Invincible God of War

Chapter 1888: Hold the beauty

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Lu Hong heard the words, his eyes flickered slightly, and asked, "Why do you hate Qin Feiyang? Is your mother's death related to him?"


"At that time, he was born in our Lu family, and the vision of heaven fell, which disturbed the Mozu."

"Mozu came to take the lead and wanted to take the younger cousin. My parents came forward to protect them and ended up being brutally attacked by Mozu."

Lu Zhengdao.

"It turns out this way."

Lu Hong muttered.

It's no wonder that Lu Zheng's parents have never met before. Qin Feiyang was already dead when he was born.

Lu Hong sighed and asked, "So, did you know the truth before?"


"I know it."

"But I don't want to mention it, let alone recall."

"Because this memory is the pain of my life, I want to forget it, do you understand?"

Lu Zheng said painfully.

"I know."

Lu Hong nodded.

I really didn't expect that in Lu Zheng's heart, there was such a heavy memory.

"I really hated that time."

"Hate little cousin, hate uncle, hate aunt."

"I hate them, why should I come to Lu's house and involve us?"

"However, Big Brother is different."

"He didn't hate his aunts and aunts, as well as his little cousins, but more self-blame."

"He blamed himself and was unable to protect everyone."

"To be honest, I don't blame the second grandfather for being biased. The gap between me and my brother is really big."

Lu Zheng smiled bitterly.

Lu Hongdao: "Actually, my second grandpa is not biased, he just doesn't want you to carry too much."

"I know."

"I usually say that he is biased, that is, talking about it."

"Later, under the guidance of Big Brother, I finally let go of my resentment."

"However, since then, I have rarely seen Big Brother again."

Lu Zhengdao.

"Hard to see him again?"

Lu Hong was shocked.


"Since that incident happened, Big Brother has been obsessed with cultivation."

"I want to see him, he doesn't allow it."

"Actually, I know that he didn't want to see me because he didn't want to be distracted. He wanted to work harder, protect me and protect his loved ones.

Lu Zhengdao.

Lu Hong laughed: "Your elder brother, really a man who admires."


"There is such a big brother, I am very proud, very proud."


"I haven't had time, just talk to him and he will leave me."

"And this time, it was because of saving the younger cousin."

"In my heart, it's really uncomfortable!"

Lu Zheng clenched his hands tightly and closed his eyes, his face full of pain.

Lu Hongdao: "Do you hate Qin Feiyang now?"

"Parents, brother, all died because of him, you tell me, can I not hate him?"

"But I know I can't hate it."

"Because neither the parents nor the elder brother definitely want to see this scene."

"But to be honest, my little cousin is really a veritable disaster star. Where is he going, where is the scourge?"

Lu Zheng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Scourge ..."

Lu Hong looked up at the sky and sighed: "Why is this what Qin Feiyang wants to see? I know him too well. If he is allowed to choose, he will definitely choose to die without hesitation."

Lu Zheng went silent, his eyes very complicated.

After a moment.

He got up suddenly, wiped away the tears, and smiled: "Let's go, let's go and see our little cousin."

Lu Hong looked at him in surprise.

"you are right."

"No one wants to see this kind of thing, but since it has already happened, then we must learn to face it."

"Brother is an upright man. I can't embarrass him."

Lu Zheng laughed.

Lu Hong shook his head with a smile, and also got up. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something. He looked at Lu Zheng and asked, "Why don't you raise your parents when Qin Feiyang opens the door to rebirth?"


Lu Zheng froze for a moment, slapped his head, and said angrily: "How did I forget this?"


Lu Hong was stunned, really forgot?

"Fool you."

"At that time, when they were killed, they had no bones."

Lu Zheng smiled.


Lu Hong immediately waved his fist in exasperation, and hit Lu Zheng's chest.

Lu Zheng grabbed Lu Hong's wrist and lifted the other arm, and hugged the landing rainbow. His eyes softened.

"what are you doing?"

This sudden move made Lu Hong obviously caught off guard.

The cheeks are also flushed.


"Look now, everything is over, can you consider accepting me?"

"I promise to take good care of you in the future and give you a safe and happy home."

Lu Zheng held Lu Hong's hand tightly, his face full of tenderness and expectation.

"You are too sudden!"

Lu Hong lowered his head, sounding like mosquitoes and flies.

"Suddenly what?"

"I have been waiting for a long time."

"Besides my heart, you already know it."

"Anyway in this life, I'm not going to marry you, and we still have a lot of children."

Lu Zheng laughed.

"There are a lot of them, what do you think I am?"

Lu Hong angrily shook Lu Zheng's hand away, turned to blush, and walked down the hillside.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Lu Zheng clutched his head and looked confused.

Lu Hong walked down the hillside, looked back at Lu Zheng, and said angrily: "What are you doing there stupidly? Are you not coming down yet?"

Say it.

She held out her hand, and a smile appeared on her face.

"What do you mean?"

Lu Zheng was stunned.


He seemed to understand that an excited person ran down in surprise and said, "Hong'er, you are ..."

"Say first."

"If in the future, if you dare to take the flowers outside, I will never treat you lightly."

Lu Hongdao.

"No no no, no ..."

"I promise!"

Lu Zheng was surprised, like a child, grabbed Lu Hong's hand and jumped up and down.

"All right!"

"They are all such big individuals, so naive, not afraid of being seen jokes?"

Lu Hong shook his head helplessly, but his face was also filled with a happy smile.

"No, no, they will only envy."

Lu Zheng smiled, grabbed the hand of Landing Rainbow firmly, and said, "Go, go find the younger cousin, and let him miss it as soon as possible."

"What do you think?"

Lu Hong was shocked.

"Of course I miss you."

Lu Zhengdao.

Lu Hong rolled his eyes straight.

Qin Feiyang's mind, she knew better than anyone else, only Princess Mermaid was in her heart.

As for her, there are Lin Yiyi and Ren Wushuang, but they are just the feelings of sister and sister.


When the two joined hands and appeared in everyone's eyes, everyone's expressions were quite surprised.

Lu Hong couldn't bear everyone's eyes, and wanted to get rid of Lu Zheng's claws.

However, Lu Zheng, holding firmly and not letting go, walked proudly from the crowd.

"Zheng'er, what are you?"

The second grandpa heard the commotion outside and walked out of the wooden building, looking at Lu Zheng and asked.

"My second grandfather, let me introduce you formally. This is my wife, Lu Hong."

"Hong'er, you will follow me in the future and call him his second grandfather."

Lu Zhengba teeth smiled.

Lu Hong lowered his head shyly.

"daughter in law?"

The second grandpa froze for a moment, leaning into Lu Zheng's ear and whispering, "Boy, you are developing too fast!"


"I don't think so!"

"I'm ready to marry at another date."

Lu Zheng laughed.

The corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, and said, "Are you serious? Don't make my old man happy."

"Of course it is serious."

Lu Zheng nodded.

The second grandfather looked at Lu Zheng for a moment and saw that he was indeed not kidding. He looked at Lu Hong again and smiled, "Girl, you have to think about it, this kid is too old to look at. It's clear, it's not reliable. "

"Etc., etc."

"Grandma, what do you mean?"

"I finally deceived Hong'er, but you don't want to bless it, even to dismantle the stage in person?"

Lu Zheng said angrily.


Lu Hong turned black, turned his head and glared at Lu Zheng.


Lu Zheng's eyelids jumped and he smiled quickly: "Honger, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, I'm just a moment of excitement, saying the wrong thing ..."

"is it?"

Lu Hong grabbed Lu Zheng's ear and said, "How do I feel that you are telling the truth?"

"It hurts!"

"Let's let go, can I be wrong?"

"I must speak well in the future."

"Look, so many people are watching, leave me a face, OK?"

"Wait at night, when there is no one, whatever you punish, I have no opinion."

Lu Zheng wailed miserably.

"at night?"


Everyone heard that his eyes suddenly became ambiguous.

The Winged Snow Eagle Thief smiled and said, "Xiaohong'er, how are you going to punish this kid at night?"

"Does this need to be said? Of course it's a leather whip."

The Golden Wolf King laughed.

Upon hearing Lu Hong's ears, even the ears were flushed, and Lu Zheng's ears were getting harder and harder, and he was annoyed and said, "Can you divide the occasion after you talk?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

"My fault, my fault ..."

"Grandma, please let go, your ears are almost gone ..."

"I said a few brothers, can you stop adding fuel to the fire?"

Lu Zheng looked at the Golden Wolf King and a group of fierce beasts, crying without tears.

"Add fuel to the fire?"

"Your kid is too ignorant, we are helping you, don't understand?"

The beasts were open.

"help me?"

Lu Zheng's face twitched and he really didn't see it.

The second grandfather standing in front of Lu Zheng looked at Lu Zheng with a look of embarrassment, and couldn't help but show a smile, saying: "It's not bad, finally someone can surrender you as a rabbit, and the old man is very happy.

"Old man, are you still gloating?"

Lu Zheng stared at his second grandpa in exasperation.

"Haha ..."

The second grandfather laughed loudly, looking at Landing Hong and said with a smile: "Girl, this kid was not born to be a worrying master, and I will work hard for you in the future."

"Grandpa said it seriously."

Lu Hong quickly let go and looked at his second grandpa.

Lu Zhengrui rubbed his ears and stared at his second grandpa, his face unhappy.

"What stare?"

The second grandfather glanced at Lu Zheng and said to Lu Hong: "Girl, if he dares to bully you in the future, you will come to the old man.

"Righteous depravity?"

Lu Hong froze for a moment, looked at Lu Zheng unwillingly, looked at his second grandfather, nodded and smiled, "Okay!"

Watching Landing Hong and his second grandpa sing a harmony there, Lu Zheng's eyelids jumped hurriedly, and quickly ran towards Qin Feiyang.

"Look at the future of this kid, it's not easy!"

"Everything drops one thing, this is true."

Looking at the Lu family who fled the desert, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"But having said that, Xiao Hong'er suddenly wants to get married, which is really reluctant."

"This is also impossible. After all, the girl has grown up, and sooner or later she will be the wife of another family."

Black Dragon Snake sighed.

"What are you talking about?"

Lu Hong looked at everyone helplessly.

This is just the beginning, how come to the point of getting married?

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