Chen Wei didn't sleep well last night. He had already talked to director Yao on the phone.

This time, we got permission from the city to cut down Zizyphus jujuba trees, and all the procedures were completed. However, there are still some obstacles in the village.

After all, there are some villagers' relatives buried in that place.

Cutting down those jujube trees is also for the future development of the village.

Sometimes the truth doesn't make sense.

That's what worries Chen Wei. Now that he's in Yaojia village, when he sees the old man carrying an ax, Chen Wei's heart suddenly becomes more stable.

The old man is not the oldest in yaojiacun, but the oldest in yaojiacun.

It seems that the old man will follow him into the mountain today.

The purpose of planting Zizyphus jujuba trees in those years was to calm down the situation. Now it is for the future of future generations to cut down Zizyphus jujuba trees.

Chen Wei walked quickly to the old man.

"Old man, the road in the mountains is so difficult, you'd better not go."

"Shanzao tree was planted by myself in those years. I should have been the first axe to cut down trees."

"All right! Then I'll listen to you. "

Chen Wei and director Yao helped the old man to walk up the mountain alone. The mountain road was hard to walk. After a long walk, the old man could not walk any more.

There's no way. Chen Wei asks everyone to carry the old man up the mountain in turn. Chen Wei knows very well that in places like Yaojia village, the person with the largest generation has the greatest authority.

If the old man doesn't go up the mountain, today's big tree cutting operation will be declared a failure.

This is also why Chen Wei and director Yao are willing to take the old man up the mountain.

Although it's not the time to rely on the mountain for food, the development of this mountain will make the local people rich. This step must be taken. And with the support of the local government, this is the most critical step to get rid of the demons of the local people.

Finally, I got to shanzao forest. In front of shanzao forest, there are many villagers standing there with hoes. They have a strong sense that if they dare to cut down shanzao trees, they will fight with each other to the end.

The old man picked up an axe and walked slowly towards the mountain jujube forest.

Everyone was surprised to see the old man coming. Some called the second master and some called the second uncle.

"Get out of the way!" Said the old gentleman sharply.

The villagers standing in front of shanzaolin looked at each other and made way.

With an axe, the old man aimed at the Ziziphus jujuba tree and cut it down, as if the axe had struck everyone's heart.

Director Yao was anxious: "get out of the way, you all get out of the way. Do you want to watch my second uncle die of fatigue?"

The villagers stood there, indifferent.

After all, the old man was more than 80 people. When he cut down trees, he was very hard.

His wobbly body swayed like a candle in the wind.

When a Zizyphus jujuba tree was cut to half, the old man had no strength at all. It seemed that he was about to fall down.

Director Yao waved his axe and rushed to the village. The villagers who stopped him got out of the way.

The villagers who went into the mountain with director Yao rushed to cut down trees.

They are poor and afraid. Only by cutting down this evil spirit and developing the medicinal resources of Dashan can they live a good life.

The establishment of the expansion base has solved many people's employment problems, and some young people who have been working outside all the year round have come back and reunited with their families.

There's a good life, no one wants to be out there.

Chen Wei is not the first businessman to invest here. In the past, there were many investors who were optimistic about this place and wanted to develop it. However, when they came to shanzaolin, there were obstacles.

At that time, some investors suggested that the mountain jujube forest should be cut down to build a large medicinal base, but the villagers firmly opposed it. When investors saw the difficulties, they did not invest.

For this matter, director Yao complained in front of the second master.

Director Yao is not short of money. He just wants to benefit the local people. He has the experience of making money. He knows how to make his village rich. All the young people who run out come back and live in this beautiful place.

When they learned that Chen Wei was looking for yam, they discussed this strategy together. They led Chen Wei to Yaojia village. One LED Chen Wei into the mountain, and the other asked someone to remove the tire of the car.

Uncle and nephew cooperate seamlessly. Chen Wei takes people into the mountain to help them find out the truth about the evil spirits in the mountain, and takes a nest of tigers down the mountain.This mountain jujube forest is now the last devil in their heart.

Cut down the jujube trees, plant yams, and practice with wild yams. Here lies the wealth everywhere.

The jujube trees were cut down one by one. The villagers who had relatives burned here squatted on the ground and cried.

When Chen Wei saw that, he took people to cut down trees.

In a few days, such a large mountain jujube forest was cut down.

Chen Wei has taken experts to see it for a long time, and the soil data here has also been sampled and studied. The soil here is very suitable for planting yams.

Chen Wei stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at such a large medicinal base, with a smile on his face.

On the day when the foundation of the medicinal materials base was laid, Zhao Xin came with Lin Hanwen. Lin Hanwen had the most research on medicinal materials. He followed Chen Wei up the mountain and made a plan for the mountain. To everyone's surprise, after Lin Hanwen came, he didn't want to leave and insisted on staying here.

It's not far from Jiangzhou. Even if you want to go back, you can go back that day.

Zhao Xin also understands that the air here is good. There are many long-lived old people in the village. My grandfather probably wants to stay here for health preservation. Indeed, compared with the city, everything here is so attractive. Green and pollution-free vegetables, fresh air, birds without feed, and pigs with delicate meat quality are really a good place, It's estimated that if I bring my mother here, she will also like it.

In fact, Zhao Xin was wrong. Lin Hanwen stayed because of other reasons.

When Lin Hanwen was in Zhongnan mountain, he was very obsessed with medicinal materials and decided to stay because he found a treasure in the mountain.

In the evening, after dinner, Lin Hanwen showed Chen Wei the yam he had picked: "what's this?"

Chen Wei feels familiar, but he doesn't know what it is?

"This kind of medicinal material is extremely rare. I only saw it once in Zhongnan mountain, but it's everywhere on this mountain. It seems that it's very suitable for the growth of this kind of medicinal material. I have a prescription. If you ask Zhao Xin to produce it according to this prescription, it will benefit many people." Lin Hanwen said and gave Chen Wei a prescription.

Chen Wei took the prescription and looked at it. He was overjoyed. Then he remembered that this kind of yam, seen in Zhang Weiyong's medical books, is one of the medicinal materials of a folk prescription.

After returning to Jiangzhou, Lin Hanwen read a lot of traditional Chinese Medicine Classics, and developed the prescription himself. It is a special medicine for treating diabetes. The main reason why he didn't mass produce it for Zhao Xin is that it's too rare. Now he can see it here, so it can be mass produced and benefit the people.

This is great news for Chen Wei.

Once this kind of medicinal material is mass produced, the prospect is very considerable.

Chen Wei photographed the prescription and passed it to Zhao Xin. Zhao Xin asked the people in the scientific research center to carry out the drug synthesis analysis immediately. It took some time. Chen Wei just used this time to recruit people for the base of medicinal materials.

Chen Wei assigned this task to Yao Jiajia. First, he recruited people from his own village. Later, he was responsible for planting yams in the mountains. He also had a transportation team. If he could drive, he arranged to join the transportation team.

When Chen Wei and Yao Jiajia were busy recruiting, Zhao Xin had good news. The drug synthesis analysis passed smoothly. After going through the relevant procedures, their new drug could be officially put into production

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