Invincible God of War

Chapter 1712: Ning Ning is the best in the world!

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Qin Feiyang saw this, when even kicked away.

The golden panther flew out immediately, then banged against the wall behind, suddenly dizzy.

It got up, shook his head, and glared at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang said: "I tell you, you don't want any of these soul stones."

Upon hearing this, the golden panther immediately changed his face, and his eyes were full of flattery, saying: "Young Master, look ..."

"Stop and stop."

Qin Feiyang quickly waved his hand, rubbed his forehead, looked at the little leopard angrily, and said: "Maximum fifty."

If you don't give it, it will definitely be entangled.


"Thank you young master."

"What do you need to help in the future, despite the command, this emperor is indefinable."

The golden panther smiled and ran up quickly, grabbing fifty soul stones, and was overjoyed.

"Don't be fictitious, breaking through to the God of War as soon as possible is the biggest help to me."

Qin Feiyang said.

"rest assured."

"The emperor must be conscientiously closed to practice."

The golden **** leopard stood up and patted the breast with a vow.

Qin Feiyang shook his head helplessly, put away all the soul stones, and then crossed his knees to the ground, took out one and held it in his hand, and began to refine and absorb.

The majestic energy, like a torrent, poured into the sea of ​​knowledge along the palm and arm.

Wisps of brand-new consciousness emerged even when they were born.

"This energy is really amazing!"

The cry of the Golden Panther suddenly sounded.

Qin Feiyang opened his eyes, turned his head to look, and saw that the golden **** leopard was sitting sideways like a dog.

That funny look made him want to laugh.


He calmed down and continued to refine.

Time passed by.

After half an hour.

The soul stone in his hand suddenly shattered.

The energy inside has been absorbed by him.

The golden panther also refined the first soul stone, and the eyebrows were full of surprises, and immediately began to refine the second one.

Qin Feiyang fell into contemplation.

After refining the first soul stone, he finally concluded that this soul stone would allow him to condense a hundred strands of consciousness.

This result made him happy and worried.

Fortunately, in addition to the fifty soul stones for the golden panther, he also has five hundred and fifty.

One piece can condense a hundred strands of consciousness.

Five hundred and fifty soul stones can condense 55,000 strands of consciousness.

It means that as long as these soul stones are refined, he can step into the fifth paragraph of the false god.

What worries him is that the five hundred and fifty soul stones are far from enough for him to step into the realm of God of War.

Because you want to step into the God of War, you must condense 100,000 strands of consciousness.

In other words.

Even if these five hundred and fifty soul stones are refined, there is still more than 40,000 strands of consciousness, almost half.

He can't help but regret now.

Why didn't they ask Guo Zixiong to get a little more?

Think for a moment.

Qin Feiyang suddenly raised his head, glancing at Liu Mu, Li Jian, Cui Li, the six elders, and You Huang, his eyes flickering.

Liu Mu said it himself before, still in the second paragraph of the false god.

These soul stones are not enough for him to step directly into the God of War.

Li Jian, it didn't take long to break through the false gods, and now it's only the first paragraph, even more impossible.

As for the Emperor.

Although I have n’t said how to do it in the first paragraph, according to the Golden Wolf King, it did n’t take long to break through, and it was definitely not enough.

Then there are only the six elders, Cui Li, and the little leopard.

That's right!

He wanted to cultivate the highest person to refine these soul stones.

Because of this, a **** of war can be created in the shortest time.

Qin Feiyang said: "The six elders, Cui Li and Little Leopard, all told me, how many paragraphs have you reached the false god?"

Golden Shenbao opened his eyes, looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

The six elders and Cui Li also opened their eyes and looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang stared at the little leopard and said angrily: "Let you talk, what are you doing so much nonsense?"

Golden God Leopard said: "The emperor's cultivation base is in the eighth paragraph."

"Paragraph 8!"

Qin Feiyang was startled.

He didn't realize that the little leopard was so strong.

The eighth paragraph means that the little leopard's consciousness has condensed 80,000 strands!

Qin Feiyang asked: "How much consciousness?"

"More than 88,000 strands."

Golden God Leopard said.

"More than 88,000 strands ..."

Qin Feiyang murmured.

In other words, the little leopard can enter the God of War only by refining 120 soul stones!

This is really an unexpected surprise.

"what about you?"

Qin Feiyang looked at Cui Li and the six elders again.

One of the elders said: "The six of our cultivation practices are between the second and fourth paragraphs."

"not enough."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and looked at Cui Li.

Cui Li said: "I am in the sixth paragraph, now there are 64,000 strands of consciousness."

"Sixth paragraph?"

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, and then his face rose with joy.

Sixty-four thousand strands of consciousness, that is to say, Cui Li is still short of thirty-six thousand strands of consciousness.

It is equivalent to say that as long as Cui Li refines three hundred and sixty soul stones, he can step into the God of War.

The soul stone in his hand, plus the one refined before, had a total of 600 pieces.

There are three hundred and sixty in Cui Li, one hundred and twenty in Leopard, and only four hundred and eighty in total.

That is to say.

Even if it was given to Cui Li and Leopard, he could still have more than 100 pieces left.

Can actually create two gods of war?

This is the result he never expected.

Qin Feiyang was pleasantly surprised.

But suddenly.

He frowned slightly.

Will this soul stone get behind, the effect will become weaker and weaker?

Qin Feiyang looked at the little leopard and asked, "How much insight did you condense after you refined the first soul stone?"

"A hundred strands."

"This emperor has condensed a ray of consciousness before, at least half a year to a year."

"But now, with just this skill, a hundred strands are condensed."

"The energy of this soul stone is beyond imagination."

Little Leopard said, very excited.

"One hundred strands ..."

"the same with me……"

"The effect of the Soul Stone has not weakened ..."

Qin Feiyang grumbled, and then took out 70 soul stones decisively and threw them to the little leopard.

"What do you mean?"

The golden **** leopard froze.

Qin Feiyang said: "Nonsense, of course, is for you to break through the God of War."


The Golden Panther was shocked.

What is this situation?

I didn't even want to give it one before, but now I give it seventy at a time?

Was the head kicked by a donkey?

But here, there are a lot of fierce beasts, but the donkey has not yet seen.

Qin Feiyang counted 360 soul stones for Cui Li.

Cui Li also froze on the spot.

I never expected that Qin Feiyang would give him the Soul Stone.

The six elders and Li Jian looked at each other.

What is the situation?

Although they have been cultivating, in fact, they have heard Qin Feiyang's conversation with Xiaobaozi from the beginning.

At that time, they also thought about asking Qin Feiyang to point soul stones to practice.

But think again, Qin Feiyang should not give them such precious stones.


It was also because of Qin Feiyang that they got rid of the shackles of the demon mark and embarked on a journey of cultivation again.

But unexpectedly.

Now Qin Feiyang, actually took out a large part of the Soulstone and distributed it to Cui Li and Leopard.

For himself, there are only more than one hundred pieces left.

"Young Master, what are you doing?"

"These soul stones can be encountered but not sought. Who dares to ask for it, you still keep refining yourself!"

Cui Li turned his head and looked at Qin Feiyang quickly.

"Fool, don't you understand the young master's good intentions?"

Liu Mu suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Cui Li and Leopard, and sneered.

Cui Li and Little Leopard looked at Liu Mu puzzled.

"Why didn't the young master give me and You Huang, Li Jian, and the six elder soul stones, only two of you?"

"This is because the two of you can use the energy of the soul stone to directly break through to the God of War."

"And You Huang, Li Jian, and the six elders, have not cultivated enough. Even if all the soul stones are refined, they can't step into the God of War."

"in short."

"The young master gave the soul stones to you two, just to let you step into the God of War first."

Willow Road.

"It turns out this way."

Cui Li and Leopard realized this.

Cui Li stood up and bowed: "Young Master, thank you for your trust in your subordinates. The subordinates must work hard to get the fastest time to enter the God of War.

"This one……"

The little leopard hesitated and looked at Qin Feiyang, saying: "The emperor will not say anything flattering, just say one thing.


"Unexpectedly, you, a fierce beast, can actually say such meaningful words."

Liu Mu looked at the little leopard in surprise.

Rather than the world, not the world ...

The meaning of this remark is already obvious. It would rather bear everyone in the world than Qin Feiyang.

It can be said.

There is no better expression of loyalty than this.

of course.

There is also the determination of the little leopard.

It is swearing and declaring that Qin Feiyang is truly in line with this small team.


Cui Li and Leopard began to concentrate on refining the soul stone.

Qin Feiyang had 119 soul stones left in his hand.

After thinking for a while, he simply gave Liumu and Youhuang.

Liu Mu and You Huang were the first people to follow him after entering the miracle, apart from the crocodile king and several beasts.

It can be said that along the way, Liu Mu and You Huang made contributions to him.

There are benefits, and naturally they cannot be forgotten.

Liumu looked at the soul stone in front of him and frowned, "Young Master, what about you?"

"Your becoming stronger means that I am getting stronger. Is there a difference?"

Qin Feiyang chuckled, got up and left the castle, converging breath, like a ghost, swept toward the south.

Zhao Tailai and the undead went to the east, west, and north. Naturally, he could only go to the south.

And at the same time.

Inside the castle.

Liu Mu and You Huang looked down at the soul stone in front of them, and their hearts could not be calm for a long time.

After half a ring.

Liu Mu looked up at Cui Li and Xiao Leopard, Li Jian, and the six elders, Shen said: "Young Master is kind to everyone, I believe you have a deep experience now, and I hope that you will never do anything that repays morals. "

"Liumu was right."

"If later, let the emperor discover that anyone dares to violate the Yin in Yang, or even betray the boss of Qin, this emperor can't spare him first!"

The Emperor followed, with a strong murder in his eyes.

Looking at Liu Mu and You Huang with a serious expression, without any joking expression, Cui Li, Golden God Leopard, Li Jian, and the six elders glanced at each other, nodding hard.

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