Downstairs of Chen Wei's house, Tan Guangming walked back and forth. Many times, he wanted to go up. However, he felt that he had no face to go up.

Chen Wei's daughter has lived in Chen Wei's family for some time. Up to now, Chen Wei has never proposed to marry Tan Lingling. Moreover, Chen Wei's mother says that Chen Wei always finds all kinds of excuses not to go home, obviously avoiding his daughter.

Tan Guangming's life, the most important thing is face, but did not expect that her daughter has done such shameless things, unexpectedly big belly to live in Chen Wei's house. For Tan Guangming, the thing he is most afraid of is what Chen Wei said to him before. Chen Wei doesn't believe that the child is his. If, as Chen Wei said, the child belongs to Zhang Xiaogang, it will be out of control.

The paper can't hold the fire all the time. Can we wait until the baby is born to deal with it?

Tan Guangming's heart is like burning with fire. His daughter is not sensible. He has to make a decision for her.

Tan Lingling came down from upstairs. She was nearly four months pregnant and her stomach had grown up. When she saw Tan Guangming, she turned around and left.

Tan Guangming quickly steps up and stops Tan Lingling.

"My mother said she was waiting for me downstairs. Why did you come? Did you ask my mother to call me? "

"Lingling, listen to my father. I know that thing before was bad for me."

"Dad, do you know how cruel that thing you did? You were murdering your grandson

"I know, dad is wrong, let's talk about it calmly, OK?" Tan Guangming took a look at Tan Lingling's big stomach, and his heart ached. If the daughter is married and pregnant now, he will be very happy, but now, what is this? Up to now, no one even knows the father of the child.

"I don't want to talk to you!" Tan Lingling said that she was about to leave. Tan Guangming knelt down to tan Lingling with a plop. Tan Lingling was completely flustered. "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Daughter, give dad a chance!"

"Dad, get up quickly, I'll talk to you, we'll have a good talk!" Tan Lingling cried.

Tan Guangming just stood up, took his daughter's hand, got on the car, and came out of Chen Wei's community.

Tan Guangming stops his car by the side of the road and looks at his daughter. He is distressed and angry, but he does not dare to break out. The daughter's temper is as stubborn as he is.

"Child, have you ever thought about it? If this child is not Chen Wei's, what will you do?"

"No, the child belongs to Chen Wei."

"Son, now it's just father and daughter. You don't have to hide it from me. Tell me, does the child belong to Zhang Xiaogang?"

"Dad, the child really belongs to Chen Wei."

"You're sure."

"I'm sure."

"I know that when the fetus is four months old, it can do DNA identification. Since you are so sure, if you go to sit with Chen Wei for DNA identification, I will let Chen Wei marry you. What do you think?"

"Dad, do you just don't believe me?"

"Son, it's a matter of your life's happiness. I got the news from Chen Wei that he also plans to do DNA testing with you. That's why he has been dragging his feet and won't marry you. Chen Wei is not stupid. If the child is not his, he can't be with you. Listen to Dad's words, do NDA identification, even if it makes dad feel more secure! Do you know how hard dad's life has been in recent months? He is suffering every day. I have only one daughter. Your happiness is more important to me than anything else. Dad, please, go do the DNA test! "

"Dad, I won't go. No matter what you say, I won't do this test." Tan Lingling said, opened the door, got out of the car, Tan Guangming did not stop, watching her daughter go.

After a while, a car stopped beside Tan Guangming. Chen Wei got out of the car and got into Tan Guangming's car.

"How's it going?"

Tan Guangming painfully lowered his head: "your guess may be right, the child should be Zhang Xiaogang."

Chen Wei believes in a father's perception that Tan Guangming loves Tan Lingling so much that he should be the one who knows Tan Lingling best.

"Chen Wei, listen to me. Whether you marry Lingling or not, if the child in Lingling's stomach is Zhang Xiaogang's, this child can't be born anyway. I can't let my daughter be a single mother without marriage. Chen Wei, you have to help me. " Tan Guangming said with red eyes.

"How can you help you?"

"When the fetus is four months old, it can do the NDA test. Now there are several methods, amniotic fluid collection, villus collection and venous blood collection. The first two methods are definitely not good. Lingling will definitely be aware of it. She can only take the third method. However, you must cooperate with me and return to Lingling for the time being to accompany her to do the prenatal test, I'll arrange everything then. ""If the child is not mine, what are you going to do?"

"It's none of your business." Tan Guangming said coldly.

Chen Wei got out of the car. Today, he received a call from Tan Guangming. Tan Guangming said that he was going to test Tan Lingling and meet Chen Wei. It seems that Tan Guangming should begin to believe what he said.

Chen Wei knows that the child in Tan Lingling's stomach is very unlikely to be him. Even if he is drunk, he can't feel nothing at all. What's more, the bloodstain on Tan Lingling's bedspread sheet is to deceive him. If the child is not his, what will tan Guangming do to tan Lingling?

Chen Wei returned home. When his mother saw his son coming back, she complained, "you know there's a home!"

"I've been too busy at work recently." Chen Wei went up to tan Lingling and looked at her stomach: "how are you doing?"

Tan Lingling thought she had heard wrong, but Chen Wei took the initiative to talk to her.

"I'm fine. The little guy is in his stomach. He doesn't stop for a minute." Tan Lingling is overjoyed to see Chen Wei, who has been ignored by Chen Wei. Now she even takes the initiative to talk to herself, which is beyond Tan Lingling's imagination.

"I'm not too busy in recent days. When do you go for an examination? Tell me, I'll go with you!"

"That's right!" He Yunli laughs, "it's like being a father."

He Yunli broke her heart about her son and Tan Lingling. Her son didn't go home all day. She called and said she was busy, and she didn't want to get married. Today, she finally made up her mind.

He Yunli sees hope. She is crazy to want to have a grandson. The children of the neighbor who married Chen Wei at the same time in the shantytown are going to kindergarten. Every time she goes back, when she sees other people's children, she can't help but want to have a kiss. Now, it won't be long before she can have her grandson

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