Xiao Yu poured wine fiercely. Chen Wei held her hand: "Xiao Yu, tell me what happened?"

"Nothing!" Xiao Yu said with a sad face.

"Is something wrong at home?"

"It's OK. I'm really OK. Don't worry about it." Xiao Yu said, drinking again.

"I'll drink with you!" Chen Wei picked up his glass, touched Xiao Yu and drank it in one gulp.

"Chen Wei, you said that if Xiao Yang didn't have an accident and I didn't leave you, that would be great!"

"It's not too late!" Chen Wei reaches out his hand and gently holds Xiao Yu's hand.

"It's different. It's different. I used to be the only one in your heart, but now I know you have someone else in your heart. "

"Do you speak Anglican? We're divorced, and I have nothing to do with her. "

"Have you really forgotten her?"

Chen Wei was silent. Xiao Yu said with a bitter smile, "you go! I want to be alone

Chen Wei sat still, and Xiao Yu drew back his hand.

"Xiao Yu, didn't you ask me if I still love you? In fact, I always have you in my heart. You are my first love and my favorite woman. Before I met Anyu, I didn't fall in love. I just thought that one day, you will suddenly come back to me. However, after waiting for so many years, you didn't appear. Do you remember when we met in the supermarket? I dare not look at you, but my heart is full of you. At that time, how I wanted to rush over and hold you tightly, but I can't. I married Anyu, and I have responsibility for her. Now that I'm divorced, I'm single again. Before I met you, I didn't feel anything. Seeing you here, I was thinking, is everything doomed? Let's meet here again. There are so many bars in this city. You and I just came here. It's not fate. What is it? Last time you went to that bar, we met. Buddha said that 500 times of looking back in the past life, only in exchange for a brush in this life, we meet again and again, does it mean that our fate has not been done Chen Wei looks at Xiao Yu with emotion.

Xiao Yu's fragrant shoulder stirred slightly. For Chen Wei, these words used to be so stingy that he refused to say them. But now, he said such emotional words to her.

Xiao Yu rushed into Chen Wei's arms regardless of everything, and began to cry, beating Chen Wei with small fists.

Chen Wei stretches out his arms and hugs Xiao Yu tightly. At this moment, Chen Wei can't tell whether it's true feelings or just acting on occasion.

When he held Xiao Yu in his arms, the familiar feeling came again, just like they were once in love.

Two people in the bar and drink for a while, Xiao Yu's mobile phone rings, Xiao Zhennan find Xiao Yu something, they are reluctant to part.

Chen Wei went to the door of the bar and sent Xiao Yu away. The voice of yellow hair came from the Bluetooth headset on his ear: "awesome, my brother Didi. In a few words, I've finished such a beautiful woman. Teach me how to pick up girls?" Huang Mao's admiration for Chen Wei is like a continuous river.

"How do you know Xiao Yu is in this bar?"

"This is not simple. Every mobile phone is a GPS signal source. In fact, to be honest, people nowadays have no privacy. If you think about it, the phone and watch can be positioned accurately. For us, positioning a mobile phone is not the same as playing. Let's put it this way! There's a specialty in the art industry, just like you're a magnate in picking up girls. "

"Do you think it's good to cheat a woman who loves herself?"

"Brother, it doesn't matter whether you're making a fake or acting on occasion. The important thing is whether we can achieve our goal."

"To tell you the truth, do you sympathize with me?"

"How do you say that?"

"The two women I love most in my life are my enemies!" Chen Wei sighed, "forget it, don't say it."

"I feel sorry for you!"

"Do me a favor!"

"Help you locate Anyu's mobile phone."


"Understand, one day husband and wife hundred days, but, sorry, I won't help you locate, except for any requirements of the work, I can't help you do."

"Asshole!" Chen Wei scolds, but Huang Mao is offline.

Chen Wei went home by car. When he got home, he Yunli and Gao Dakui had already gone to bed. Tan Lingling was still sitting on the sofa watching TV and eating. Seeing Chen Wei coming back, she stood up and put on a smiling face: "are you back?"Chen Wei ignored Tan Lingling. Tan Lingling said with a smile, "I know that I'm not good during the day. Can't I apologize to you?"

"I'm tired, I'm sleeping!" Chen Wei took off his coat and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

In front of Chen Wei's eyes, Xiao Yu and an Yu are shaking in turns. He can't tell which of the two women he loves more. One is his first love, who accompanied him in the most beautiful youth of his life. The other is his ex-wife, who made me realize the happiness and warmth of the family. But now, they have become their predecessors, And another woman he had no feelings for was under the same roof with him.

Chen Wei took a good bath and dried his hair. As soon as he got to the living room, she saw Tan Lingling sitting on the sofa and on the tea table with some pay slip.

"What is this?" Tan Lingling pointed to the slip on the tea table and asked, "how can you buy that cheap woman such an expensive watch? It's still for lovers. "

Tan Lingling is about to explode. Just now, when she was in Chen Wei's bath, she flipped through Chen Wei's pocket, saw these vouchers, and also Baidu the watch. When she saw that the woman's watch in the picture was so similar to Chen Wei's watch, her heart was almost broken.

Chen Wei was silent and was about to go to bed in her study. Tan Lingling got up and pulled Chen Wei: "don't you want to explain?"

"What's the explanation? Don't you see them all? "

"Chen Wei, I know. You are deliberately angry with me. You want me to retreat. I tell you, I will not be fooled. Even if I die, I will die in this family. My life is your man and death is your ghost." Tan Lingling gritted her teeth.

Chen Wei painfully closed his eyes. He didn't expect that a woman would be so paranoid and crazy.

The idea Lu Feng gave him was really to let Tan Lingling retreat. Liu jiefa sent photos of her circle of friends. He deliberately bumped those vouchers into her pocket in order to let Tan Lingling see them. But now it seems that everything is useless.

"Mom said, let's register next Monday. From then on, I am your wife, Tan Lingling. Liu Jie can't argue with me. "

"Whatever you want!" Chen Wei enters the study and closes the door. Tan Lingling looks at the cold door and tears the voucher to pieces

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