The woman also saw Lu Feng, said something to the foreigner, and walked towards Lu Feng.

If it wasn't for the public, women would have jumped into Lu Feng's arms.

"Long time no see. Are you ok?" The woman's eyes are red.

"Great, Linda. I didn't expect to see you in Hong Kong." Lu Feng has already guessed a general situation. The French company and Linda is a French translator. When we first cooperated with the French, we got to know Linda and had a love affair with dew. Linda played a very important role in the previous cooperation.

Lu Feng is also very excited to see Linda. He will never forget the wonderful moments when he was in bed day and night in Changsha.

I haven't seen her for a long time. Linda looks more plump than before, especially with her tight clothes and deep career line.

When Linda saw Lu Feng staring at her chest, she gave a smile and held out her little hand to Lu Feng: "this is fate."

What else did Lu Feng want to say? His palm was slightly scratched by Linda's fingers. Lu Feng laughed: "yes, it's fate."

The two exchanged a few words, and Lu Feng's guess was right. Linda has changed a lot of jobs in recent years. Now she works as a translator in this French company. Today, she is really talking about cooperation with the Hong Kong consortium. However, Linda does not know that Lu Feng will also come. After listening to Lu Feng's intention, Linda agrees to help Lu Feng talk about Lu Feng's situation with the French.

"As far as I know, you are not the only company to talk about project cooperation today. You should be psychologically prepared!"

"I know about this. I also have a general understanding of the situation of several other mainland companies. Although our company is not the strongest one, it is the most competitive one."

"Give me a copy of your company's materials. I'll have a brief understanding first. I'll find a chance to help you later."

Lu Feng gave Linda a copy of the information he had prepared in advance. Linda took it and said, "how can you repay me when it's done?"

"I will thank you very much."

Linda licked her lips with her fragrant lips, gave Lu Feng a charming smile and turned away.

With Linda's help, Lu Feng has the bottom of his heart. Although Linda is just a translator, this woman is not simple at all. Last time he cooperated with the French, Linda made a great contribution.

Things are similar to what Lu Feng expected before he came here. There are many mainland companies participating in the competition, and everyone is very optimistic about this project. On the one hand, capital is the most important, and the most important thing is patented technology.

With this technology, at least in five years, their projects will be at the leading level in the same industry. Science and technology is the primary productivity. In such a competitive era, owning patented technology is the magic weapon to win.

Lu Feng was only given half an hour by the Hong Kong company and the French company. In this half an hour, Lu Feng did his best to introduce the mode of cooperation, to say his company's advantages, and to point out the shortcomings of the competing companies. Nevertheless, Lu Feng was still uncertain about the attitude of the two companies.

Lu Feng saw things to such a degree that he had to use his mace.

"There is a famous enterprise in the mainland, the situ family. I don't know if you have heard of it. Our company has a long-term cooperative relationship with the situ family. The situ family is also very interested in this project. Before I came here, I talked about this project with situ Meina of the situ family. She is willing to invest in this project. I believe it!" What else does Lu Feng want to say? Ouyang song, the boss of Hong Kong company, raises his hand and interrupts.

Ouyang song took a look at Lu Feng. He couldn't see any expression on his face. He picked up his mobile phone and made a call: "Meina, it's me."

"Father in law, why did you call me? Can I help you? "

"There's something I want to verify with you. I have a project here. Haven't I talked to you before? You said that you are not interested. I have a person named Lu Feng here to talk about project cooperation. He said that he has in-depth cooperation with your company and that you are also interested in this project. " Ouyang Song said and looked at Lu Feng.

Don't know opposite Si Tu Mei Na said what, Ou Yang Song's face slowly had a smile: "good, that's the best."

Ouyang song hung up and changed his attitude towards Lu Feng. He first communicated with the French company and then said to Lu Feng, "our project is mainly aimed at the development of the mainland. I think you should know my relationship with the situ family. Mr. Lu, if you can persuade situ Meina to join the project, This project is up to you. "

Lu Feng was overjoyed: "don't worry, I will do it."

Lu Feng has never been unprepared. Before he came here, he had known the relationship between Ouyang song and situ Meina. He also met situ Meina. Although situ Meina also wanted to invest in this project, she was not very satisfied with Ouyang song's previous conditions. He took this opportunity to talk to Lu Feng. Ouyang song is her father-in-law, It's hard for her to talk about terms. With Lu Feng, an outsider, it's much easier to talk about.Ouyang song is very clear in his heart that if the project in the mainland is supported by the technical support of French companies and the financial support of the situ family, the project will go much smoothly. After all, the situ family is much better than them in terms of financial resources and contacts in the mainland.

As long as situ Meina is willing to invest, it doesn't matter which company will do the project. Ouyang song only values interests. If Lu Feng can talk about situ Meina, the project will be handed over to their company.

This project is another touchstone for Ouyang song in the mainland market. If it goes well, he will enter the mainland market on a large scale.

Ouyang song originally handed over the mainland market to his son Ouyang Yi, but since Ouyang Yi was kidnapped last time, he still has no one to live and no one to die. Ouyang song has to ask himself about the mainland projects.

Ouyang song almost uses all his relations in the mainland, but there is no news. Although Ouyang song can't believe it, he knows that Ouyang Yi's chances of survival are very small. The other party doesn't want money at all, but wants his son's life.

Ouyang song chose to cooperate with the mainland this time. On the one hand, he wanted to explore the mainland market. On the other hand, he wanted to take this opportunity to continue to find Ouyang Yi's whereabouts.

Lu Feng takes a look at Ouyang song. He knows that Ouyang song is doing this just to have more say at the negotiation table. Cooperation is basically not a problem. If the only variable is the French company, French talents don't care about it. Fortunately, with Linda's help, Lu Feng is sure of it this time.

Before Lu Feng left, he took a look at Linda. Linda nodded slightly, and Lu Feng knew it.

Instead of going back to the hotel directly, Lu Feng went to the harbor city, went to the counter and bought a gift. In this respect, Lu Feng has never been stingy. Only when he has paid can he get a reward.

After returning to the hotel, he gives Linda a positioning, and then arranges the hotel to prepare red wine and steak. When Lin arrives, he wants to have dinner with Linda. First, he wants to thank Linda. Second, Lu Feng is still depressed because of Ling Yao. The arrival of Linda can just fill his inner emptiness.

The doorbell rang, and Lu Feng quickly walked to the door. Before he could see the Chu people clearly, a soft ball bumped into Lu Feng's arms, and his moist lips stuck to Lu Feng's lips.

"Honey, I miss you so much."

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