Wen Xiaoli seems a little embarrassed. She has been complaining in front of Chen Wei about how unhappy her marriage is. Only one night later, their love is as good as ever.

"He said a lot to me last night, sincerely repenting, I want to give him a chance." Wen Xiaoli always feels strange. When she was in Shanghai, she almost had an affair with Chen Wei. At that time, she had no confidence in her marriage. She just wanted to revenge Du minglou in this way. In addition, she also listened to her heart and wanted to have something with Chen Wei.

What's that now? Chen Wei is not sure how to think of himself?

"It's good. We should give him a chance."

"Let's talk about work then."

The talks on work went smoothly, and both sides were satisfied with the way of cooperation. Chen Wei actually had his own ideas for a long time. The company is running well at present. He thought of Liu Weina's suggestion and planned to develop in a diversified way.

As soon as we talked about our work, Du minglou came down. It's lunchtime.

"Mr. Chen, I asked the restaurant to prepare the food. Let's have dinner together." Du minglou's unusual enthusiasm for Chen Wei.

"No, I have something else to do. You can eat it!" Chen Wei said and got on the bus and left.

Wen Xiaoli watched Chen Wei leave. She didn't know why. She always felt sorry for Chen Wei.

Du minglou looked at all these things together, but pretended not to see them. He sneered in his heart: adulterers and prostitutes, don't think I don't know your stories.

Chen Wei drives to Lihua group unconsciously. In his car, there is a signed photo of Yang Liwen brought back from Shanghai. He wanted to express the photo to Anyu, but he came to Lihua group by magic.

Chen Wei stops his car by the side of the road and walks to the door of the security room. The security director knows Chen Wei and knows that Chen Wei is an Yu's ex husband, so he doesn't dare to neglect him.

Chen Wei handed the envelope to the security director and asked him to hand it over to an Yu.

Naturally, the security director did not dare to neglect Chen Wei. Seeing that Chen Wei had left, he took the envelope and walked towards the office building.

An Yu is talking to Gu Renmin about his work when the security director knocks on the door and comes in.

"What's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen just came. Let me give you this envelope!"

Mr. Chen? Anyu soon understood that what the security director said should be Chen Wei. What is he doing here? What do you have to give yourself?

I don't know why. Now every time I think about Chen Wei, my heart still hurts.

The security officer put the envelope on the table, turned and left.

Gu Renmin took a sip of coffee and looked at an Yu: "open it and have a look!"

"I don't want to pay attention to boring things from boring people."

"What? Still angry with Chen Wei? Didn't I tell you that? Chen Wei is still confused about that. Liu Weina also said that this matter does not rule out that Tan Lingling deliberately designed to frame up. "

"Stop it!" Anyu doesn't want to hear any more about Chen Wei and Tan Lingling. She throws the envelope directly into the garbage can.

Gu Renmin sighed. It seems that Anyu is really sad.

Two people chatted for a while, Gu Renmin touched his stomach with his hand: "almost, it's time to eat, do you want to join us?"

"You go! I have no appetite

"All right then!" Gu Renmin got up and went out.

Anyu sits at her desk and looks at the envelope in the garbage can. Just now, after the security director delivered the envelope, her heart was in a mess. She thought that from now on, she could face anything related to Chen Wei calmly. However, she was wrong. She found that she could never forget Chen Wei. They used to love each other so much, There are so many wonderful memories between them. These days, Gu Renmin has been speaking for Chen Wei.

However, when she thought of Chen Wei sleeping in the same bed with Tan Lingling and having children, she felt as if she had eaten a fly.

She really can't understand what kind of idea those women whose husband is cheating, but still can spend a lifetime with her husband are? She can't do it. She is loyal to her love and marriage. She can't tolerate any betrayal. That person doesn't love you any more. Why should she be with that person?

Anyu doesn't know what Chen Wei has brought her? She wanted to open it, but she kept it.

What else will he give himself after divorce?

People are curious. Just now, Gu Renmin deliberately threw away the envelope in front of her. In fact, she pretended to be strong. Her heart is far from strong.Anyu finally can't help but pick up the envelope and open it.

When she saw the photo of Yang Liwen's intimate signature, she burst into tears. He always remembered that her favorite star was Yang Liwen. She always wanted Yang Liwen's intimate signature. Now, Chen Wei got it for her, and the group photo of Chen Wei and Yang Liwen.

Anyu would like to call Chen Wei right now. Do you know Yang Liwen? Looking at the photo of Yang Liwen and Chen Wei, it's definitely not a group photo of a star and ordinary fans. Yang Liwen leans on Chen Wei on her own initiative. How can this be possible?

Anyu is very excited. She has been fond of Yang Liwen since she was in school. Some people say that they look a little like each other. Young people, it's normal to chase a star. Some time ago, a star went to an ancient town to film. Most of the crazy fans are aunts.

Anyu's mobile phone rings. It's Chen Wei.

Anyu looked at the mobile phone flickering constantly, in the heart extremely tangled, hesitated for a long time, or answered.

"See the picture?" Chen Wei wants to hear Anyu's voice very much. He misses Anyu so much. How he wants to be around Anyu now, listen to Anyu's voice, look at Anyu's beautiful face and touch her gently. However, he knows that all these have become unrealistic expectations. Now, he can only express his love for Anyu in this way.

"Well!" An Yu choked. She didn't dare to speak. She was afraid that she would cry when she spoke.

"When I went to Shanghai on business, I met an entertainment tycoon. He arranged for me to have a meal with Yang Liwen. We all like her very much, so I asked for some autographed photos. If I have the chance, I'd like to take you to meet Yang Liwen."

The phone was silent. Anyu didn't speak all the time.

"Are you listening?"

"Well!" Anyu tears, the familiar voice, let her think of a lot of good things in the past, every day after the divorce, she is struggling in love and hate, that kind of taste, really hard.

"Like the autograph I brought you?"

"Well!" Anyu looks at the autographed photo. She once told Chen Wei that it would be nice to have a autographed photo of Yang Liwen! Chen Wei has always remembered her wish, and now he has helped her achieve it, but everything has changed.

"Anyu!" Chen Wei tears down, "I miss you!"

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