Invincible Magician ~Akashic Record Overwrite~

Episode 10: Week 1 [Devotion of the Samurai]

I'm finally losing my unfamiliar liquor.

If we leave early in the morning, we'll be in Wang Capital by tomorrow, and it's time to go to bed.

At the time I thought so, there was a sound of a concon and a weak knock through the door.

Who would be this late at night?

I'm not sure the drunk soldiers came here to swallow enough.

Per Cain Kingsguard Knights Commander, I wonder if he came to the march meeting tomorrow or something.

The prosthetic eye reflects the name of the person standing across the door.

If you feel like it, you might be able to do something like fluoroscopic as video, but you won't have to do it either.

Cecil Nage.

It's Princess Sarah's lead maid.

I did refrain in the corner on the banquet table and didn't have a conversation at all.

He didn't even look well, but I wonder what happened.

Has Princess Sarah come to stab me with a nail against her revenge remarks?

I'm a little scared.

But how much for that, how about even coming to a man's room at this hour?

You fully understand that I'm "strong," just in case I don't worry about getting weird or something.

- I wouldn't like it if they'd spotted me as a man in an exchange with Princess Sarah.

"It's unlocked, go ahead."

Mr. Cecil, I can hang around where I'm going to follow you unexpectedly.

I thought it would surprise me how I knew it was me, but now it is.

I feel like some of the people I know today are perceived to be anything but magical - me.

Primitive keys are not relied upon more than originally, so they are left open.

It is the Magic Defense Order and the trusted Left Hand Competency Control Officer (Globe) who will protect you.

You can't count on Zhu Cat.

"... and excuse me"

If I say it doesn't seem like it, I may be rude, but I open the door with a weak voice that I can't imagine from Mr. Cecil, who was staring at me during the day, slipping into my room.


- Why are you closing the key?

"Mr. Cecil?

Her eyes are slightly moist and her shoulders are shaking.

After I took a bath, I think my hair has a little water in it, the same color as my eyes.

I want you to give Cecil a break because she's a bathing beauty or something, and even if she doesn't feel that way at all, this one will be behaving suspiciously.

Probably wearing a nightgown on top of his clothes, a silhouette that doesn't know its charming lines.

That night the jacket (nightgown) fell to the floor.


There stood a naked Mr. Cecil, not even wearing clothes but underwear.

I also thought during the day, the two hills that are not too big or too small are beautiful fishing bell shaped.

The skinny but rounded lines, especially the creases in the hips, are so fascinating that I couldn't imagine them since I was dressed.

Mr. Cecil, who dyes his cheeks with shame, shows no disruptive power as a girl of his age.

- Hey, I accidentally saw cancer.

My vision, which is highly suspicious of being modified by a group of creators (Shoo-kar), clearly reflects its attractive limbs, even under the lighting of a dim room.

There is also confidence that it was definitely burned to the brain.

You won't be able to help it, she's the first living naked beauty of her life.

It is not an illustration (a noose book), a photo (a porn book), or a video (AV).

Real. Real.

Reach out and you'll be touched, naked beauty.

"Hey, what..."

But sad, I don't have the experience or the guts to deal with this situation as smartly as possible.

Don't lick a nerdy high school student's sixteen years old.

I've even said three dimensions are shit. The virginity is not Dada.

ν Gao Dam is not Dada.

After all, if you're federal, ν is the best.

I like Nightingale if it's a Geo-O system.

When it comes to robotics in general, it is still Leo Mirage.

Not if you're running away from reality.

Nevertheless, if you encounter something like this, it's a mountain around the mouth where you say "Become" or "eh" or "Ah..." and the inexperienced are.

Well, that's a good thing you threw up words that make sense, me.

I wish I was so full of lust that I instinctively would.

Enjoy your lust.

Not that, or even if I had experience, this wouldn't make sense.

Give me the context, the context.

As long as I'm ready for my heart, even I'm a little bit more like this. Hi. It's a lie.

It's the same result that you had a pulse, I'm sorry.

"I have come to fulfill my promise…"

Cecil, who answered with a disappearing voice, fills me with distance as I fall asleep in bed with the expression of my will.

It's all over, stop.

There's no way you'd listen to me, but they lay my body over me covering me as I was about to wake up.

Oh, this is me, I'm being pushed down.

Wow, that smells good.

Oh, this is really a bath, my skin feels a little damp, but my hair hasn't cut dry for that matter and it's a little cold.

At close range, there is also heat of its own, or something like hot air drifts.

- It is, it is!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I couldn't have taken off my black coat (coat) and jacket and had a shirt on my upper body.

The sensation of Mr. Cecil's limbs makes him feel direct.

Whether it's good or bad, the ability control officer (Globe) who remains on the left hand side of the reliance doesn't seem to recognize a single woman naked as a threat.

It's obvious.

There's nothing more threatening in my spirit!

Yeah, relax. Me.

I am like a mysterious magician, a monster that inflicts despair and buries me in one blow.

A man who has the right to speak to the royal family on an equal footing, and who despises the temptation of the princess.

It doesn't work when a beautiful woman is completely naked.

Acting, acting. Me.

Play a mysterious and powerful magic trick.

- I can't.

"Hold on, hold on, Mr. Cecil. I wonder what this is all about."

I'll squeeze my mental strength and manage to utter words, and I'll see Mr. Cecil's face while I try not to look at his limbs as much as I can - don't be impotent, I'll see it all when I look down!

Instead of answering the question, Ms Cecil has squeezed her eyes and brought her lips closer together.

Me reflexively.

I thought you did something terrible right now.

Or it would also be very rude...

"... Can't I still be a sidekick? It's my first time, and it won't make me any better..."

Was it a shock that Cecil was given the kiss she had just decided to take? For the first time, Cecil returns a reaction to my actions, not the one she had left to the momentum.

"- No, I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about. Or would you wear it, Mr. Cecil?"

The injury feat that the fact that you did something rude to a beautiful woman puts cold water on my spine and calms down some of the thoughts that were overheating.

I know how felonious it is to "embarrass a woman" when it comes to tacky boys' high school students.

Besides, she's a pretty woman, with exceptions like Princess Sarah.

If I send those guys a picture saying, "This is my girlfriend over here," I'll end up with "Lie B," or if it was true, I might even come and beat him up over here (La Vulcanan).

You won't be able to give me a break with a wall beating.

"... did Master Tsukasa prefer to take it off herself?

No, that's not what I meant.

Well, I might say one way or the other.

Oh, you know what?

You said something about offering yourself at the price of not doing Princess Sarah an impossible favor.

I can't believe I'm serious, not so much that I'm coming in that night.

Good, not just some crazy bitch development.

Well, even if it was, I'd pick about the other guy, haha.

"Um, Mr. Cecil, Sarah... I didn't ask Cecil to interact with the princess. So you don't have to do this to Cecil."

It's a waste, yeah.

I almost unintentionally called her Sarah, but in front of Cecil, who is inherently a colorful demon, I don't know what kind of eyes I would fit if I turned my beloved Highness Princess Sarah into a caller or something.

Even if the other person is naked, something scary is scary.

"... but Master Sarah really admires Master Tsukasa. I was mourned for being tempted, and if so, I am the fool who interrupted Sarah's love path for self-satisfaction. If I don't at least keep the promises I made..."

Honestly, I'm not sure how Mr. Cecil's thinking unfolds.

Even if the vast majority of his brain is taken to Mr. Cecil's glossy limb, which still occupies his vision.

It's understandable that Princess Sarah, whom I serve, flips her attitude because she finds out she really likes me.

Since Princess Sarah is a top priority for Ms. Cecil, there's no way she's going to have the attitude to buy Princess Sarah's unhappiness.

Even if he hated me as much as the inner snake scorpion did, he would treat me with the same attitude as he did towards Princess Sarah herself, more than being Princess Sarah's thinker.

I think that's all the sincerity of those who go up to the head samurai of the royal family for their duties.

But I don't know the idea of offering ourselves to the master's thinkers, even though they keep their promises.

Doesn't that mean cheating or embezzlement, or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah?

I'll be honest with you about that, in a situation where I can no longer hide my throat ringing.

"- Huh? If you're good enough to be a princess (oops), I think it's natural to have one or two of the side women (whispers)... if you were officially married to Princess Sarah, you would have aristocratic children who would go into the side room, and it would be so strange for me to be one of the side women (whispers) serving Master Sarah?

How unexpected my question was, he answered me with a vegan expression, as he also forgot that he was pushing me down bare.

I'm losing my head.

No, not because of the concentration of blood in the lower body.

Is this the value of royalty and nobility in this world (La Vulcanan)?

Isn't this something special from the medieval royal nobility of Earth?

I just don't know. Don't you?

"... but it was still difficult for Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah to think that I would be the one with the scratch (...). We will punish you for your miserable work with your promises…"

It shriveled to surprise me.

Or punish me.

I'm pretty sure I'm the one who should take it in this situation.

For those of you who have lived with these values, "proposal from royalty" is something that blows up like a wooden end, such as your own personal personality review.

That's why all the Kingsguard knights re-introduce themselves after learning the facts.

No, before that, Mr. Cecil, something bothers me...

"Um... Mr. Cecil, what's a scratch (...) hold (...) chi (...)?

I wasn't sure if it was something I could ask, but I just have to ask, so I'll ask.

Mr. Cecil's soothing face gave Zhu a quick glimpse into my words.

- Cute.

"- I have an ugly scratch on my back from a carriage accident when I was a kid. Therefore, there can be no place for a matriarch as an aristocratic woman, and she is sent to work as a maid of honor at the mercy of the king and Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah."

More shamefully dyed of expression than when you hugged me naked, Mr. Cecil confesses.

No, it doesn't change that you're still riding on me naked.

Will great wounds have such an impact on aristocratic women?

He twirls himself over my body, scratches up his still slightly damp corny hair with one hand and shows me his back.

Indeed, there was a large scratch there, like a convulsion, that remained from the right shoulder to the waist.

Surely this would not make it possible to wear a dress with an open back, etc.

But I just saw the daylight Kingsguard tragedy, and it doesn't look as grotesque to me.

On the contrary, the wounds running on bright white skin even seem to emit a disloyal tone that is difficult to say.

No, it's definitely a wound that affects my heart as well for me.

It's rude to think of so few things.

"You're disgusting... Are you sure you want to go now? It's not pleasant to look at, it just lets you shrivel..."

Mr Cecil says with a lonely look.

During the day, I don't think I'm very much the same person as someone who thought I was a colorful demon.

There's usually something more to come than being forced to be naked.

I hope I don't wake up to strange sexuality as new.

"I can fix that, maybe."


"Hey, I'm sorry, stand up and turn around there. - So scratch up your hair."

My "magic" would probably, no, I can definitely cure it.

I can make you lose confidence as a beautiful woman and clean and refreshing away the wounds that would be distorting you all the way to life.

The thought preceded me and instructed me.

Mr. Cecil, too, is pushed by my momentum to say it but follows it as it is, not knowing what they are saying.

- You're making me look amazing when I think about this calmly.

He stands naked in front of the bed and shows his back, causing his long, tinted hair to scratch up.

I twisted my neck and hips with an anxious look, and the look on my face looking at this one is impeccable.

No, I'm talking about any hobby.

Not if you're thinking of something stupid, "healing" magic to Mr. Cecil.


In response to the magic being cast, Mr. Cecil speaks up.

The situation just seems oddly colorful to the situation.

It's my "healing" magic that completely cured the Kingsguard knights who lost limbs and burned them to the eye during the day.

Its effect of regenerating as it should, even ancient wounds, would have an effect.

It should be.

It consumes more magic than you think in order to reproduce how it has grown correctly if it has not been scratched.

but definitely the wound disappears and the glossy back in my sight without one smudge that should have been.

"Okay, as expected. I think it's healed perfectly."

"Ho, is that true?

"Yeah, take a look in the mirror there. The wound is completely gone. It's beautiful."

Mr. Cecil moves into the eyes of a giant mirror by the bed, touching the "place where the wounds were" on his shoulders and hips that he can reach in horror, confused that his senses are probably not what he's used to.

Mirror your back like you decided to, make sure you don't have a scratch.

"No way... the wound is really gone..."

Tears flooded through his colored eyes, and Mr. Cecil turned back to me.

Yeah, yeah, good. Good.

Harnessing magic this way isn't bad, it's where you want it rather than.

"Thank you, Master Tsukasa! How can I reward you..."

Looking back in front of the mirror, Cecil, who just hugged me, and my eyes fit together.

At that moment, I remind Cecil that Cecil is an unbridled figure.

Nothing to recall, what's in my eyes right now is Mr. Cecil's naked at close range.

Moreover, by looking back, it is close to the front.

It is also burning in my eyes that I wobbled brilliantly when looking back.

"- Eh."

My face turns bright red again like a instant water boiler, this time Mr. Cecil also indulges in a scream, concealing his chest with both hands and crouching.

If you look at it, it's bright red to the ear.

I think he came crawling at night to put it down, and now he doesn't have that attitude either.

Since I am like a boiler, I don't hold it tight at all.

But I think she's cuter now than Cecil, who's approaching with a face like she decided to.

"- Pup."

I thought so, and it erupted unexpectedly.

"Tsukasa-sama, it's terrible"

It's certainly terrible to laugh in front of a beautiful woman naked and turning bright red.

"I'm sorry. But the gap is too big."

"Well, I admit that..."

When we say that, we laugh at each other, face to face.

I also feel like I've done a waste of time, but well this would be it.

It's good to blow up a demon (monster) in one blow, but it's good to save a Kingsguard knight during the day or be healed for a beautiful girl's wounds like this.

Shall I say it's a magic trick?

I got magical, yesterday, though.

Cecil, who weaves my black coat (cape), moved by the magic of levitation, comes to my side.

I'm naked downstairs, so I can't calm down until you get dressed.

He gives me a subtle distraction, lips in my ear with a first look.

"- So Master Tsukasa. Don't you have to go on?

He whispered to tickle his ears with a soothing glossy voice.

Give me a break.

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