It has to be said that black three brother's efficiency is quite high, it is simply vigorous.

That night, he took a group of people and blocked Ye Jiu in a rice noodle shop on Gantang street.

Gantang's rice noodles are delicious and famous in the whole city of Ping'an.

Ye Jiu is a foodie.

It's not surprising at all. His age, such a good body, such a big consumption, is not a foodstuff.

Whenever you go to a place, as long as time permits, ye Jiu will go to taste the local famous snacks. The snacks in each place have their own unique flavor. They are delicious and inexpensive, and the real food all like them.

Now that he's in Gantang, ye Jiu doesn't want to eat the canteen. He wanders around and goes to the noodle shop in the old street.

He seems to be very familiar with the terrain of Gantang. He hardly takes any detours and goes straight to his destination.

As a matter of fact, he has just come to report today, and his colleagues will arrange a dinner party for him. Of course, he is just a newcomer who has just worked for half a year, or a career editor, not a police officer with a special political and legal establishment. It is unlikely that the whole institute will provide him with a connection, and he will not be able to reach that standard. A new director or a new instructor is almost the same.

But the Criminal Police Group several friends get together, it is natural.

However, Ni Anton seems to have forgotten this matter directly, and has no intention of meeting Ye Jiu at all.

Ye Jiu doesn't care.

He is very clear about a truth, face is earned by himself, charity does not work.

Besides, he doesn't want to make friends with people now.

Gantang Institute is not Bajiang Institute. The situation is very complicated. It should be cautious.

The noodle shop that ye Jiu went to has a history of several decades. The storefront is really very old. It's still a kind of old-fashioned big yard with patio. It's similar to the inn in the ancient costume TV series.

Ye Jiu likes this kind of atmosphere very much. He has a feeling of crossing back to the past.

It's already evening, business is still very good here, several tables are filled with people.

Everyone in front of a bowl of powder, luxury point also ordered a small plate of beef sauce.

This noodle shop only sells these things.

If you have money, you can't eat other dishes. People can't make them.

As the saying goes, a noodle shop can be opened for decades, and it must have its own unique skills. Maybe in the future, this "century old shop" will expand rapidly and lose its original charm, but at least now, it is still original.

Ye Jiu entered the door alone and did not attract any attention.

The rule of this noodle shop is that you go to the window to order and serve the noodles yourself.

Because the store basically did not hire any people, the store was very short of staff.

If you change a store and dare to play such a big brand, you may have been abandoned by the consumers for a long time. This is the only one, but it is very arrogant. The big guy really eats his way.

You can't help it if you don't believe it.

Ye Jiu ordered a bowl of seasoned beef powder and a small plate of pickled vegetables. He took it back to the patio table and sat down to eat.

It is worthy of being a century old shop. It tastes delicious.

Ye Jiu was satisfied with his meal.

The most authentic Gantang flavor can only be found in several old shops in Gantang town. In the city, although there are many noodle shops with the brand of Gantang rice noodles, they can't produce such authentic flavor.

However, to the constable Ye's displeasure, someone even bothered him when he was eating.

Besides, many people have come.

Black three brought eight people here.

Plus himself, there are nine!

As soon as these nine people came in, the atmosphere of the noodle shop changed immediately. Basically, there is no one who doesn't know the black three when they are eating noodles.

In Gantang Town, the black old three is famous, and his fame is not under Deng Zihao.

When it comes to ferocity, the black third may have had it.

"Third brother, here we are..."

The owner's wife of the noodle shop is a woman in her thirties. She looks quite upright. She is wearing short sleeves and an apron around her waist. Her two peaks are high and she has the charm of a mature woman.

As soon as she saw the black old woman, she immediately ran out of the kitchen and said hello with a big smile on her face.

Flour noodle shop can be "big" to other guests. In front of the black old three, it is absolutely dare not take it. Do you dare to offend him and tear down your shop?

Black third brother is so domineering.

I'll ask you if you will accept it!

However, when she saw the big group of people behind the black old man, the landlady was stunned, her smile froze in her face, and her eyes flashed a look of panic.

It doesn't look like you're here to eat noodles.

It's like fighting with someone!

The landlady was really afraid.

This kind of people, they can't afford it.

"Everybody else get out of here!"

Black old three to the yard in the middle of a station, hands akimbo, a burst drink, it is full of momentum.All of a sudden, there was a "jingling" and "crackling" sound. Everyone got up one after another and rushed to the door. When they were in a hurry, they could not help breaking a few bowls and dropping some pairs of chopsticks. At this moment, where can we pay attention to these?

When a few people passed by the black old three, they did not forget to bring a flattering smile on their faces. They nodded and bowed to the black old man and called out "third brother.".

"Get out of here

Black old three face, not a bit of face.

Are you kidding? This kind of pauper is worth the black third brother to give him a good look?

No, boss, you are polite.

Why don't you go slow?

Soon, the courtyard became empty. Except ye Jiu, there was no one to see. Even the owner's wife got out of the way. Together with the boss and two helpers, she hid in the kitchen and refused to show up. She only looked at everything outside through the kitchen window.

Seeing that ye Jiu is still taking a sip of soup, he can't help being stunned.

Don't you, little brother, I know my soup is good, but it's so good?

Not even a life.

At that time, they didn't realize that the black old three was aiming at Ye Jiu.

In addition to this noodle shop, there are residents on the second floor.

However, at this time, most of these residents also ran back to the house and closed the door tightly. Only a few brave people dared to hide in the inconspicuous places on the second floor to watch the excitement.

Black three doesn't care.

When the third brother bullies people, he never mind the crowd.

Even the more people around, the third brother is more and more energetic!

It's so boring, isn't it?

It's just a walk at night.

The third brother likes to show his authority in front of everyone!

Of course, those who are in the way must get rid of them. Otherwise, the third brother will not be able to show off if he brings so many people over.

It's quiet now, and the place is big enough.

Three elder brothers pour to want to see, that special so police station newcomer, in the end how hard the head is, third elder brother can beat his excrement to come out!

As for whether there are other people hiding in the dark place of the yard, and whether there is a camera lens at him in the place he can't see, the third brother doesn't know.

He doesn't care!

It's not a day or two, or a year or two, that bullying in Gantang town. Are there few people suing him every year?

I didn't see anyone biting down the black third brother's eggs!

Haven't you seen a good character before?

Let's let you have a good insight today! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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