The car stopped at Wangfujing Street. Chen Wei and Liu Weina got out of the car. Liu Weina was very strange today. As soon as she got out of the car, she opened her arms, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and a faint sadness appeared on her face. When she opened her eyes and looked at the familiar street scene, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Sister Na, what's the matter with you?" Chen Wei asked nervously. In Chen Wei's heart, Liu Weina has always been a very strong big woman. He has never seen such a small woman, such a weak side of Liu Weina, and never thought that Liu Weina would cry.

Liu Weina, who is full of pear blossoms and rain, can't help but feel sad when she looks at her special style and pathetic appearance.

Chen Wei takes out a tissue and hands it to Liu Weina. Liu Weina takes the tissue and gently wipes her tears, but says nothing.

Chen Wei heard from a colleague from the personnel department that Liu Weina had studied in Beijing before and went to e city after graduating from university. Does this place leave any sad memories for Liu Weina?

If Liu Weina doesn't speak, Chen Wei can't ask. Everyone has his own secret in his heart, and there is something soft that can't be touched.

On Wangfujing Street, there is a sad pop song. Liu Weina hummed. This urban beauty, with a brisk pace, looks at the familiar scenery. There are always memories that can never be forgotten. Over the years, Wangfujing Street has changed a lot. Things are right and people are wrong. Liu Weina recalls her youth and is sentimental about the beauty that has passed away.

Liu Weina stopped and looked back with a smile. At that moment, the charming smile made people tremble. She said in her heart: Thank you for your company.

In the past so many years, Liu Weina has been to the capital for countless times, but she did not dare to come to this place. Today, Chen Wei is here with her. She finally bravely takes this step and can say goodbye to the past.

"Chen Wei!" Liu Weina's small hand waved gently to greet Chen Wei.

Chen Wei walked a few steps to Liu Weina. They were very close to each other. Chen Wei could even smell the faint fragrance of Liu Weina.

"Sister Nana!"

"Remember, there's nothing more important than being together. You're a man. Be generous, OK?" Liu Weina said softly.

Chen Wei doesn't quite understand why Liu Weina suddenly said that. Is it something between him and Anyu? Do you think you are not generous enough? The problem is that it's not magnanimous. Anyu's behavior is really suspicious. All day long, she doesn't answer the phone, doesn't send her friends, and doesn't return the wechat Chen Wei sent her. This woman is going to turn the world upside down!

Chen Wei heart depressed, Liu Weina indifferent smile: "later you will understand."

They walked forward together and stopped at the door of a luxurious western restaurant. Liu Weina was thoughtful. There were a lot of people in the restaurant. Liu Weina hesitated and went in.

Chen Wei followed him in. They found a window seat on the second floor and sat down. Chen Wei looked at the menu and took a breath. The western food here is too expensive. The price of a piece of steak is enough for Chen Wei to have a meal in the best western restaurant in e city and Anyu.

Liu Weina ordered a meal and asked for a bottle of red wine. Chen Wei scrambled to pay, but Liu Weina refused. Chen Wei had to give up. His male chauvinism didn't work here.

When the steak comes up, Chen Wei is really hungry. He takes a small bite and puts it in his mouth. The taste is much better than the steak he used to eat in e city. It's worth the money.

Liu Weina sat there, watching Chen Wei eat steak, she did not eat, has been in a daze.

"Sister Na, you can eat too!" Chen Wei got up, picked up the knife and fork in front of Liu Weina, cut a small piece and handed it to Liu Weina. Liu Weina took it, opened her lips slightly, put the steak into her mouth and chewed it gently. What Chen Wei ate was the taste, and what Liu Weina ate was full of memories.

"Eight years ago, a poor boy came here with his girlfriend to eat steak. He bought two of the cheapest steaks with his monthly living expenses. He said he was not hungry. The girl ate both steaks. She was very naive and simple at that time. She thought her boyfriend was really not hungry and ate both steaks. She didn't know until later, For the sake of the girl's vanity, her boyfriend chewed a five yuan steamed bread for a whole month, and he couldn't even afford instant noodles. Because a girl from a big city can't know how important that money is to a poor boy from deep in the mountains. " Liu Weina said with tears in her eyes.

Chen Wei knows that Liu Weina is telling her own story, which she has never told anyone. Chen Wei listens quietly. Everyone has his own youth. Some people's youth is full of happiness, while some people's youth is full of endless suffering.

"How do you know each other?" Liu Weina wipes her tears and suddenly asks Chen Wei."Anyu and I are related to the Sichuan Tibet line!" Chen Wei said with a faint smile on his face, and his thoughts floated to the mysterious and distant place.

Chen Wei is a cycling enthusiast. He has always had a dream to ride the Sichuan Tibet line. After graduating from university that year, he and several cycling enthusiasts formed a team to march to the Sichuan Tibet line. It was an evening after a rainstorm. Chen Wei took the lead all the way. He explored the road ahead to find a suitable camp for the night. From a distance, he saw a cyclist staggering along with his car. He was lonely, just like a stray goose. When Chen Wei caught up with him, he found that the cyclist was injured. What Chen Weiyi did not expect was that she was still a very beautiful female cyclist, When they take off their helmets and see each other's moment, they smile at the same time. That kind of feeling is probably love at first sight!

Beautiful love is always desirable.

Chen Wei is immersed in happy memories. His mobile phone rings and a wechat message comes from Anyu: "sorry, my husband, when I left the hotel this morning, I forgot to bring my mobile phone. When I came back, I found that you called me and sent wechat. I'm sorry!"

Forget your cell phone? I don't know why, Chen Wei vaguely feels that Anyu has lied, forgetting to bring a charger when he's on a business trip, forgetting to bring a mobile phone when he leaves the hotel. Since the guy named Pete appeared in their husband and wife's world, Anyu always has some problems.

Chen Wei admits that Anyu is a little confused, but such a high frequency of confusion also makes him suspicious.

Chen Wei didn't reply to wechat. Anyu was very nervous. After sending several wechat messages one after another, Chen Wei still didn't reply. Chen Wei is not a mean man, but at the moment he was upset. He always felt that the guy named Pete was secretly smiling at him, but he didn't even know what that guy looked like. Anyu is because that man lied. What's the relationship between them?

An Yu calls. Chen Wei can feel an Yu's confusion and explains: "husband, are you angry? I really forgot to bring my mobile phone. I thought I had left it in a taxi. Later, when I went back to the hotel, I found that it fell into the crevice at the head of the bed. That's the latest mobile phone you bought me for nearly a month's salary, husband, I'm sorry. I promise I won't be so careless any more. "

Silence, terrible silence, Chen Wei's silence, let Anyu's heart, more uneasy

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