Chen Wei some embarrassed smile: "sorry, I didn't mean that, I!"

"Touch it! I don't mind Situ Meina said, took Chen Wei's hand and put it on her belly.

A warm current through Chen Wei's hand, slowly into her stomach, the little guy suddenly active.

"It moved, it did." Chen Wei said in surprise.

It was the first time that he really felt fetal movement. I don't know why, he felt very comfortable.

Chen Wei wants to withdraw his hand, but is tightly held by situ Meina.

"How do you feel?"

"Life is amazing!"

"Yes! You know what? I didn't really like children before, especially the little tyrants of my cousin's family, who wanted to tear down their house. But now, it feels completely different, like, how to say? A few months after the birth of a life, a person closest to you will be born. Do you know that feeling? I really don't know. I can only describe it. Many friends say that after I'm pregnant, I've changed a lot and become gentle. You may not know me very well. I used to have a bad temper. People in the company, including my secretary, are afraid to see me. " Simena's self mocking smile.

"Before you, cold as ice, now you, gentle as water, I have deep feelings."

"Yes? I didn't seem to be very nice to you before? "

Chen Wei suddenly took situ Meina's hand, and situ Meina's heart jumped up: "Chen Wei, you!"

"Have you ever liked me?" Chen Wei doesn't know why he asked that? He didn't want to think that night was just a one night stand. If it was a one night stand, they should have forgotten that night for a long time. However, until now, he still misses that night.

"Why do you ask?" Situ Meina's face is red. She feels that she is far away from herself. After all, she is no longer young. Although she is well maintained in appearance, she is really much greater than Chen. She didn't mind her brother-in-law relationship, but she also knew that she had made the right decision.

The situ family will never let her be with Chen Wei, a man with no background, because this man is of no use to the situ family.

"I like you!" Chen Wei holds situ Meina's hand tightly.

Simena drew back her hand: "I'm here!"

"Why avoid this question?"

"I'm married, you have a girlfriend, even if you like me, so what? It's just a one night stand between you and me. We're all adults. Please be smart, OK Stuart opened the door.

Chen Wei also got out of the car, rushed to situ Meina, stopped her way: "I need an answer."

"I think what I have said is very clear. It's just a one night stand between you and me without any emotion. You can understand that at that moment, we just need each other. I've forgotten everything about you and me Situ Meina said, pushed away Chen Wei and walked toward the house.

Chen Wei has been standing there with a bitter smile. It's true. It's just a one night stand. He takes it too seriously. How can the rich second generation take one night stand seriously?

Chen Wei turned around and walked out slowly. Situ Meina stopped and looked back. She was already in tears.

When she saw Xiao Yu today, she was so jealous that she went crazy. She had asked herself many times that it was just a one night stand. Why was the magic so powerful? Is he not smart enough? Why do other people play one night stand, the next day will be as if nothing happened, and the first time they play one night stand, they are mired in it?

All along, she felt that what she liked was a man who was older than her age and could give her a sense of security. It was not until she met Chen Wei that she realized that little men could also make her feel loved.

"Baby, tell mom, what should I do?" Stumeina stroked her stomach, tears streaming down.

How free and easy she used to be! Even in the face of Wu Zhiping, he said that if he separated, he would be separated, and if he forgot, he would be forgotten. Why can't he do it only for Chen Wei?

He liked himself. He said it himself. At that moment, she was so excited that she almost wanted to say that to Chen Wei. However, she still held back.

The mobile phone rings and Chen Wei sends wechat.

Situ Meina opened it and looked. What she said today should have hurt his heart, otherwise he would not have sent such a wechat.Sorry, Chen Wei!

"Is that him?" A man's voice came from behind.

"I remember that we had an agreement before we got married. No matter what happened to each other or your private life, I will not interfere in it. I hope you will not interfere in my private life."

"So the child in your stomach is not Wu Zhiping's?"

"Ouyang Liang, do you know that there is a saying called Situ Meina looked at Ouyang Liang's charming face, "curiosity killed the cat."

"Can't I not ask?" Ouyang Liang made a zipper.

"That's about the same." Situ Meina pushes Ouyang Liang away and walks towards home.

Ouyang Liang went to the car, pulled out the car key from the car, looked into the distance, Chen Wei has disappeared.

Sorry, I don't have any interest in your emotional world, but I'm very interested in who is the father of this child.

Ouyang Liang turned around and went home.

In the twilight, Chen Wei walked all the time. The wechat he sent out was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no more news.

Situ Meina is like this, as if she didn't care about it at all. On the contrary, she is like a primary school student who can't take it up and put it down after experiencing so many things.

This shouldn't be him. He can give up his feelings for Anyu. He can make a scene for Xiaoyu. Why is it that he has made up his mind again and again, but today, he has made an irrational confession to situ Meina? In the past, he was not like this at all.

When he was in the car, the atmosphere was so warm that he even had the illusion that she was like the woman he had always loved. He excitedly told her that I like you, but she didn't seem to care at all.

If you are serious, you will lose.

From the beginning of this emotional game with Simena, he completely lost to Simena.

Chen Wei looked at his mobile phone, but there was still no information on it.

Chen Wei gave a wry smile and raised his hand to call a taxi. The distance between him and situ Meina's heart is getting farther and farther.

On the window of a villa, the beauty stands by the window, with an extremely complex look on her face. There are sadness, warmth and the desire for future happiness. Maybe one day, we will be togethe

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