Lu Feng's mental state has been very bad. He can only borrow wine to relieve his worries every day. He looks haggard.

Lu Feng went to the company. Outside the office, Zhao Lu didn't come. Since Lin ran called Zhao Lu that day, Zhao Lu disappeared. He went to Zhao Lu's residence. The keys to the house and the car, as well as the bank card he gave Zhao Lu, were all on the table.

He called Zhao Lu and his mobile phone was turned off.

Lu Feng looked for a few days, but there was no news from Zhao Lu. Lu Feng stretched out his hand and gently stroked Zhao Lu's desk. He seemed to see Zhao Lu smiling sweetly at him.

Behind him, footsteps came. Lu Feng thought Zhao Lu had come back and turned back in surprise. However, he was disappointed. The person who came was the director of human resources department and came to report to Lu Feng. After Jiang Yongnian died, his position was vacant all the time. Lu Feng became the boss and the general manager was also vacant. Lu Feng asked the human resources department to find a candidate.

The head of the human resources department reported his work and put the resume of the right candidate on the table, but Lu Feng was not in the mood to see it.

The head of the human resources department just took a few steps, Lu Feng stopped: "you go to get Zhao Lu's information to me."

The head of human resources nodded and turned away.

Lu Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at the photos in it. He was shopping with Zhao Lu in the mall. These photos were sent to him by Lin ran before his divorce. At that time, he knew that their marriage was over.

After the divorce, Lu Feng has been thinking about this matter, who gave these photos to Lin ran, and what is the purpose of this person. After returning to this city, he made many enemies. Jiang Yongnian had already died, but there were many of his direct family members in the company. At that time, he eliminated these people. They must hate themselves very much. There are people with Zhao Shikuan who want to kill him.

These people are very likely to revenge themselves, find someone to follow them, take these photos, and Chen Wei. Because last time he sent flowers to Anyu and things to Chen Yu, Chen Wei was very angry. He should not give up.

However, Lu Feng thinks that there are two people who are most likely to do these things.

One is Zhou Shiguang, the other is Wu Ling.

Lu Feng knows how much Zhou Shiguang hates him. This man is very vindictive. When he divorced Lin Jing, he will definitely find a chance to deal with himself. Moreover, this kind of furtive thing is most likely done by Zhou Shiguang.

As for Wu Ling, if he divorced, the biggest beneficiary would be Wu Ling. However, does she have the courage to do so? She had been warned last time. Didn't she know that she was the most suspect? Wu Ling should not be so stupid!

Zhao Lu's information has been sent to us. It was all filled in when he was on duty. Lu Feng saw that there was a person named Guo Xiaoli in the column of emergency contact. He picked up his mobile phone and made a call to Guo Xiaoli according to the mobile phone number filled in above.

The phone soon got through, and there came a beautiful voice of a woman: "who?"

"Hello, I'm the leader of Zhao Lu company. Zhao Lu hasn't come to work for several days. Do you know where she has gone?"

"She came to see me two days ago, stayed for one night and left. Maybe she went home!"

"Do you know where her house is?"

"Of course I know. We grew up together. Our two families are neighbors."

Lu Feng was overjoyed: "I don't know if it's convenient for you to meet. I'd like to invite you to dinner. Is that ok?"

On the phone, Guo Xiaoli seemed to be hesitating. After a while, she said, "are you Lu Feng?"

"You know me?"

"Zhao Lu and I have always talked about everything, so I know everything about you."

"Let's meet and talk about it in detail."

Lu Feng hung up and hurried out of the office. When he got downstairs, he was walking to the parking lot and saw Wu Ling walking down from the car.

"Are you going out?"

Lu Feng nodded, got into the car, started the car and drove out. In the rearview mirror, Wu Ling was standing there, looking at him quietly.

Lu Feng drew back his eyes and thought.

The bus stops at the appointed place. Lu Feng is a frequent visitor here. He used to come here with Zhao Lu. When he arrived, a young woman with exposed clothes and red lips was standing at the door smoking. Seeing Lu Feng coming, he waved to Lu Feng: "here it is!"

Lu Feng walked over quickly. The young woman stared at Lu Feng and said with a smile, "no wonder Xiaolu is fascinated by you. She is really charming. She is more handsome than the photo."Lu Feng reluctantly smile: "old! Come in, please Lu Feng made a please sign, and the two walked into the restaurant together.

After sitting down, Lu Feng asked Guo Xiaoli to order. Guo Xiaoli secretly smiles at Lu Feng: "aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?"

"Whatever you like, I can afford a meal."

"Then I'm welcome." Guo Xiaoli ordered some of the most expensive, "this is your bad punishment for my sister!"

Lu Feng laughs but does not speak. Zhao Lu leaves without saying goodbye, which makes Lu Feng unable to let go. He knows that because of this incident, he has hurt two women at the same time, one is his first wife, the other is Zhao Lu.

Perhaps, in Guo Xiaoli's place, he can find the reason why Zhao Lu left!

"You said she came to you before she left. Did she tell you anything?"

"Didn't your wife tell you?"

"I know she suffered a lot for me, but I really don't understand why she left?"

"I don't understand. I asked her to tell you all these things, but she didn't want to. Possible

"What could it be?" Lu Feng looks at Guo Xiaoli in bewilderment.

"Maybe she loves you too much!"

"How do you say that?"

"Zhao Lu had a love affair before, but it ended in failure. That scum man cheated on Zhao Lu and was his best friend. When Zhao Lu came back to her residence, the two men were in love. Therefore, for a long time, she didn't believe in love very much."

"She told me about that!"

Zhao Lu once told Lu Feng everything in the past without reservation. When she said this, Zhao Lu cried very sad. It can be seen that Zhao Lu was deeply hurt by that feeling.

"In fact, her heart is quite contradictory. She loves you, but she hates the third party. It should be related to her past experience! Your wife's slap wakes her up completely, so it's over! "

"I think I understand. Can you give me her address?"

"It's already ready for you!" Guo Xiaoli said, and handed the long written note to Lu Feng from her bag.

Lu Feng took it and looked at it: "Jiangcheng? Is Zhao Lu from Jiangcheng? "

"What's the matter?"

Lu Feng gave a cool smile: "what a coincidence! I'm also from Jiangcheng, and I'm not far from Zhao Lu's home! "

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