Su Zhenzhen became not calm. She came down from the bar chair and rushed to Chen Wei. She raised her fist to hit Chen Wei: "enemy, are you willing to show up at last?"

Chen Wei pretended to be inexplicable: "what's the matter?"

"What's the matter with you? If you leave without saying goodbye, I'm worried about it. What's your peace of mind? "

"Something happened that day and I left without saying hello. Is it because I didn't pay! I'll treat you to a good drink today. "

Chen Wei said, holding out his hand, embracing Su Zhenzhen and walking towards the bar.

Su Zhen's heart rippled. What's the matter? Why do you have such a feeling about this man?

That's the feeling of love. How can it be? Since ancient times, singing without true love, will she like a man who comes to a bar to find excitement?

Maybe it's time to change the way of playing. Su Zhenzhen kisses Chen Wei in the face: "you're necrotic, on purpose! It seems that you are a master in love. You are deliberately trying to catch my appetite. "

"I really have something to do!"

"Pretend, continue to pretend!"

"Well, you see. This is fun! In fact, I've been trying hard to see you these days, and I've tried to see you several times. "

Su Zhenzhen's face flushed and her heart beat when she heard the numb love words. She thought her love world was numb, but she didn't expect to have such a feeling.

Su Zhenzhen hugs Chen Wei, as if afraid that Chen Wei will run the next second.

"Leave your contact information first!" Su Zhenzhen has learned a lesson. Even if Chen Wei leaves today, he can still be found.

"Of course!" Chen Wei asked the waiter for a pen, "where to write? So you can remember me. How about the shoulder strap? "

"You are so naughty!" Su Zhenzhen said with a smile, "but I like it!"

Su Zhenzhen pulled out the shoulder strap of the bra, and Chen Wei glanced at it: "Wow, it's so big!"

Chen Wei felt that acting really split his personality, as if he had another personality. If he put it in the past, he would never say that.

"Do you like it?" Su Zhenzhen leaned forward.

"Don't make trouble. I'll be distracted if you do that." Chen Wei left his phone number on Su Zhen's shoulder belt.

"We won't be drunk tonight!" Sue Zhen ordered a few bottles of wine, which means she can't leave until she's finished.

Chen Wei shrugged: "I'm not going to leave tonight."

Chen Wei said, took out a card and put it on the table: "I've already opened the room. I'm afraid you dare not go."

Su Zhenzhen took the card and put it in from her chest: "I'll save it for you first."

Su Zhenzhen didn't expect Chen Wei to be so direct. This is her dish. It's too implicit. She doesn't like it very much. Between men and women, it's always so direct.

Want is want, like is like, not so many empty head Ba brain things.

Chen Wei feels that he has become uninhibited. Is this the real self? Maybe everyone is playing their own role every day. Life is always live, but there are a few people who live their own lives. In the workplace, in order to survive, will wear a mask, in the love field, in order to please the lover, will learn to disguise, in the happy field, will play a different oneself.

The night show is actually a good place for a lot of people. So, is the present self the real self? Chen Wei is a little confused. For Su Zhenzhen, what he can't say is a woman, a beautiful woman, a sexy, beautiful and coquettish woman. That's all. For Chen Wei, he is a tool to use, a chip, a victim, and the cannon fodder for their brother and loushang.

He knows exactly what he's doing? Su Zhenzhen doesn't realize it. She anesthetizes herself in her own way, but she doesn't know that she has fallen into a trap.

Chen Wei doesn't sympathize with a woman like Su Zhenzhen, not because he doesn't agree with her licentious lifestyle. For Chen Wei, Su Zhenzhen is just a stranger. It happens that she is Lou SHANGZHENG's lover. If Gao Zhenzhen, Zhao Zhenzhen and Chen Wei were to be treated like this.

Maybe every Avenger is cold-blooded. Since he knew the truth about his father's death, Chen Wei lived in hatred every minute. For revenge, he could give up his favorite person. Anyone, anything, should make way for his revenge.

This is his responsibility, because he is Chen Yunzhao's son, from the moment of his father's death, he has carried this mission.

Chen Wei asked all the people who were involved in the killing of his father to pay for their blood.No one can stand in his way. Chen Wei, who used to be, is dead. Now he is alive, just for revenge.

He will take back all the things he lost.

If there is a starting point, let's start from loushangzheng!

For revenge, he would rather be a ghost than a human being. He would rather lose everything.

This is because he is Chen Yunzhao's son.

If a person, in the face of killing his father's enemy, lives with boundless scenery and is still calm, then he is dead.

After so many years of muddle headed, he didn't know the blood feud. Now, knowing everything, he has no reason to shrink back.

Chen Wei picked up his glass, put his arms around Su Zhenzhen, and gave her a kiss on the cheek: "you are such a charming goblin."

"I don't drink, you drink."


"I'm afraid you're sneaking away again."

Chen Wei laughed: "let's drink together! We can't finish it later. We'll take it to the hotel. And more

Chen Wei's hand slid from Su Zhenzhen's waist to her hips, and then felt in Su Zhenzhen's pocket: "do you have anything good?"

"How do you know?"

"That day, I saw it all, but I never like to be passive, I like to take the initiative."

Su Zhenzhen pressed Chen Wei's hand: "we don't need those, my mighty little tigers!"

Chen Wei looks around intentionally or unintentionally. He doesn't know where Lu Feng is hiding and observing himself. For so many years, Lu Feng has been doing those things. Now it's time for him to take over. Is Lu Feng still satisfied with his performance?

Chen Wei doesn't want to show anyone, but to prove his strength in this way. He wants to let Lu Feng know that he can, he can control the overall situation.

In the corner of the bar, there were two people sitting. A yellow hair in a hat looked at the man beside him: "what the hell is this guy doing?"

The man looked up and shook his head: "I don't know what medicine he sold in the gourd?"

"I guess he did it for you."

"It's time to see his strength. Nie Lihua is dead. Xiao Zhennan must have been suspicious for a long time. He's not as simple as he seems. I think I should be ready."

"You still think your father's death is murder?"

"I never doubted it!" The man's eyes become more firm, "dancing with the wolf, you first have to make yourself strong, cold-blooded, callous, at any time the soft hearted, women's benevolence, will cause fatal harm to yourself. My father had been reminded that he didn't believe it. As a result, he was killed. "

"For the sake of just a few companies, we won't fight to death!" Huang Mao doesn't think so.

"Do you really think it was just because of these things? The truth will be revealed one day, and I really want to know what made those bastards lose their humanity, put my father in prison, and put him to death. " The man's face, become ferocious up, the cup in the hand, was tightly pinched by him, issued a sound about to break

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