Invincible God of War

Chapter 1788: Need artifacts, demon flag!

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The national teacher heard the words and looked up at the slave seals, his face changed suddenly.

The **** seal can crack the blood soul, he also knows.

So without reminding Zhuge Mingyang, he also knew what Qin Feiyang was going to do?

make a prompt decision.

His heart moved, and he operated Blood Soul.

However, at this moment, Qin Feiyang waved his big hand, and the purple-gold dragon soul suddenly roared towards the state master, and the imperial **** prison opened instantly.

The state teacher was imprisoned in the void immediately.

And it is completely imprisoned.

Even the blood in the body stopped flowing.

Even in my mind, I fell into a blank!

"you wanna die!"

Zhuge Mingyang screamed, his big hand waved violently, and the hand of the heavenly demon was born, carrying the world-like fierce power, and photographed towards the purple and gold dragon soul.


Qin Feiyang snorted with disdain, and the Dragon Seal appeared again, slamming into the hands of the devil.

with no doubt.

The face of perfection is totally crushed.

The hand of the demon shattered.

Zhuge Mingyang was also shaken out, and the blood in his mouth surged!

At the same moment.

The enslavement seals did not enter the heavenly cover of those law enforcers, and the screams immediately resounded through the sky.

Qin Feiyang not only helped them break the blood soul technique, but also took control of them.

These people are all subordinates of the National Teacher, and if they are not controlled, he can hardly be assured.

And the emperor Hongdi also seized the opportunity at the same time to recover the Tianhong sword and cut it off towards the master of the country.


All of this happened between electro-optical flint.

At the next moment after Qin Feiyang cracked the blood soul, the national master regained consciousness, saw the heart demon Hongdi cut with a sword, and his face suddenly changed dramatically.


Although the consciousness was restored, the body was unable to move.

He stared at Tianhongjian in horror, his eyes full of despair.

When the sword came down, he still didn't split it in half?

In a snap!

Zhuge Mingyang's eyes were fierce, and with the wave of a big hand, the Demon Flag appeared, rising in the wind, carrying the monstrous magic power, and blasted into the imperial deity.


The Emperor God Prison was shattered by the Demon Banner.

The state teacher immediately regained his freedom, and without hesitation, he quickly retreated.


The Tianhong sword fell, and blood was shed in the sky.

Above his chest, there was a wound with bone visible.

But the national teacher was very happy.

Fortunately, Zhuge Mingyang shot in time, otherwise this sword is not as simple as being injured, and he will definitely kill his old life!


Although he saved his life, his face was full of disbelief, and he looked up at Zijin Dragon Soul.

In the past, he also fought with Qin Feiyang, and the Emperor Shen He also met, but he never saw a blank phenomenon in his mind.

Qin Feiyang looked down at the master of the country and said, "It seems that you have discovered the change of my imperial prison."

"What's going on?"

Guo Shi said in a deep voice.

"As you can see, now my Purple Dragon Soul not only opens the gifted magical power of the Eye of God, but also has new changes in the Emperor God Prison."

"This change, I call it deprivation of consciousness."

"That is to say, now the Emperor Shen He can not only imprison the souls, but also deprive the other's consciousness."

"You must know that I don't need to say you. It's a terrible thing to lose consciousness while fighting, even though it's only for a moment."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Deprive of consciousness!"

The national teacher's heart was turbulent.

Opening the eyes of God, it has been very surprising, but I did not expect the Emperor God Prison, there is such a terrible ability.

Just ask today, who are his opponents in the same realm?

"Deprive of consciousness ..."


When Zhuge Mingyang heard these words, he was also terrified.

Fortunately, when he played against him before, Qin Feiyang didn't open the emperor's **** prison, otherwise he would be unable to prevent it, and he must have suffered a great loss.

Even died on the spot!

However, now that he is prepared, he is fearless.

not to mention.

He also has a big killer!

When Zhuge Mingyang waved his hand, the Heavenly Demon Banner turned into a dark light, and returned to his side, and Mowei rolled in all directions.

"Sky Demon Banner ..."

Qin Feiyang looked at the Heavenly Demon Banner, his eyes flashing.

This monster instantly shattered the Emperor God Prison, it seems that it cannot be underestimated.

Zhuge Mingyang said with a smile: "I'm afraid you don't know yet, this Devil's Flag is an anti-celestial artifact!"

"Are you anti-celestial artifacts Chinese cabbage?"

Qin Feiyang sneered.

"Ha ha."

"Indeed, the Demon Banner has not yet reached the level of this anti-celestial artifact, but its power ..."

With a wave of his hand, Zhuge Mingyang rolled out his divine power and poured into the Demon Banner.

Heavenly Demon Banner buzzing and trembling.


A huge magic dragon roared out suddenly.

The magic dragon was blood-red, and the magic power shook the world.


Qin Feiyang did not underestimate, the dragon was imprinted in the world, as big as a mountain, slamming into the magic dragon.

Because of the breath of this dragon, even he couldn't help feeling distraught.


The two behemoths met suddenly, and the world suddenly lost its color.

A devastating breath rushed into all directions.

Under Qin Feiyang's surprised eyes, the Dragon Seal and the Demon Dragon collapsed at the same time in the void.

In other words.

The power of the Sky Demon Banner can basically compete with the Dragon Seal!

"The artifacts of the world also have levels."

"Inferior artifact, intermediate artifact, superior artifact, ultimate artifact ..."

"This Devil Banner is a superb artifact!"

"The power of the best artifact can be compared with the perfect magic formula!"

"Haha ..."

"Are you surprised?"

"You have the perfect magic formula, the magic dragon formula, I have the best artifact, the devil flag ..."

"Who wins and loses in the battle today is still unknown!"

Zhuge Mingyang laughed endlessly.

"The best artifact ..."

Qin Feiyang grunted.

Artifacts are divided into inferior grade, middle grade, top grade and top grade.

Divine tactics are divided into: inferior, intermediate, superior, perfect.

Indeed, as Zhuge Mingyang said, the best artifact can be compared with the perfect magic formula.


What about the Need Artifact.

The means he now shows are not even one-fifth of the peak state.


He thought about it.

A purple gold dragon roared out.

-Shenlong Yin!

The invisible sound wave, like the tide, submerged the void and rushed towards Zhuge Mingyang.

"It's useless!"

Zhuge Mingyang laughed, waved the sky demon flag, howling wind, swept the sky.

Among them, there was a roar of roar, like a roar of a ghost, making the scalp numb.


The invisible sound waves, the screaming wind, the two collided wildly in the void, and the devastating breath was overwhelming.

The void is collapsing, and the earth is sinking, just like the scene of the end, shocking the world!

The emperor looked at the battlefield at high altitude and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect this Zhuge Mingyang, there is such a terrible monster!"

"It seems that Your Highness will fall into a bitter fight!"

Qin Sheng sighed.

I thought that Qin Feiyang's means had become so strong that it would definitely end the battle.

But I never thought that the background of Zhuge Mingyang was so amazing.

Demon Banner!

This level of artifacts, they have never seen.


It was at this time.

Emperor Hong went back and returned, clutching the jade seal of Chuan Guo in his hand.


"He ran back specifically, just to pass the jade seal?"

The national teacher was stunned.

Lu Zheng and his second grandfather looked at Hong Di suspiciously.

Emperor Hong looked at the master of the country, looked at Qin Sheng, and asked with a smile: "Do you know what this is in my hand?"

"What do you mean?"

The three suspected.

They haven't seen Chuanyu Yuxi yet, so they need to ask?

"This is the jade seal passed down."

"It was my father, grandfather Qin Feiyang, who made it by himself."

Hongdi smiled.

"we know."

Qin Sheng said three people.

Emperor Hong asked: "Do you know, what's in this jade seal?"

"Inside the jade seal?"

The three of them froze for a moment, looked at Chuan Yuxi, and wondered: "Is there anything hidden in it?"


Hongdi nodded and extended his hand to the heart demon Hongdi, saying, "Give me the Tianhong sword."

Hongdi, the demon of the heart, handed Tianhongjian to Hongdi.

Emperor Hong grabbed the Tianhong sword and slashed towards the jade seal of the passing kingdom.

Seeing this scene, the three Qin Sheng suddenly changed color.

Qin Sheng quickly grabbed Hongdi's arm and exclaimed: "Master Hongdi, what are you doing?"

"You will know later."

Hongdi smiled and motioned Qin Sheng to let go.

Qin Sheng shook his head and said: "You don't make it clear, I will never let you do this. You are the son of the first emperor and ruined the jade seal of Chuan Guo. What kind of system is this?"

The emperor said: "Grandpa did this to fly well."

"For your highness?"

Qin Sheng frowned, turned his head to look at the emperor, and said angrily: "Your Majesty, why do you even follow along with you?"

Destruction of the jade seal of Chuan Guo, and for the sake of Qin Feiyang, this has nothing to do with it!

The emperor said: "Retreat!"

"His Majesty……"

Qin Sheng shouted.


The emperor frowned and shouted.


Qin Sheng sighed and stepped back angrily.

The emperor looked at Hongdi and said: "Grandpa, start lightly, don't destroy the things inside."

"it is good."

Hongdi nodded, raised Tianhong sword, and cut it down bit by bit.

"Who are these people?"

"Even the jade seal left by the first emperor will be destroyed."

"If this was known by the first emperor, I'm afraid he would jump out of the coffin on the spot."

Looking at this scene, Qin Sheng was very angry.

The other two old men were dissatisfied when they saw what Hongdi had done.

But suddenly.

A mighty breath raged out of the jade seal that passed down the country.

"this is……"

Qin Sheng three people were surprised.

It was actually a dragon.

And extremely pure.

For the first time in their lives, they felt such pure Longwei.

It feels like a dragon is sealed in the jade seal of the passing kingdom!

The National Teacher, Lu Zheng, the three grandfathers, and the others in the Lu family were also very surprised.

Even Qin Feiyang and Zhuge Mingyang were shocked.

The two men stopped hand in hand and looked down at the emperor's jade seal in the hands of Hongdi.

at this time!

Most of the jade seal has been cut.

Not only Longwei, but also a ray of purple gold light, bursting out from the cracks, extremely eye-catching!

Count the past.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the legendary Yuxi immediately split into two.

Hongdi immediately put away Tianhong Sword.


The purple gold divine light is dazzling like a blazing sun.

At this moment, the power of Qin Feiyang's bloodline suddenly raged, rolling wildly in his body and surging.

[PS; Something was delayed today, and desperately hurried, and he hurried out a chapter, do n’t wait. 】

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