The grove is about 500 meters away from the victim's house, and the scale is not very large. It is about 200-300 square meters, dozens of trees. Because of its remote location, there should be very few people coming here.

Ye Jiu easily found traces left by someone in the woods.

"This is it..."

Ye Jiu squatted down beside a fallen thatch. He was very careful not to damage the scene.

The area of this fallen grass is about six or seven square meters, and there are several red plastic bags left on the ground. Ye Jiu put on his gloves, carefully picked up one of the bags and put it in front of his eyes to observe carefully.

"Do you think they're hiding here waiting?"

Ni Anton squats down beside him, in a rather unpleasant tone.

It was Yang Lijun and his team who came to investigate the scene yesterday. They didn't even check this grove. I don't know what they are doing.

Yang Lijun's arrogant temperament, Ni Anton also can't get along with him.

"It should be."

Ye Jiu pondered and nodded.

"You see, this is for food. It should be bread..."

Ye Jiu hands Ni Anton the plastic bag in his hand.

Ni Anton goes over and finds that there are still some crumbs left in the plastic bag, which looks like bread crumbs. A scene immediately comes to his mind.

"Here they eat bread and sit on the ground in plastic bags?"

"That seems to be the case. If it was me, I would have come to this place earlier and wait until midnight. You see, in this place, you can see the light of the victim's house very clearly. The victims' family went to sleep with the lights off, and they knew it very well. "

Ye Jiu squatted there. Through the not very dense small trees, you can clearly see the upper part of the first floor and the second floor of the victim's house 500 meters away.

"I have a lot of experience..."

Ye Jiu murmured to himself.

Ni Anton snorted and said, "so it seems that it should be done by the same group. They are so well prepared that they can take them all night long."

Although we all tend to the case of an GUI, which is the continuation of the serial burglary, murder, rape and robbery in Jingbei, so far, no strong evidence has been found to support this view.

However, after seeing everything about the grove, Ni Anton basically agrees with Ye Jiu's reasoning at the case analysis meeting.

This gang of criminals is so well prepared, so well planned, everything seems so orderly, no doubt, not the first time.

If someone is imitating the murderer of the Jingbei chain case, the "imitation level" of these criminals is too high.

"Collect all these things and send them for inspection."

Ni Anton immediately gave an order.

Two members of the second team agreed to take a picture with the camera first, then put on gloves and began to collect material evidence at the scene.

"Three people!"

Leaf nine again after careful examination, said, tone is very firm.

Although there are several plastic bags on the ground, there are only three real traces of squatting. Other plastic bags were left around at random, and there was no sign of sitting down.

"Well, if your analysis at the meeting is correct, these criminals are running around and committing crimes. They use the slack season to do small business or work outside. Are they all working together? Otherwise, it's hard to get together every time you commit a crime. "

This is not an appointment to have a drink for a night, but to kill, rob and rape together!

If there is no in-depth understanding between each other, it is very difficult to form such a criminal gang.

"Not only do things together often, they may also be very familiar with each other, and they may even grow up and grow up together."

Ye Jiu's tone is still relatively firm.

After all, this is not a formal case analysis meeting, and his choice of words and sentences need not be so careful. Ni Anton will not come to pick on his language disease, just like Yang Lijun.

"So the scope should be narrowed down again."

Ni Anton frowns slightly and says softly.

In view of the fact that the criminals did not leave any evidence to prove their identity on the scene, it is estimated that to solve the case, it is necessary to use the method proposed by Ye Jiu at the meeting, focusing on a specific place and conducting a large-scale investigation against certain types of personnel.

- three adult men often go out to do business or work in their leisure time. Although the scope is still very large, the operability is much higher than that of random net casting.

Ye nine nodded: "find suspicious personnel, a biological test, should be able to find out the suspect."

Unfortunately, there is no reliable DNA detection method at this stage. We can only find clues from the body fluid left by the suspect at the scene.

The detection is much more difficult, and sampling is not easy.If DNA detection methods and later generations are so advanced, it will be much easier to detect such cases. If criminals are more cautious, there is a great possibility that some biological samples will be left on the scene.

Like hair or something.

As long as the scene investigation is careful enough, there is great hope to find these materials.

Ni Anton was excited: "let's go inside and have a look. I don't believe these guys are really so powerful that they can make everything perfect."

According to Ye Jiu's analysis, this group of criminals committed crimes mainly during the slack season, which should not have been intentional. In other words, their occupation is likely to be farmers living in the countryside or around the town. They have to work at home at ordinary times. Only in the slack season can they have time to go out and commit crimes.

At least, they are not criminals.

Even professional criminals are unlikely to plan their crimes perfectly. There will always be loopholes.

Ye Jiu shook his head and said, "it's impossible to be perfect. Unfortunately, we still have too few criminal investigation methods now..."

Ye Jiuge, who has another space-time memory, is really moved by this sentence.

Many outstanding cases have been solved one by one. Looking back, we can find that the criminals have left many traces and clues on the scene at the beginning, and the means are not very clever.

But at the time, the case just couldn't be solved.

As time goes on, a lot of evidence is annihilated, and the difficulty of detection is further increased. Finally, it becomes a pending case.

Then ye Jiu follows Ni Antong to his feet and makes a careful investigation near the grove. After confirming that there is no new discovery, ye Jiu and Ni Anton leave the woods and walk to the victim's house not far away.

Li didn't keep up with him. He was busy arranging the people of the police station to set up a cordon around the grove. He could not help muttering.

"Yesterday, Lao Yang and they also came here. Why didn't they find out the situation here..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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