Someone has already nodded gently.

From the decoration level of Peng Xianfa's home, deputy director Peng is indeed a rich man in the eyes of ordinary people.

At least these police officers, even if Liu Yunfeng is the same level as Peng Xianfa, their homes can not be decorated so luxurious.

"Because Han Wujun had been captured by us, Kong Zhang knew that he had been exposed, so he changed his original criminal plan from kidnapping and extortion to pure killing."

"Because of this, he will no longer hide and tuck in and kill people directly with bayonets."

"In fact, this is a demonstration to us!"

"It's provocation!"

Speaking of this, ye Jiu faces Wang Zhisheng and is upright.

"Director Wang, I suggest that Kong Zhang and Darong should be searched and arrested immediately in the whole city!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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