Chen Wei has been living in the village these days. He has been working with two old people on bone touching.

The old man said that the most important thing of bone touching is practice, which is similar to traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine also needs a lot of experience. The so-called old Chinese medicine is the result of experience accumulation.

Chen Wei came back from the village after learning about the content of bone touching.

After Chen Wei came back, he went to Anyu first.

The treatment of Anyu has entered a critical stage.

According to the previous treatment plan, Anyu only needs to insist on taking medicine all the time.

Today, Anyu will go to the hospital for an examination to see how the treatment is?

Chen Wei went to the hospital with an Yu. What he hung was an expert clinic, a special one.

Anyu is very nervous. She has experienced many failures before, which makes Anyu's heart hard to bear a bigger blow.

Anyu had no hope for all this before. If Chen Wei hadn't insisted on treating her, I'm afraid she would have given up.

There are still several numbers to go to Anyu. Chen Wei sees that Anyu is very nervous. Chen Wei reaches for Anyu's hand and says, "don't worry, I have confidence in my medical skills."

Chen Wei said that, but he was a little worried.

The treatment plan was developed by him and Lin Hanwen together, but neither of them is an expert in gynecology. They specialize in the field of gynecology. They also made such a treatment plan according to the medical books.

Finally, it's Anyu's turn. Anyu gets up and goes in.

Chen Wei was going to go in. The doctor told him to wait outside, but he didn't know who stipulated that he wouldn't let men in.

Chen Wei saw several men waiting outside, so he didn't go in.

It took a long time for Anyu to come out of it.

From the expression of Anyu, we can see that Anyu is not very good.

Chen Wei knows this in his mind. After all, the treatment has not yet been completely completed. Moreover, before that, Chen Wei also gave an Yu a pulse, and an Yu's condition has not fully recovered.

Sure enough, Anyu came and shook his head: "the situation has improved, but it is still not ideal. The doctor suggested that I continue to recuperate."

Chen Wei doesn't know where the problem is. Maybe the prescription recorded in the medical books is for women with congenital problems. For that kind of situation, the effect of treatment will be good. And the case of Anyu is infertility caused by trauma. Is it wrong from the beginning?

It is worth consoling that the situation of Anyu is really profitable, that is to say, the treatment has a little effect.

Anyway? Let's finish the treatment first.

"Isn't that good? Traditional Chinese medicine has a slow effect, but the effect is good. The doctor has said that you can recuperate well. "

Anyu took out a business card: "this is the card given to me by the doctor. I recommend a Chinese medicine expert to recuperate a woman's body. It's very good."

Chen Wei took the card and looked at it. He was a doctor in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

"I'll show you now." Chen Wei has always been more confident, but only in Anyu, he has become less confident.

He wants Anyu to get better. He wants to see Anyu smile happily.

Because of this, he was also a little anxious.

Anyu nods. Chen Wei drives with Anyu toward the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Today, the doctor is in the clinic, but the expert number has been hung up, and there has been no expert number in recent days.

It seems that this expert of traditional Chinese medicine is really powerful, even his name is so difficult to get.

Chen Wei is going to find some acquaintances. He is turning over his mobile phone when he hears someone calling his name. The voice was so familiar that Chen Wei followed it.

When Chen Wei saw the man, he was slightly surprised. How could it be her?

Anyu also saw the comer and thought that it was because of this woman's trick that they separated. Moreover, this woman almost became Chen Wei's second wife.

Two people Lengshen Kung Fu, the woman has come to their front.

"Why are you here?" Tan Lingling saw the business card in Chen Wei's hand, grabbed it and looked at it, "are you looking for him? His number is very popular. Can I help you? He's my father's apprentice, though

Tan Guangming's apprentice, Chen Wei is no exception. Tan Guangming is an expert in gynecology. It's no surprise that there is an apprentice of a gynecology expert.However, Chen Wei doesn't want to have anything to do with Tan Lingling, although he knows that this woman has reformed.

Tan Lingling looked at an Yu and said apologetically, "the past things are all my bad. All the time, I owe you a sorry."

"I've long forgotten the past." Anyu doesn't want to blame anyone. When their marriage came to that stage, it shouldn't be just Tan Lingling's problem. If their feelings were unbreakable, and if she could trust Chen Wei more, things would not be what they were.

"Come with me!" Tan Lingling took the card and walked forward.

An Yu looked at Chen Wei and nodded: "let's go!"

Tan Lingling really has a way to go directly to the expert and take them inside.

Tan Lingling told the experts about the situation. As soon as the experts heard that they had seen the doctor before, they quickly asked, "have you seen other doctors recently?"

Chen Wei showed the prescription to the experts.

After the expert looked at it, he was surprised: "which doctor gave you this prescription?"

"An old TCM, but not an expert in gynecology." Chen Wei is talking about himself and Lin Hanwen.

The expert nodded: "no wonder it has little effect? You are because of the car accident caused by abortion, resulting in infertility, conditioning based, prescription problem is not big, but, to do some adjustment

Experts re opened a prescription. Chen Wei stood by and watched. He was worthy of being an apprentice of Tan Guangming. This prescription is really the most suitable one for Anyu.

"According to this prescription, if you recuperate for three months, I believe it will have a great effect." Experts confidently said.

Experts dare to say this, not because he is much better than Tan Guangming, but because Chen Wei has done so many things in his early days. Moreover, in the past few years, Anyu's body has recovered well. Anyu has never stopped on the road of seeking medical treatment. Compared with Tan Guangming's time, Anyu's body has been much better.

It can be seen from Anyu's mood that she is also full of hope for the future.

When she came out of the expert clinic, an Yu's face was covered with a smile.

"Thank you very much for this time." An Yu said gently to tan Lingling.

"I also want to make up for my past mistakes." Tan Lingling said with a smile.

A person who has made a mistake is afraid of no chance to make up for it. She is grateful to Anyu in her heart. This generous woman gives her a chance to correct her mistake

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