But the development of things is not as simple as ye Jiu thought, or not so simple.

There are a lot of things in this world. It seems that they are not related to each other, but they are related to each other.

After having dinner with Qiu Shihan, ye Jiu went back to his single dormitory, took a bath and had a good rest for the night.

During that time in the ad hoc group, I didn't really get any serious sleep.

Even if Zhou Kai, Tang Hongliang and Kang Jiqiang are all arrested, there is still a lot of follow-up work to be done, which is not easy.

The next morning, ye Jiuyi wakes up and feels refreshed. After morning exercise as usual, he goes to work in the Institute with breakfast and uniform. The first thing he does is to report to Director Wu Jianshe and instructor Jinhai.

This is also the meaning of the title.

Although the case was handled in Jingbei, it was a purely official business by the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau. However, as the captain of the criminal police, the middle-level cadres in the Institute had not been seen for months, so they had to report to the first and second leaders and explain the situation.

At the same time, we should also listen to leaders' instructions, listen to the director and instructors' evaluation of the work of the criminal police force during this period and the arrangement of key work in the future.

For example, income generation.

This will soon be the end of the year, and the task of income generation is the top priority.

If you don't start making money now, it's going to be a tough year.

This time, Wu Jianshe was very polite to Ye Jiu. When he saw Ye Jiu come to the door, he immediately got up and turned out from behind his desk with a smile. He clasped his hands with him.

"Ye Jiu, good job, won honor, won honor!"

Wu Jianshe kept patting the back of his hand with a friendly expression. He also took the initiative to pick up a good cigarette on his desk and handed him a cigarette. He even lit a fire with his own hands.

"Director, you are I am so flattered

Ye jiuban said jokingly and half seriously.

Since he was transferred to Huimin Institute, Wu Jianshe has never been so polite and friendly to him. All along, Wu Jianshe has always regarded him as an outsider.

To be fully accepted by Wu Jianshe and fully integrated into the "system" of Wu construction, it will take some time, and Comrade Ye Jiu's performance also needs to be more intimate.

As it is now, it is certainly not possible to play a "small temper" and go its own way.

"Sit down, don't mention it. This time, you really have won honor for our safety. Everyone is saying that we have played a very important role in benefiting the people. As soon as you come out, you will be able to solve the cases that can not be solved in four years

Wu Jianshe ignores the slightest hint of ridicule in Ye Jiu's tone, and still smiles all over his face. He lets Ye Jiu into the reception sofa and makes a cup of steaming tea for ye Jiu himself.

Ye Jiugan felt that Wu Jianshe was polite, at least half of which was from his heart.

Although the ad hoc group has strict confidentiality discipline, the strictness of the confidentiality discipline will automatically decrease after Zhou Kai, Tang Hongliang, Kang Jiqiang and all three members of the gang are arrested.

The investigation process of this case naturally began to circulate in the public security organs.

Other people do not say, ye Jiu thinks, Ni Anton is sure to give him "fame"!

Of course, everyone has no objection to the Jingbei Municipal Bureau. To raise Ye Jiu's reputation is not to belittle his peers in Jingbei. However, people are so vain that they unintentionally "hurt" Comrade Jingbei at the same time, which is helpless.

It is undeniable that the kind of intentional or unintentional contrast and competition between brother municipal bureaus does exist.

Ye Jiu is so powerful that he inadvertently gives Wu Jianshe a face.

Over the years, in the eyes of leaders and colleagues, Wu Jianshe has a fixed position. He is a good hand at making money and making relationships, and his other abilities are relatively average.

As a matter of fact, the top leaders of ordinary units are very good at making money and relationships. The police station is special. It's a business unit!

For the benefit of the people, many of the previous cases can not be solved by themselves, and they often need the support of the sub Bureau.

Later, a criminal police team was set up, including Chu Nan, Han Guang and Qiu Shihan. The situation was improved, but at most, they were able to "sweep the snow in front of their own doors". As for supporting other units, they were more than capable.

Now, ye Jiu came down from the sky, and not only the cases within the jurisdiction were made clear, but also the extra large cases that the leaders of other sub bureaus and provincial departments personally took charge of.

It's not about having face in general.

In addition to face saving, there are real benefits.

Wu Jianshe's time in Huimin police station is not too short. Everyone has a sense of self-improvement. Although Huimin police station is a large one and its head is also a serious deputy section level leading cadre, to be honest, this deputy section level is not too tough.

Many deputy directors and members of the Party committee are at the level of deputy sections.

However, the deputy section level of others is in charge of Wu's construction.In fact, all members of the Party committee of the Baihua branch should contact at least two or more police stations. That is to say, the actual leader in charge, which involves a lot of internal information, is not enough for outsiders.

Wu Jianshe is not too old. Naturally, he has a further idea.

However, there are 20 police stations under the jurisdiction of Baihua Branch Bureau, and there are other departments directly under the same level. It is not so difficult for Wu Jianshe to change the leadership from the post to the Bureau.

He can make relationships, so can others.

But this hard skill is different.

Ye Jiu is so powerful. Although everyone knows that ye Jiu is not an elite trained by Wu Jianshe, what does that matter?

As long as he is still the director of Huimin police station, ye Jiu's credit must be recorded on his head.

This is certain.

Good wind, with help, send me to Qingyun!

Mr. Xue Qin, this poem is suitable for any place.

"Ye Jiu, to be honest, I didn't expect you to be so good. Come on, let's have a good talk about Angui's case. I have heard a lot of grapevine these days. I always feel that I am not happy enough. Just come back. I can learn more about it. "

Wu Jianshe was in a good mood.

"Of course, if you don't want to talk about special confidential things, I still know the confidentiality discipline..."

Ye Jiu couldn't help but have two sentences.

You know that there is a confidentiality discipline, but let me explain it to you in detail?

Now that you've said that, what else can I hide?

Fortunately, there is not much "inside story" in this case, and ye Jiu is not too worried.

"Hehe, is Ye Jiu back?"

At this time, the instructor Jin Hai pushed the door and came in.


Ye Jiu quickly stood up and said hello to Jinhai.

"Lao Jin, you are just in time. Let's listen to Ye Jiu talk about the case of an gui... "

Wu Jianshe throws a cigarette to Jinhai with a smile, and his buttocks naturally stick firmly in the chair, standing still.

The identity of the first leader is well handled.

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