Under the compulsory order of Lang Zheng, all the other members of the ad hoc group went to rest except for two local comrades left to cooperate with Secretary Jiang to mobilize the masses and arrange various affairs.

As soon as it's light tomorrow, we'll have to go into the mountains to catch people. If we don't have a good rest tonight, where can we get our energy tomorrow?

Lang Zhengke doesn't think the police are iron men.

However, director Lang himself has been insisting. It was about one o'clock before he returned to his room to have a rest under the repeated persuasion of Secretary Jiang, director Cai and others.

Fortunately, although Qili township is small, there is still a small hotel.

It's next to the township hospital.

A private hotel, which is too small to be opened by the public, is refitted from the houses of the villagers nearby. The condition is what, then don't choose, have a bed for you to lie down already enough interesting.

Rao is so, the group of ten people, also can not all live.

Fortunately, the Qili township government itself has a small guest house, about five or six beds. It is located in the courtyard of the township government, on the side of the office building, separated by three rooms. This is for the leaders in the county who are going to stay.

It's just free now, isn't it useful?

Ye Jiu is in the same room with the young criminal policeman of the criminal police detachment of Ping'an Municipal Bureau and Qiu Shihan.

Three people.

There's no way.

There is no single room in a small rural hotel. The ad hoc group arranged a room for Qiu Shihan, a girl, without that condition.

We have to make do with it.

Fortunately, Qiu Shihan didn't care. As soon as he took off his coat, he fell asleep. He didn't have the slightest sense of criticizing.

When the criminal police, to be honest, there is no way to be picky.

In the middle of the night, the night lights of the night and the night of the night are all gone.

There's still a lot of noise outside.

People call the dog barking, sometimes there is the sound of gongs and drums.

But it doesn't affect the criminal police of the ad hoc group.

If you are a criminal policeman, you have to have this skill. When you have time to rest, you can dream happily no matter how noisy the environment is. How can you work well if you don't have a good rest?

In fact, the bustle outside did not last all night as expected.

At about three o'clock in the morning, the roar of people, the barking of dogs and the sound of gongs and drums gradually quieted down.

Although the passion of the masses is unlimited, their energy is limited.

Most of the villagers in several villages around the township government have been working for a day in the daytime. On this night, they were very excited by the "gunfight". As soon as the township cadres such as Secretary Jiang mobilized, they all came in high spirits.

But after a few hours, the vast majority of people are a little overwhelmed.

From about ten o'clock last night, till three thirty in the morning, five or six hours, the iron man was tired.

As for this matter, so far, it has been a blind and lively affair.

We did not even see the shadow of two armed bandits. The "wonderful story" of a one or two minute gunfight has been repeated countless times. No matter how eloquent people are, they can't find any new ways, so they can only stop.

In addition to the basic cadres, the militia and township cadres still persist in various places by twos and threes, occasionally knocking gongs and shouting a few words. There are not many people on the road.

Many nearby villagers began to light torches and torches home.

Anyway, in the early morning of tomorrow, the large army will come over and search the mountain with live ammunition. Just wait for the results.

As we all know, criminals will not escape this time.

These mountains seem to be large, but they are relatively speaking. Hundreds of thousands of people, with dozens of police dogs, can sweep every nook and cranny in a few hours.

No place to hide!

Therefore, when a man suddenly appeared on the road, followed several returning villagers in a short distance, and walked towards the township government, almost no one noticed him.

This man is really nothing.

He is not tall. At most, he is 1.7 meters tall. He stoops and walks with his jacket in his hands. He walks with a flashlight in his hand. He looks like a villager nearby.

As for why he didn't go with other villagers, he acted alone and nobody paid attention to it.

Some people are not naturally gregarious.

This is not a rare phenomenon.

The key is that nobody thought that Kong Zhang would return to Qili township government at this time. Shouldn't he try his best to cross the mountains and run north?

In his present situation, 90% of them are dead!

Only by breaking through the blockade line and running to the edge of the great lake, can there be a trace of survival.

When I return to Qili Township, isn't it a trap?

No one's going to die like that, right?However, this man is indeed Kong Zhang!

If Han Wujun or Hou yuan is here, you can recognize him at a glance.

This middle-aged man who suddenly appeared on the rural road of Qili township at more than 3:00 a.m. is the No.1 suspect of murder and robbery that the police of Jingbei city are pursuing with all their strength!

He's back!

Not like everyone imagined, hiding in the mountains, panic like a dog, busy like a fish out of the net!

But swaggered back to Qili township.

The question is, what does he want to do when he comes back suddenly?

No one knows what he wants to do, because no one pays attention to him.

In this way, Kong Zhang followed several villagers and walked slowly through the courtyard of the township government to the other side of the road.

Over there is the township hospital.

At the gate of the health center, there were lights on. The light was extremely dim, and only the road could be seen clearly.

On the cement floor outside the gate, there are several police cars.

All the police cars from the special task force are parked here.

Next door is the small hotel where the criminal police rest.

When the villagers disappeared at the end of the road, no one noticed that Kong Zhang had no longer followed them, but appeared beside a police car.

The parking position of this police car is relatively close to the outside, which is a little distance from the other three police cars.

The cement floor at the gate of the hospital is not big enough to park four cars.

So the police car was parked alone in a far away location, just under the shadow of a residential building.

Kong Zhang's goal is this car.

He didn't go there immediately. Instead, he hid in the distance and observed carefully for a while. He made sure that there was no one around. Then he quickly walked to the police car.

At 3:30 in the morning, it was quiet all around, and the night was over everything.

No one noticed that a man suddenly appeared next to the isolated police car.

Kong Zhang knew very well that now, not to mention Qili township or Sishui County, checkpoints were set up at all intersections in Jingbei city. Countless policemen, armed police soldiers, Army soldiers and basic militia were patrolling around, and any passing vehicle had to be inspected.

If you want to break through these barriers and reach the shore of the lake, the only means of transportation you can use is the police car.

Moreover, if he wants to move quickly, he must break through the blockade line and get to the lake before daybreak to have a chance of life.

Otherwise, as soon as the day breaks, after the criminal police who rest in the hotel get up, they will find that the police car is missing.

There is not much time left for Kong Zhang!

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