Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1127: Feng Li Da Sheng! Bloody ghost!

Seeing Yang Zhen crawl out of the pit, Shaking the Light like a ghost, with an unbelievable look on his face, he immediately turned his head and asked, "Great elder, what is the sky soul?"

The Great Elder glanced at the Son of Shake Light, and Shen Sheng said: "In the legend, those who have the heavenly soul have fate, and condensing the heavenly soul, they can condense the power of heaven and earth. According to legend, those who can condense the soul of heaven and earth are all the favors of the world, but anyone who can condense the soul of heaven and earth can break through the realm of emperor!"

   "Emperor Realm!"

   Shake the Light Son to take a breath, and looked at the blood man in the air dignifiedly.

   The terrifying Tianyin Hong singing continues. Obviously, the blood man noticed that Yang Zhen was not dead, and the light hum was a little surprised.

It's just that the time to condense the heavenly souls has come. The blood people seem to miss the town and kill Yang Zhen. When they see Yang Zhen crawling out, they just look at it coldly and stop paying attention. The waves suddenly rose into a sky, forming a huge vortex of blood waves.

   The sky sounds like a thunder roar, the blood waves in the sky cover the sky, and the blood man disappears in the blink of an eye, no matter how many people use the power of consciousness to detect, they can't find the specific location of the blood man.

   Yang Zhen was also stunned. He looked at the blood waves in the air strangely, grinned, and said, "Oh, you seem to be a bit busy. You can't take care of Ben Sao?"

   The blood man did not answer. While everyone looked at each other, the idea of ​​Saint Tianxuan came again.

   "Cut three souls!"

  Cut the three souls?

  Yang Zhen was stunned, and Baba asked the ice coffin of Saint Xuan Tianxuan: "Sister, can you make it clear, what is the three souls and whose three souls? Mine?"

   The elder complexion was blue, and he yelled angrily: "Yang Zhen, this matter is life-threatening. Don't joke, of course, it is the three souls of the blood-cutting people!"

   Yang Zhen glanced at the elder and scratched his head and said, "How to cut?"

   Shit, don’t the Sao Sheng know the three souls of the blood man, but this blood man has no three souls at all, there is only a trace of divine soul attached to the Sansheng flower, where are there so many three souls?


   Yang Zhen froze for a moment, turned his head to look at the three-flowered flower that was slowly blooming in mid-air, he laughed and said, "Here it is."

   said, Yang Zhen jumped forward and rushed towards Sanshenghua.

  Although I don’t know what the blood pimple is in front of him, it is obvious that his current situation is very bad. He has no time to look after him. Isn’t Yang Zhen doing whatever he wants?


  Yang Zhen simply cut a sword, chopped on the Sanshenghua, the Sanshenghua suddenly scattered, and shook.

   An earth-shattering roar came and shouted at Yang Zhen: "Fuck, you are looking for death!"

   Yang Zhen looked really useful, and he rushed towards the Sanshenghua again with his big lacking sword: "Old miscellaneous hair, you have the ability to bite me, I cut the Sanshenghua, shut your farts?"


   is another sword cut on the Sanshenghua, and the Sanshenghua suddenly becomes dull and dull.

Numerous people around exclaimed loudly, the roaring people heard clearly, and the blood man was obviously attacked. In such a case, Yang Zhen cut the Sansheng flower three times and five times, should the blood man be arranged? Properly?

   There were mad surges among the blood waves. The blood people were obviously furious. The people watching were elated, and many people even cheered Yang Zhen.

   Sanshenghua is worthy of being a treasure of heaven and earth. When it is cut, it is almost cut, or it has not been completely destroyed.

   Yang Zhen looked at Daqijian with a look of embarrassment. Although Daqijian was not a treasure of heaven and earth, he was also a holy soldier anyway. Under such circumstances, he could not destroy Sanshenghua?

  When Yang Zhen wanted to cut the third sword, he whispered, "Be careful!"

  Yang Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then it came back. This is the voice of Saint Tianxuan.

sounds so good!

   Yang Zhen enjoyed it for a moment. Suddenly, there was a chill in the back. Looking back, there was a horrified look on the faces of everyone in Shishan World.

   A blood of light, showing endless yin, rushed towards Yang Zhen, faster than lightning, and reached Yang Zhen's neck in the blink of an eye.

   "Dig grass, what kind of things, old miscellaneous hair you actually attacked?"

   Hearing Yang Zhen's words, everyone in the room had a feeling of being speechless.

   It's all about this time, do you still care about sneak attacks?

   watched as Yang Zhen was wrapped around the back of the neck with that lingering blood, disappeared for a moment, and everyone took a breath.

   Yang Zhen wiped a neck and always felt that something had penetrated into the body, but after searching for a long time, he could not find out exactly what had penetrated.

   "Old miscellaneous hairs, try your best to use the means of the next three, seeing the sword of Bensao Sheng cut your three souls!"


   is another sword to go all out, Yang Zhen carrying the big missing sword, finally chopped Sanshenghua.


  The world was turbulent, and the violent Tianyin Hongsing disappeared almost instantly, and the **** waves in the air became dead for a moment.

   "Fuck, boy, when the old man goes out, I will let you fall forever!"

   came a roar, the blood waves disappeared, and the whole world of Ten Mountains restored the calm of the past.

  The ice coffin of Saint Xuan Tianxuan suddenly burst into a bright light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the erratic words of Saint Xuan Tianxuan.

"Be careful!"

   This is the second time the Lady Xuan Xuan said to be careful, but Yang Zhen did not know what the Lady Xuan Xuan made him careful.


  The world of Ten Mountains suddenly collapsed, and the endless space debris was like a whole heaven and earth shattered and shattered into a void of chaos.

   Everyone's face changed wildly and hurriedly left the place.

  Madai glared at Lao Madou and rushed towards the direction where Yang Zhen disappeared.

   The land of the dragon's head has turned upside down. The land of the blue dragon's tail has become fragmented, and even that one holy vein has been consumed.

  It was not until Yang Zhen appeared outside the end of the Blue Dragon, that he was stupefied to discover that the original consumption in the world of Ten Mountains turned this place into a barren land.

   is place of Qinglong is completely gone, Yang Zhen can't even find where is the dragon's head and where is the dragon's tail.

The blood trace that the blood man finally got out, I don’t know what the **** is, and he never found it again when he entered the body. Yang Zhen pouted and said, "This is all right, the friendship has returned, but I got myself There was a huge trouble, shit, this blood man was too much to play with."

   At this moment, a vigorous voice rang out: "Yang Zhenyou is really wanton to spread like a rumor."

Yang Zhen looked back and saw the two old men coming together, his face full of admiration, a terrible brutal breath on his body, especially the two horns between the forehead, don't guess, they all know that they are scales People.

   "Home is gone, how come you two laughed?" Yang Zhen pouted.

   Ma Dai and Lao Ma Dou looked at each other, and laughed, Yang Zhen looked surprised.

  Seeing the expression on Yang Zhen's face, Ma Dai shook his head and said, "Everywhere is big, as long as there is someone's place, it's home. How can there be no home?"

  Yang Zhen oh, praised and said: "The fellow is so bold!"

  Madai laughed and said, "Without Yang Xiaoyou's boldness, do you know who is offending you?"

   "Who?" Yang Zhen's eyes widened. The little old man clearly knew something.

   "Under a rage, blood is sealed for thousands of miles!"

   "Feng Li Da Sheng blood old ghost?" Yang Zhen took a breath, how did he cause such a monster!


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