A soft hand, on an Yu's shoulder.

An Yu was in tears. Wu Ling asked gently, "is that him?"

As soon as Wu Ling came back, she saw Anyu on the phone. Seeing Anyu crying like this, she knew it was Chen Wei who called.

When I went out today, Wu Ling told Anyu that Anyu had been sitting here waiting for news.

"What should I do? I still can't forget him. I miss him so much

If she doesn't receive this call from Chen Wei, she still doesn't know that her heart is so missing Chen Wei. At this moment, her heart is full of Chen Wei. The man she once loved has no contractual relationship with her. They have dissolved their marriage. Even if they walk on the street, they are strangers. And all this is because I don't believe him, because all kinds of accumulated misunderstanding caused such a result.

In addition to her father, Chen Wei was already the closest person to her. Now, even Chen Wei has lost her.

"I heard that you made an appointment with him. Since you can't forget each other, you are brave to save all this. You love each other deeply. The things between you are not so complicated. As long as you still have love, you will have a chance to reunite." Wu Ling gently hugged an Yu, "don't be like me. When you lose everything, you can't regret it."

"I know what to do!" Anyu nodded firmly.

Now it's time to have a good talk with Chen Wei.

The next day, at dawn, it began to drizzle.

Once Anyu, very like the rain, with an umbrella, walking in the rain, it is a kind of how romantic.

I remember many years ago, on that day, it was also raining. It didn't rain much. The drizzle, like wool, scattered down. When it touched the skin, it made people feel very comfortable.

At 2:30 p.m., a luxury car stopped by the side of the road. The road here has been rebuilt, and the park has been expanded. Once this was the place where they formally dated after their trip to Sichuan and Tibet. That's where Chen Wei kisses her, and happiness is fixed at this moment.

Every year, she will come here once, even if Chen Wei is away on business, she will come here to commemorate their love.

Every time she passes here by bus, she can't help looking at it. All her good memories are always here.

Their love does not start here, but it is the most unforgettable place.

Anyu chooses to meet here to tell Chen Wei that she still loves him as always.

How time flies! The scene of dating on that day is still in front of us, but they have already experienced marriage and divorce.

If time can reincarnate, she would rather they return to this moment again, because at that time, they only had a deep love for each other, nothing else.

It's three o'clock, but I still don't see Chen Weilai. There must be a traffic jam on the road. When she arrives, there will be traffic jams everywhere in the city. Every time it rains, the traffic jams in the city will be severe.

Anyu comforts herself, but she can't cheat herself. She knows that there is another possibility, that is, Chen Wei doesn't want to come.

Ann can't stop saying to herself, no, he will come.

He still loves himself. If he doesn't, he won't make that call.

Anyu decides to wait. I don't know when it will rain more and more. The small umbrella is not enough to withstand the sudden heavy rain.

Half of Anyu's body was drenched. The driver got out of the car and said, "Mr. Anyu, get on the bus and wait! It's raining harder and harder. "

"No, I'll wait here. He will come." Anyu's thin body is like a boat floating on the river. It may fall down at any time.

The driver was very helpless and got on the bus to make a phone call.

Rain wet her hair, hair stick on the forehead, rain from the long eyelashes on the slide, has been unable to distinguish the rain or her tears.

Her body shivers, because the rain soaked her body, but also because her heart, slowly cool.

As much hope as disappointment.

All hope last night turned into a bubble at the moment.

Heart, unspeakable pain.

Doesn't he love himself anymore? Don't you even have the courage to come and see yourself now?

When a car stopped by the side of the road, Anyu's eyes lit up and she saw hope in an instant. However, when the people in the car came down, she was completely disappointed.

Wu Ling ran over with an umbrella and held an Yu in her heart: "are you stupid? It's raining so hard. You're still waiting here. Get on the bus with me. ""No, he will come. Something must have delayed him."

"It's almost five o'clock. He's finished with many things. Anyu, don't deceive yourself any more. He won't come."

"No, I'll wait."

"How can you be as stubborn as a cow!" Wu Ling had no choice but to pick up her cell phone and call Chen Wei.

The mobile phone is connected, but no one answers. Hundreds of meters away, the bell rings constantly in the heavy rain. On the bridge, there is a man standing there like a sculpture, looking at this side all the time.

"Anyu, I beg you, OK? You get in the car with me! You'll get sick if you get wet like this. "

Anyu shakes her head and refuses to leave. She will continue to wait.

Wu Ling gritted her teeth and called the driver. They pulled an Yu back into the car.

Anyu's eyes are on the car cushion, she has been all wet, once fantasy romance, was completely watered out by the sudden rain.

The car drove away, the people on the bridge, like the body of the lost soul, stumbled forward.

A heavy rain, the same hospital, two people have a bad cold, a high fever, burning to the point of no thought.

In the same inpatient building, one is on the fourth floor and the other is on the fifth floor, with the same ward and bed at the same location.

It's just separated by a floor, but it's like two separate worlds.

Wu Ling took an Yu's cold hand, her eyes were red, and her tears could not stop flowing down: "why do you need it? You clearly know that he will not come, but also so silly, you now, no one will love you. Only me

Anyu's eyes are dull looking at the ceiling, and her heart is dead. This time, she is completely dead. She has completely lost the man.

Downstairs, Xiao Yu is crying and looking at Chen Wei lying on the hospital bed. After a heavy rain, Chen Wei falls ill.

When Chen Wei came home in his wet clothes, his family was shocked. Before he entered the door, he fell at the door.

By the time I got to the hospital, I had a high fever. No one knew what had happened.

Xiao Yu gently stroked Chen Wei's face. His body was very hot. He didn't know what he was saying.

Xiao Yu gets close to her. When she hears what Chen Wei is saying, she stands up from the stool

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