Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2900: Together

Lin Fei's words really made them completely angry.

Who didn't know how powerful the eighteen flying eagles were. Now that they killed two flying eagles, they wanted to challenge the remaining sixteen flying eagles.

Even these people from Eighteen Eagles City, their eyes became unfriendly.

Among the remaining sixteen flying eagles, there is one of the oldest flying eagles, and that is the great flying eagle among the eighteen flying eagles.

This Gu Yi's face was very calm, but anyone who knew Gu Yi knew that Gu Yi's mood was very bad at this time.

This is the rhythm of killing.

Gu Yi was in Flying Eagle City. He had been a big flying eagle for five hundred years, and his strength was also very strong.

No one knows what level his strength has reached, and everyone who challenges him has basically been wiped out, and there is no one to survive.

In recent years, no one will challenge Gu Yi at all.

I don't have the ability or the courage.

If one is bad, it will be destroyed. If you challenge other flying eagles, you can survive with luck.

Gu Yi originally thought that this kind of thing today was a trivial matter, even if it hits 18 times, what will happen.

Can it still deal with their Eighteen Flying Eagles? The rules are so established, but there are really not many people who can beat them.

But now in the blink of an eye, the eighteen flying eagles and seventeen flying eagles have all been killed, and the young man even said arrogantly, asking them to do it together.

This is no less than slapped them one by one on the face, not treating them as the same thing.

"The five of you will go together, this kid, you are welcome, even if you do it, anyway, this kind of person is purely an old birthday star who has hanged himself and lived for too long!"

Everyone has said that, and Gu Yi will certainly make him perfect.

Then five more flying eagles came out. These five flying eagles turned into five streamers and rushed up from all directions of the ring.

Perhaps it was the previous scene that made them dare not take it lightly.

The five positions are directly on the ring.

As soon as he went up, the thunder fell down instantly.

And in this thunderbolt, there was more shattering divine light and world-destroying divine light coming out from side to side, flying directly from them.

The power of the Emperor-rank Thunder Avenue made their bodies feel the pressure.

Following the shattered divine light and the world-destroying divine light, it made them realize what despair is.

Lin Fei was more like a **** of death who reaped the souls of death, and just shuttled among the five of them.

After the afterimage stopped, they saw the five people plop and fall to the ground, and no one could see how they did it.

"Look, it's as simple as that. It's said that you will go together. Now it's alright. Seven of the Eighteen Flying Eagles are dead, that is, there are eleven left. Why not go together!"

In a short time.

Seven of the Eighteen Flying Eagles died, which also made the masters of Eighteen Flying Eagles a little unbelievable.

When did the Eighteen Flying Eagles become so weak, not all of them were honest when they saw the Flying Eagles.

But now they all suspect that they have been wrong.

Lin Fei suddenly reached out and pointed.

Pointed to the ancient one.

"I think you are stronger. It should be the big flying eagle inside. Why don't you come over and do it? Don't be so subtle. I'm here to challenge anyway. Anyway, you will be on stage sooner or later. This rule, after all, this rule is the one who stayed!"

Just a moment ago, the five flying eagles were killed, and the big flying eagle Gu Yi was uneasy. Where did this **** come out.

Didn't he know that the rules like this are all sung in the stage?

Basically, no one will really challenge it.

But I didn't know that I ran into a **** kid today, and even killed his seven flying eagles.

The strength of these seven flying eagles was still very strong, and the strength of the eighteen flying eagles was greatly injured at once.

"Hurry up, the big flying eagle, kill this kid and let him see how powerful your big flying eagle is!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up, if you don't make it again, this kid is afraid that you won't put all of your Eighteen Flying Eagles in your eyes. It is estimated that our Eighteen Flying Eagles City will be replaced."

The following people couldn't see it anymore, and they were all quite angry.

When was it the turn of an outsider to run to Eighteen Eagle City to presumptuously.

Gu Yi even felt that this young kid was deliberate.

He even came with other people's orders, how could he shoot so hard.

After so many years, the eighteen flying eagles have not lost a lot of them, which is like now, and there will be seven in less than half a day. If this is up again, the eighteen flying eagles will have to be folded on top. .

At this time, Gu Yi really didn't want to go up, and he was a little bit unsure of this guy's origin.

Especially this strength, even the power of the Emperor Rank Thunder Avenue can be released, plus the two groups of light on the left and right, the faint breath of death.

Gu Yi couldn't guess the other party even more.

All these people around are making fun.

Gu Yi couldn't wait to kill all these guys right away.

Lin Fei was so calm at the moment, but her heart was quite cheerful.

Sure enough, it's very right to come here to brush the hatred value.

It's faster than brushing Gaofan.

The hatred value has also risen a lot.

This guy was easy to contribute hate points, now he can get hate points when he is so provocative.

"By the way, there are you people. Anyway, I came to relax today. I thought that the Eighteen Flying Eagles are so powerful, but now it seems like that. If you people don’t look past, you can come and follow me. Do it, anyway, I am idle, I am idle, killing one is no different from killing a hundred and a thousand!"

It was all right now. Lin Fei's words seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest.

These people can't sit still!

Gu Yi applauded from the bottom of his heart, this **** kid is unlucky.

Don't think that their eighteen flying eagles will not make a move, and others will not make a move.

Then you underestimate these people.

They are all fierce guys.

The crimes committed are but everywhere.

If you are presumptuous in front of these people, it is simply a dead end.

"Asshole guy, you don't take us seriously, whoever is going to go and kill this guy together!"

"Count me, let's go together!"

"Fuck him, this guy must be the son of brother, kill him, let's divide all of his belongings!"

Lin Fei's meeting really made them very angry.

For a time!

Dozens of figures rushed up directly.

There are also some people who are smart, so they just used the treasure and threw them down.

That said, what are the rules.

Gu Yi was also more cunning, and he immediately withdrew from the formation on the ring.

Don't you want to fight these people? Then let you fight hard.

When the time comes, I will pick you up again, the Eighteen Flying Eagles can't die in vain.

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