Gao Dakui is immersed in the memories of the past. He Yunli stands downstairs and leans against the wall. Listening to Gao Dakui, she seems to go back to the happy and warm time with Chen Weisheng's father.

At that time, she was the daughter of he Licheng, the chairman of a large group in Zhejiang Province. She was also a wealthy family. She lived a carefree life. A few years later, he Yunli met Chen Wei's biological father. At that time, Chen Wei's biological father was a small boss. They fell in love at first sight and soon decided to get married. He Licheng knew about this, Chen Wei's biological father is not worthy of his daughter. He tries to use he Yunli's commercial marriage to buy Chen Wei's biological father with money. Chen Wei's biological father flatly refuses. He Licheng becomes angry and designs to frame Chen Wei's biological father. His start-up company goes bankrupt. He Yunli is so angry that the feud between his father and his daughter grows deeper and deeper, In a rage, he Yunli broke off the father daughter relationship with he Licheng, and vowed never to contact with him in her life. She followed Chen Weisheng's father to leave Zhejiang and came to e city. When I first came to this city, it was very difficult. I was short of funds, contacts and a lot of money.

Many people think that Chen Wei's father can't make a comeback, but those people are wrong. He was born to be a material for business. In just ten years, he started to contract small projects and set up a large group. Gao Dakui said that the industrial park in that year was the location of Yuyang group.

"Then what happened?" Chen Wei drinks tea, looks at Gao Dakui, and waits for Gao Dakui to continue.

"Later! Later, your father was calculated in partnership and put in prison. His company was split up and your father was in prison. " Gao said, choking.

"What happened to my dad in prison?"

"Those bastards are not human. They are afraid that your father will come out and settle accounts with them, so they find someone to poison your father in prison. When I went to see your dad, he was injured all over, so I asked him what happened? Your father told me in fear that someone was trying to kill him in prison. After less than a month, we got the news of your father's death. The prison said that your father had to leave in an emergency. At first, we all believed it. Later, I heard from a fellow townsman that a friend of the fellow townsman was a prison guard in prison. My fellow townsman told me that your father was not dead at all, but was killed by others. "

Chen weiteng suddenly stood up, clenched his fist: "who is so vicious, robbed my father's company, and killed my father?"

Downstairs, he Yunli sobbed. She couldn't listen any more. She couldn't stop her tears. She covered her mouth and went out.

When Chen Wei went up and down from the attic, he seemed to have a dream. He kept saying that it was impossible, but these words came from Gao Dakui. Gao Dakui couldn't cheat himself.

Chen Wei saw his mother sitting on the sofa wiping tears and knelt down in front of her mother crying: "Mom, is all this true?"

He Yunli wiped her tears and nodded: "son, it's not that I don't want to tell you the past. It's because our enemies are so powerful that your father couldn't fight them. How can you be their opponent?"

"Mom, father's revenge is not the same. No matter how powerful those people are, I will take revenge."

"Child, I know I'm too selfish, but your father is no longer here. I don't want your brother and sister to have any more problems. Listen to me and let the past pass?"

"Mom, won't my father get revenge?"

"Son, listen to my mother, we won't take revenge, OK? You go back to Hangzhou with your mother and listen to her. " He Yunli is afraid. She also wants to take revenge for her husband, but how can she take revenge? Chen Wei's father is so powerful that he is not the opponent of those people. Compared with his father, Chen Wei is too far behind. His son's revenge is clearly his own death.

He Yunli has lost her husband, and now she doesn't want her son and daughter to wade in the muddy water.

He Yunli doesn't think that when she is old, she will be selfish if she is given a black hair by a white hair person. If her husband knows, he will certainly agree with her to do so.

"Mom, I have to take revenge for this. No one can stop me. Mom, you tell me whether Lu Feng is my father's son or not. "

"I don't know. Don't ask me. I don't know anything. Son, I'll go to your grandfather right now. Our family will go to Hangzhou. " He Yunli stands up from the sofa. No matter how much she hates her father, they are his own father and daughter after all. For the sake of her children, even if she tears off her face and goes to beg her father, her father will certainly agree to her request.

Before, she didn't feel anything, she thought she would take a pair of children to live a life, but now, everything is different. Chen Wei knows that his father was killed. He wants to avenge his father. He's just the boss of a small company. How can he fight those old foxes who have become elite? What's more, Chen Wei has countless relationships with those people, and Chen Wei is a very heavy emotion. Compared with those ruthless, ruthless, great purpose and unscrupulous bastards, how can Chen Wei be their opponent? He Yunli really doesn't want to let his husband's tragedy happen again.She has lost a relative, and she can't let her children have any more affairs.

Over the years, she is willing to be a mediocre housewife. She just doesn't want those people to think that she is a threat or to have any relationship with them.

He Yunli will never forget that day. Nie Lihua finds out that Anyu is her own daughter and that Chen Wei has a relationship with he Yunli, so she goes to find him Yunli.

That day, sitting in the car, Nie Lihua stopped her going out to buy vegetables and let her get on the car.

Nie Lihua looked at he Yunli, looked up and down, and said sarcastically: "I didn't expect that Mrs. Chen was like this now."

"Nie Lihua, what do you want to do?"

"People are not as good as nature. I didn't expect that our two families would become relatives."

"What do you mean?"

"I forgot to tell you that Anyu, your daughter-in-law, is my little daughter who has been separated for many years."

"What? I beg your pardon? Is Anyu your own daughter He Yunli was completely shocked. Her beloved daughter-in-law was actually the daughter of the enemy, the daughter of the vicious woman who killed her husband.

"I didn't expect that! Madam, actually, I didn't expect that when I saw Chen Wei's name, I was a little suspicious. I asked someone to check Chen Wei's file. When I saw that Gao Dakui and he Yunli were written in the parents column, I knew that Chen Wei was my brother's own son. It's a coincidence that the world is not a family, not a family. " Nie Lihua said, laughing, the laughter sounds so terrible

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