About two hours later, at three o'clock in the morning, the motorcade led by Wang Zhisheng finally arrived at Zhoufang town.

Instead of going to the police station, they went directly to the scene of the crime - Tang Hongliang's home!

Originally the quiet edge of the town, now already bright lights, people's voices.

Not only all the police stations of Zhoufang town were dispatched, but also many cadres from the Party committee and government of Zhoufang town rushed to maintain the order on the scene. Although it was late at night, the surrounding masses were inevitably disturbed.

Fortunately, the people farther away have not been woken up. Perhaps they have already been woken up, but because of the unknown situation, people in the middle of the night dare not run out.

So the scene is still under control.

The director of the police station and the leaders of the party and government of the town met at the end of the road.

Although it is a remote town, everyone's sensitivity is not low at all. Knowing that this is a big case will certainly alarm many big people. For a period of time in the future, I'm afraid that many big leaders need to be received.

"Where is the scene?"

Wang Zhisheng did not have time to greet the comrades in the town. He simply shook hands and went straight to the theme.

In the car, ye Jiu has already reported the basic information to Wang Zhisheng by phone. But when listening on the phone, where is it so intuitive to see the scene in person?

Wang Zhisheng is a business leader, not a bureaucrat.

"Just in front of me, director, leaders, please follow me..."

The chief of the police station said in a hurry.

"What about ye Jiu? Is he all right? "

Lang Zheng is most concerned about this issue.

Although ye jiuzhong was full of energy when talking on the phone, he could feel relieved after seeing it with his own eyes.

"The leaders can rest assured that Comrade Ye Jiu has nothing to do. He is very good."

The director hastily replied, and then added an exclamation.

"Oh, this ye Jiu is very powerful. Although he is so young, he has caught two criminals alone. It's true that heroes have been young since ancient times."

The words of the chief of the police station, of course, have the meaning of "people carrying people in huahuajiaozi", but more than half of them are from the heart of admiration.

He was also involved in the detection of this serial homicide case. At least, when Liu Yunfeng and Liu Yunfeng arrived at Zhoufang town to investigate, the police station almost mobilized all hands to cooperate.

The director is very clear about the weight of this case in the minds of leaders.

If the case is not solved, the heavy stone on everyone's mind will not be removed for a day.

Now that ye Jiu has solved the case, the leaders must be in a great mood. It is absolutely impossible to say a good word to Ye Jiu at this time.

"Ha ha, this guy is really capable!"

As expected, director Wang was in a good mood and agreed with him with a smile.

At present, under the crowd, director Wang and the two directors took the lead, and the leaders entered the scene of the crime.

Zhou Kai and Tang Hongliang are both handcuffed and put in the master bedroom of Tang Hongliang's house. Even if this time comes, Zhou Kai still stares at Tang Hongliang fiercely, hoping to tear him alive.

Tang Hongliang lowered his head and tried to avoid his eyes.

There is no doubt that Tang Hongliang still has a sense of shame in his mind.

Although Zhou Kai is a vicious murderer, he is cruel enough to shoot a hundred times, but he is really interesting to Tang Hongliang.

He shouldn't have stolen his wife!

If you don't do this nonsense, Zhou Kai will not kill him tonight. Maybe this case will never be solved. He and Zhou Kai can continue to be at large. When it is convenient, they can make a case and kill whoever they want. If they want to do it, they will kill whoever they want. If they want to make a woman of their own family, they will do it.

How smart?

It's all in one's own hands.

Of course, Tang Hongliang's perception of Ye Jiu is totally different from that of Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai also hated Ye Jiu, but Tang Hongliang's perception of Ye Jiu was much more complicated. Anyway, ye Jiu saved his life today. If ye Jiu doesn't control him in advance and waits for Zhou Kai to come, then tonight, Tang Hongliang will surely die in Zhou Kai's hands.

With the ferocity of Zhou Kai, since he has come, he can not only kill Tang Hongliang, but also kill his whole family, just like all previous cases.

Besides, he'll do his wife and daughter!

Who told him to make Zhou Kai's wife?

Zhou Kai will retaliate 100 percent!

Crazy revenge!

Zhou Kai is such a character.

Therefore, although Tang Hongliang is very clear that his crimes fall into the hands of the police this time, it is absolutely a dead end. Waiting for him, he must be bound to the execution ground to be shot. If ye Jiu can't help him today, he will be dead anyway.

But ye Jiu not only saved him, but also saved his wife, daughter and son. This is kindness.

Zhou Kai hated Ye Jiu to the bone marrow, but Tang Hongliang could not hate Ye Jiu in any case.Of course, I won't be grateful.

At that time, I had a lot of tastes in my heart, and I didn't know what it was like.

With the sound of a close step, ye Jiu, who was sitting there smoking, quickly put out his cigarette end, stood up and walked to the door.

Wang Zhisheng, who is striding to the front.

Ye Jiu immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"Hello, director!"

Although wearing a thick down jacket, ye Jiu's military ceremony is still clean and clean, full of vitality.

Wang Zhisheng raised his hand in return, and his expression was very serious.

"Ye Jiu, where is the scene?"

"Right here, director."

Leaf nine hastily body side, made way for the door.

"This is the master bedroom of Tang Hongliang's family. At about one o'clock in the morning, Zhou Kai climbed over the wall from the backyard, climbed upstairs, and stabbed him in the bed after entering the door!"

Said, leaf nine reaches out to the pillow position, that edge, knife mark is just like, a big opening is open, the cotton inside all burst out.

It can be seen that Zhou Kai did his best with his knife, and did not mean to show mercy at all.

"Who is Zhou Kai?"

"This is Zhou Kai!"

Ye Jiu pointed to the guy whose face was still defiant. It is a large area of swelling and bruise at the root of the ear. It must be gnashing one's teeth. It looks rather funny.

Seeing Zhou Kai's embarrassed appearance, Wang Zhisheng's mouth finally floats a trace of smile.

"Why, he resisted arrest?"

"No, he didn't have the chance."

Ye Jiu smiles and says.

Lang Zheng couldn't help laughing.

I know that this boy can fight. No matter what kind of criminal, meeting him is like eight generations of bloody mildew. Even if you want to resist arrest, you have no chance!

You specially hit Ye Jiuge's muzzle. Do you want to fight back?

"So he is Tang Hongliang?"

Wang Zhisheng stares at Zhou Kai and turns to Tang Hongliang on the other side.

"Yes, director. He is Tang Hongliang. Zhou Kai came here today to kill his family. Zhou Kai himself has already admitted this personally just now. "

"I want to kill his family

Without waiting for Wang Zhisheng to open his mouth, Zhou Kai suddenly howled, and the blue veins on his neck skyrocketed with a crazy look on his face.

"I treat him as a brother, and he makes me my wife!"

"He puts a green cap on me!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Kill his family!"

"You special police come here, kill me, shoot me, I'm not afraid!"

"I tell you, I did all those cases, and I killed all those people..."

"Come on, shoot me..."

The hysterical howl is like a hungry wolf whose backbone has been broken. Before dying, it gives out a miserable howl of despair

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